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 Jun 2016 Gautam Raj
we all know what goes on inside
a broken heart
like that parched lonely plant
craving for a drop of rain
do not go by the picture they present
to the eyes that see
a form that exists and will survive,
is crying out for help inside
try to listen or it will die
don't leave, don't leave oh passerby
feel, touch and heal
a broken heart
troubled families behind closed doors
before they **** themselves
and you'll wonder
what worries gnawed at the people that seemed fine
don't leave, don't leave oh passerby
pause and look for a while
the universe is your family
help and heal
these gaping wounds..
and hence you shall heal yourself.
 Jun 2015 Gautam Raj
what's all this commotion
why so high on emotion
take the leap of faith into the unknown
drop  every held notion
step out of this false identity
these passing clouds are not here to stay anyway
it's all skin and bones
take a leap of faith into the unknown
why so high on emotions
entangled hopelessly in these false relations
witnessed enough so why let if fool you down again
it's all an endless circle of sunshine after rain
time to give a second thought in retrospection
to make second impressions
about these emotions
we're not here in vain but for a realization
divine intervention
so why all this commotion
take a leap of faith into the unknown
into the kingdom of stillness within
to witness the silent sound's reverberation
it's here the treasures are to be found
not outside in any relations
drop all your notions
follow the soul's guidance
to the eternal radiance
the mind wil trick you down
don't hold back take a leap of faith
you'll land safe 'n sound ~
 Jun 2015 Gautam Raj
every starry night i will be embraced in your arms around
your heartbeat my sweet dream sound
your warmth my fireplace
and your smile be my respite breeze
in summer days
your hands in mine intertwined
in distress and  in ease
staying around or walking apart
the love shall remain untainted
like a pearl inside the oyster shell's heart
forever protected by the waves
it stays it stays
it will forever be that way
even when you're gone far southern trails
and i'm still at northern terrains
separated by cliffs and mountains
still be linked by roads and rails
and airplanes
i'll send you sweet dreams by the fireflies
and little pink hearts from the cyber space lanes
know that i always wish you well
and the love forever stays inside
 Mar 2015 Gautam Raj
i barely know you
i know more about nap experiences than i know about you
i know you have a brain
i know eyelids carry all the gravity in the world sometimes
i know everyone has body parts that have been in places they should not have been
i know everyone has forgotten about time for a while
i know you the way i know about time
i know it lingers in the back of your mind while it waits for you to think of it
i know about ironic sunshine
how it stings those days you can barely open your eyes
i know this isn't the right way to live but
i know that it isn't wrong either
i know it's uncomfortable to remember things you aren't sure whether the other person remembers
i know there were moments you felt closeness without having verbal confirmation of it even though the avoidance of your eyes deeply
mystifies me
 Mar 2015 Gautam Raj
Amy Perry
I'm one of the ones you call insane,
Because I can't play along with this rigged game.
The odds are stacked, and not in our favor,
But instead for the Bankers with money, they create more.
I look and I see the strife all around,
And know the potential for human life has no bounds.
And when I make a sound,
It's like the words are all drowned,
Or at least lost at sea.
Message in a Bottle from Humanity.
A Human who knows the scale of her insignificance -
While knowing the magnitude of what is at risk -
The disposal of this awesome gift.

I'm one of the ones you call insane,
Because I can't play along with this rigged game.
I know my role, and I know how the story goes.
I should vote in vain and be told my Heroes.
But no, I dance to my own rhythm,
I tell myself it's internally driven,
To improve myself, and the world around,
The world at large, and earthworms in the ground.
So I rejected my spoon-fed medicine,
Of this culture, man-made incentives,
Long before you inject me with antipsychotics.
Internally, Mentally, I chant the mantra of "Stop This."

It can drive a person insane,
Pretending to play this rigged game.
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