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I walk by you on open paths
Drive by and see you smiling
It brings back the times we had
But its foggy
Only a deja vu moment
We never held hands
Never kissed
Never loved each other
The way we thought we did
Its all so confusing
I dont know whether to be happy or sad
Knowing your happy finally
In his arms
Or sad because we could never be
It all feels so real
The pain in my chest
The haze in my mind
I'm fully convinced
We were something
Only in the stories somebody else wrote
Old *** poem. Just found it in a binder from middle school
i know you’re stressed
don’t worry about painting your nails messy
tomorrow the purple color that dried on your skin will come off.
it’ll come off a lot easier than off of your nail
don’t worry about being messy

you apologize so much
why do you apologize so much
it’s okay,
you dont need to cry now,
but you can if you really want to

your nails are drying
the color won’t get onto your keyboard,
stop fretting
it will be okay

you’re worried about other things
(i just typed sorry instead of worried, deleted it)
you write well
8 pages total due by monday, 9 am and 2 pm
you can do this
it’s easy to let things slide enough until they build up
i know
you’re a good writer
you’ll finish those 8 pages, *******, but you will

you’re worried about other things
social media, painting your nails

what’s bothering you the most?
what’s making your chest hurt?
what do you wish for?

who are you wishing for?
thinking about this and making yourself ask you about these things is making you type faster
i know
it hurts
i know it hurts

i know
not sure if this is technically a poem. more like me writing freely, as the ideas and questions come to my mind.
It's like broken ribs
It's excruciating, breath taking
But no one but you knows it
Not another soul can feel it

It cripples you, drains you
It takes all it can from you
And just when you think it's moved on
It stabs you yet again

As if to tell you
It's best to just give in
It likes to make you cry, weep
Your joy, it likes to take and keep

You'll want to give up
For that is its goal
It'll take your will to live
And crush it without a second glance

It's the product of too much evil
Sometimes too much love
It comes along when you want it least
For many of us, the pain may never cease
Have you ever stood on the edge of a cliff
And considered jumping?

Not because you are suicidal, but simply because you wonder
Maybe humans really can fly, but the ones who jumped and found out

Flew away because they realized how much better it was to live flying than to live dying
It pushes down on your chest line a thousand pound weight,
unable to get out from under it.
Tears form in your eyes and your heart pounds in your
chest and you can’t breathe and you feel
trapped in your own mind
desperate for an escape
clawing your way to the surface without prevail.
Stuck within the labyrinth,
every turn you take thrusting you deeper into a puzzle that you cannot solve.
Your worst fears come out to attack you at your weakest,
When you can’t defend yourself against their evil.
There’s no help for you.
All you can do is tread water and hope not to drown.
Written during an anxiety attack.
i see you in colors that dont exist
purple blue gold
green orange yellow
dont do you justice
you could replace the northern lights
and be a hundred times as beautiful
the trees envy your freedom
youre an artists favorite medium
I see you in colors that dont exist
so many parts molded together to form you
I see you in colors that dont exist
and im jealous of the suns ability to touch your face everyday
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