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  Jun 2014 Grace
VG E Bacungan
In every action,

In every word,

In every thought,

In everything,
God in me.
My mantra.
  Jun 2014 Grace
mirror flat shining
so asleep
what sea are you dreaming
winter storm thrashing
or monsters of your deep
or carrying ships to shore
or men drowning
buried at sea
Welcoming swimmers
and are you dreaming
of the time creatures
first crawled out your waves
and found the shores
that keep you where you are
Grace Jun 2014
I shall quiet the cries
living in the back of my mind
and halt their attempts to skew and redefine
what it means to feel joy..

Joy? What's all this talk about joy?
What is this polarized dialogue
between what I feel and what I think
and what I think I feel?
                                      I am life, is that enough?
                                      I am cold, should I be worried?
                                      I am sorry I am sorry I am sorry for what I've put you through. I am sorry for my foolish dwellings where I chose to reside.
Could have burned them down
Could have drowned it out
Instead I chose to ache for you and wait for you
to make me change.
Grace Jun 2014
Before that night, I had never been certain I was going to die.
Obviously, there will be a day when my time on this Earth- in this life- is up
But I thought it was going to be that day in that moment on that drug with those people in that house.
Rocking my torso up and down,
staring at the wooden floor
wishing it would solidify again.
Hoping those .3 grams would just,
for god's sake
for my sake
evacuate my body before I exploded into smithereens.
In ten seconds the surrounding scenery had completely unraveled.
And it formed light worms, multicolored beams,
weaving pastels, waves of insanity
utter insanity before my eyes. No.
In my eyes.
I thought:
can I handle this much at once?
will I die?
will I die here?
Such thoughts were cut short
as my mind and body
at once
accepted the drug.
I let it in.
All throughout my skin, pores, limbs.
I breathed in as deeply as I could
and told myself
He's screaming in the bathroom OHMYGODOHMYGOD
With the music swinging me back and forth
hard against the wood, I am one with it.
He's remarking
I've never felt this way I've never experienced this high this this this this
This is ecstasy.
And it was.
Marvelous synthetic ecstasy which I craved.
All cravings fed
and released and fed again.
emptied of what little serotonin I had left.
Still I questioned the same waking thoughts
A wary weakling. with an eating disorder and a bad case of self destruction.
They spoke in a verbose and beautiful language
they threw their words and souls at each other.
I hovered and rolled and hoped there wouldn't be days like this to remember.
I generally don't write about drugs in such an overt fashion but this trip changed me.
Grace May 2014
I can't move forward
Considering where I've been
Gravity suspends
Grace Feb 2014
Full of senselessness.
he seeps

Arts and crafts for the soul.
forming thoughts out of visuals and sounds.

a basketful
of images to save in my memory bank ...

Occasionally documenting the silence.

itching and aching
raw and anxious
red and sticky.

a candle is meant to melt
Grace Jan 2014
I'm Adam's atom
Taking up once empty space
In significance
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