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 May 2015 noah w
Ashley D Escobar
Lying on the arch of grass with our heads upside down
without a care in the world, even though students
surrounded us on the wide campus after class.

My ocean blue messenger bag with mustard lined
straps and your grey backpack rested underneath
us as we watched the trees spin overhead.

Our other friends did not care to join for they were
afraid to embark into the unknown, but we knew
there was more to life than hiding out on the sidelines.

There was more to life than just simply being there, and
we had to create in order to destroy, which is why we
wrote and drew messages to another void of our dearest
feelings and thoughts of elevated happiness and desolate sorrow.
 May 2015 noah w
Theodore Bird
I have a question: how can i not doubt? how can I expect truth after a year of silence? there was a year of silence followed by loud bursts of colour that have rendered me blind to any such truth. silence; silence breeds an illness that can only burrow far - silently - until it can dig no deeper, and where it settles is the nest of doubt you have been hiding for so long. when the eggs hatch and the baby spiders of horrible truth and revelation come skittering around those cerebral planes, you can do nothing. it is known you are in love. silence; silence breeds a want, a deep slow burn of some diseased flame on a wick that can only wither into heavy dust, and this dust too will settle and it will melt into your mind and while you doubt, you know there is a reason you doubt. you know that you doubt because you are afraid. you are afraid of the truth that the flame ignites and you are afraid of the truth that will paint the walls of your skull when the baby spiders of realisation explode from the heat of the moment. you are afraid that after this silence you are right and that you are in love and you are afraid that after this silence you are right and that he is not
and then the baby spiders do what baby spiders do best. they crawl out and they feed on your heart and you can't do a thing until it's all gone
and when it's all gone he is gone with it and you are nothing but a spider's nest of cocooned doubt and hatred, the antithesis of life
 May 2015 noah w
Ashley D Escobar
Faint laughter haunted me as the soldiers were all replaced with traces of turpentine reeking from their veins. I stopped to look, but what was there to see? Everything was long gone, and I let it happen on my own.
The bird does not need a bigger cage, for sometimes it’s best to have never been born at all.
 May 2015 noah w
Theodore Bird
stupid living boys
     and their hummingbird hearts.
stupid dead boys
     and their lingering stares.
supermarket polaroids,
     cold apartment poetry,
faded glassy eyes,
     ***** fingernails.
 May 2015 noah w
Theodore Bird
Silence cannot be found in shadow;
     silence inhabits the green rooms of the heart.
Silence cannot be drawn from misery;
     silence lives on only when life is full.
Silence thrives when we are loud;
     silence can be found, only in certainty.
I'm sick of playing Chinese whispers
 Mar 2015 noah w
Theodore Bird
And so, with him, the marble body of Apollo would not be so easily outdone.
Look how Hephaestus' muscle-clad arms would not surrender,
    nor would his.
Look how Dionysus would weep at the acid in his vineyard veins,
    eyelids struck with Zeus's violet lightning,
And so the blood in which Ares bathes drips down the fault lines in his chalky palms,
    lips pinker than the silk of a woman, smoother than Eros's thighs, feet bruised like Heracles's would have been.
Our modern day Paris, gorgeosity incarnate,
    even in that livid instant of death.
There's Something Beautifully Suicidal About Silvain
 Mar 2015 noah w
John Keats
Bright star, would I were steadfast as thou art—
    Not in lone splendour hung aloft the night
And watching, with eternal lids apart,
    Like nature's patient, sleepless Eremite,
The moving waters at their priestlike task
    Of pure ablution round earth's human shores,
Or gazing on the new soft-fallen mask
    Of snow upon the mountains and the moors—
No—yet still steadfast, still unchangeable,
    Pillow'd upon my fair love's ripening breast,
To feel for ever its soft fall and swell,
    Awake for ever in a sweet unrest,
Still, still to hear her tender-taken breath,
And so live ever—or else swoon to death.
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