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Mar 2018 · 225
Screw You
Gesia Nava Mar 2018
Your name

It does nothing
But leave a bad taste in my mouth
Mar 2018 · 441
Gesia Nava Mar 2018
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you

                                                          ­                                                          But
   ­                                                                 ­                                           I don't.
This one goes out to the man that I fell in love with.
The one that uncaringly left me tossed aside and broken.
Feb 2015 · 540
She Was...
Gesia Nava Feb 2015
She was the brave one.
She was the strong one.

She was never the one to break down.
She was never the one to have a problem.

She never had the choice.

She grew up in a world,
Where that wasn't acceptable.

A world where nobody would lister to her.
Where nobody cared what she truly thought.

She kept her mouth shut.
She kept her thoughts to herself.

She was pretty.
She was popular.
She was outgoing.
She was everything society wanted her to be.

And being herself just wasn't what they were looking for.
Feb 2015 · 3.8k
Are You Ok?
Gesia Nava Feb 2015
Can I ask you a question?
Are you sure that you’re ok?

Are you sure you’re not fighting a battle,
that goes on day by day?

Your answer always seems to be the same,
“I’m telling you, I’m fine”

Always followed by the same sentence,
“Can you not see that my life is full of sunshine?”

I try to believe you,
I swear I do

But deep down under,
I can’t help but question if it’s really true.

I see you in the the hallways,
always laughing with your friends

Do they even seem to realize,
That you are one step closer to causing your own end?

I can’t help but worry,
I can’t help but think

If all the **** that you deal with,
Makes you feel like life stinks.

Everyone calls you a hero,
Everyone calls you their idol

Do they ever stop and think,
That you might be suicidal?

No. Of course they don’t,
Because you always put on a show

You tell yourself that you’ll do what it takes,
to ensure that they’ll never know.

You know that you can’t hide forever,
But that doesn’t stop you from trying.

You never had the choice to not be the strong one,
But that doesn’t keep you from crying.

It’s okay my child,
All will be good.

You say that you don’t believe me,
But I knew you never would.

You walk around,
Always showing your happy face

You try so hard not to show your flaws,
The ones you desperately try to erase

For years now,
It’s always been the same

Trying to keep your chin up,
Not trying to show the shame

I tell you that it’s okay to let go,
You tell yourself it’s not

You say that this is what you deserve,
That this on yourself you’ve brought

I tell you once, I tell you twice,
That this is not the way it is

You look the other way and whisper under your breath,
“This is my problem. Not yours nor his.”

I tried to be there for you,
Giving you a shoulder on which to cry

But you always turned the other way,
Always asking why, why, why?

The simplest of questions,
That you are still to answer honest

Has the power to make you feel uneasy,
It makes you feel the smallest

I will try not once, not twice,
But as many times as it takes

To get you to reveal yourself,
To get you to ease on the brakes

So once again,
I’ll try to say

Are you sure you’re alright?
Are you sure you’re okay?

— The End —