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 Feb 2020 sophie
 Feb 2020 sophie
You are the star
of each and every
one of my nightmares,
in most of them

You hand me a sugar cube
With the brightest smile
So welcoming
so warm

I greedily accepted
Placing it on the tip
Of my tongue

Until reality sets in
I did not get delivered sugar,
But rather


This is what abuse is:
Hoping you will get sugar
Every time

But always ending with salt
For seventeen year.
I'm okay.
 Feb 2020 sophie
Grayce Hobart
i act like deleting texts
means deleting feelings

but i think i'm just avoiding them.
 Feb 2020 sophie
holy books
 Feb 2020 sophie
through the minds;
indescribable joy
on a rough draft
 Feb 2020 sophie
Dear Reader,
if you're reading this
it means
I'm dead
as a paper


to be etched
with the poem
I tried to write
so many times
when I was me-
 Feb 2020 sophie
She's a midnight coffee
And although I'll never get to sleep with her
She'll help me with my poetry.
This reminds me of a song, or the uttered
Idea that manifested in fantasies of a non-singer.
The story of a man who finds a trolley
Down in the river.
He decides to pull it from the debris.
For what a strange story it'd be.
So he could have that metaphor
For a speech or some eulogy.
About the trolley that was pulled up
Out of the river.
Because, he'd like to think
Someone would pull him,
Despite that he stinks and sinks and thinks
Too much on stupid stories.
I think I missed the train of thought there,
But here she comes again, so fanatically fair.
"Twelve o'clock.
Along the reaches of the street
Held in a lunar synthesis,
Whispering lunar incantations
Dissolve the floors of memory
And all its clear relations,
Its divisions and precisions,
Every street lamp that I pass
Beats like a fatalistic drum,
And through the spaces of the dark
Midnight shakes the memory
As a madman shakes a dead geranium."
-T.S. Eliot
 Feb 2020 sophie
I saw three black towers' silhouettes
Against a white light
Deep into the night.
We knew these were the bones of brick giants
From ages passed.
Before the steel spiders killed them all.
Before the steal spiders dragged their hulking bodies
To flattened the roads
And weft shattered glass, silver webs
Over and in every hole of flesh
In the old brick giants' remnants.
I lay a paw down and listened for a whistle
And knowing it wasn't to come, listened
To hear a stray cat's story teller tell the end.
Yet, great sprays of illumination
Splashed up on our secret meeting
And scattered us to the night.
 Feb 2020 sophie
We snuck up like clouds,
Away from the music
And the constructions site sounds
That rumbled up the hill.
We used our jackets on the wet dew
To keep us warm, to make our soft picnic
And then with just me, the moon and you,
Stole a brief kiss.
 Feb 2020 sophie
 Feb 2020 sophie
my heart bursts with the weight of all of the stories i’ve never told.
-  unwritten
 Feb 2020 sophie
dimensions of all mentalities seems to be on hold
the blindness that has succumbed the nation is epidemic
will a cure exist while we still have time to breathe
will the orange fog triumph in the end
will the dimensions ever see normal perceptions again

Brian Hill - 2020 # 42
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