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Oct 2014 · 1.7k
Genevieve Rae Oct 2014
There is a bird who dreams of flying.
Only dreams though.
Dreams and dreams, yet never tries.
Never leaps away from the ground.

She could soar and soar,
Far up into that open space.
Never does,
She does not see the point.

There is a bird who dreamt of flying.
Only dreamt though.
Dreamed and dreamed, yet never tried.
Never leapt away from the ground.

She could have soared and soared,
Far up into that open space.
Never did,
She now sees the point.
Sep 2014 · 614
Genevieve Rae Sep 2014
Wind and ice will bite my cheeks,
yet the sun will kiss yours.
Your heart could drop
and mine could be high, flying in the clouds.

When you feel so light you could defy the force which keeps us grounded,
I could be so weighed down falling through the earth.

My sky may be blue,
and your’s black, covered in the lights far out of reach.

Through my lens the colour is blue, silver and green.
Through yours it may be red, white or yellow.
The world may be over exposed,
Or you may need to lower your shutter speed.

The image we take may be the same,
however our lenses are different.
Sep 2014 · 958
Genevieve Rae Sep 2014
These wheels they turn and turn.
Never seeming to stop.
One spoke after another holding these wheels together.
These wheels that turn and turn.
Although they may move slowly,
Occasionally very fast,
They turn and turn, these wheels do.
Never seeming to stop.
These wheels have no time to stop,
to inflate a flat tire.
To let the chains moving them rest,
And just watch the sunrise.

Life goes on and on.
Never seeming to stop.
One event after another painting the picture of life.
This life that goes on and on,
Sometimes may be slow,
Other times will fly away.
It goes on and on, life does.
Never seeming to stop.
Some souls feel no time to stop,
to think, appreciate,
to rest,
And just watch the sunrise.
Sep 2014 · 3.5k
Genevieve Rae Sep 2014
It can be the nicest thing,
Not breathing

Just laying there in the silence,
Not breathing

The silence that your ears try to fill with ringing the ringing that you break when you take,
A breath

It can be so peaceful,
Not breathing

Just feeling that thumping, against, your ribcage when you’re not,

It can be so relaxing,
Not breathing

It’s a chance for your muscles to sleep while you lay there in silence not,

The way your mind has no need to focus on anything but the fact that you’re not,

Your brain just focuses on this silence this ringing the peace everything is peaceful only feeling your heart against your chest so relaxing laying there with the ringing of silence and your brain won’t let the world outside your own being in but when your throat starts pleading with that pain pleading for this air that we rely on to be, this action that is so simple and breaks this peaceful moment and we do it we take,
That breath.

— The End —