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I wish I were
your favourite scar

The one that you
enjoy telling stories about
as you run your fingers across

Like a prized possession
you got by accident

Stop trying to remember his scent, he smelled like summer and reminds you of the time he made you laugh so hard, you snorted out milk on that dead, hazy day.

2. Don't waste your day trying to decipher what colour his eyes were, it'll only remind you of the galaxies and constellations that you once saw in his eyes

3. Stop trying to retrace the shape of his mouth in the middle of the night, you'll choke on your tongue trying to taste the mint he devoured seconds before pulling you in for a kiss

4. Stop reliving the times you clasped hands together, the glass plate will fall off your trembling hands.

5. Burn this list, admit that the galaxies and constellations shining in his eyes were wilted, the one in yours are bursting with fire. Remember on the dead, hazy day his laugh sounded like nails running down a chalkboard. Remember when you kissed, the weeds growing from his mouth entangled the roses blooming in yours.

Realize that one day, another boy is going to come and plant daisies where he left behind thorns.
 Apr 2014 Ghania Sohail
What is that one thing that is killing us all?
What is that one thing we can never face?
What is that one thing we let people use against us?
(our insecurities)

Here is a message from me to you:

Let go of your insecurities,
I know it might be hard but you gotta take one step at a time.
You are a beautiful and strong human being,
don't let anyone bring you down.
Don't you ever have doubt in yourselves.
There is at least one person who sees past your flaws,
and loves you for who you are.

Be strong and don't let anyone bring you down. :)
Never cut, please
Mind won't be at ease

Say that you will
And everything shall heal

Sight of you
Makes me anew

I really don't mind
If you ain't that kind

At least you see me
Just unclearly
 Apr 2014 Ghania Sohail
I want to write you a poem
but maybe it wouldn't be good enough
I would write a song, but it'd come out wrong
and that *****.

I wasn't sad, I was happy you gave me a chance. I wasn't upset because you just gave me my favorite dance.

I'd like to write your favorite poem. The one you read every night that helps keep from feeling broken. I want to be your favorite thief, that was amazing at steeling your eyes and attention. Because as I sit alone in my detentions all I can think about is a kiss on the cheek and how innocent are my intentions. Sorry, there I go, I was writing this and got the stutter. I guess even pretending gives me the shudders. It's so embarrassing the way I mutter under my breath that I'd love to be your favorite color. I'll be the red in the roses you love and you'll choose bright baby blue, but that's okay because we both knew I never had a chance with a beautiful girl like you. It was like jumping and expecting to never hit ground, and while it lasted you were so nice to be around. I just wanted to hug you and love you and bow down as I handed a beauty queen her rightful crown. Now, notice I said "love you", but I don't mean as a love her. Because I'm not in love, I don't know what love is. And you won't let me in enough for me to be a lover, but if you give me a pen and paper I'll give you one last favor. A kiss to your lips, because I'd **** to be your favorite flavor.
Welp, I couldn't help it. This was on my mind and I found this, and yeah. Oops.
 Apr 2014 Ghania Sohail
let me take photos of him. he doesn't have to like it.
- have beautiful taste in music
- speak English as a second language
- love the sky
- love the ocean
- love the woods
- bike for hours with me
- cook with and for me
- be great with kids
- love traveling and adventure
- have carefully-thought-out philosophies on life, love, and everything in between
- make me laugh for days
- balance my intensity out with being chill
- call me beautiful in the morning
- read in cafes and on trains
- not care about material things so much as experiences
- know when to give me space
- write me letters
- go on picnics with me
- eat copious amounts of cheese with me
- love The Beatles
- love the feeling of high places and l'appel du vide
- become friends with my friends, but have his own
- drink tea or coffee
- sing in the shower
 Apr 2014 Ghania Sohail
you were made for me
but I was not made for you
 Apr 2014 Ghania Sohail
if you're ever in Little Tokyo
and a man with a ponytail
asks you where he can wash his hands
do not answer
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