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 Apr 2014 Megan Rose
Sunny Paige
I've been thinking about that tender phenomenon
The one that makes me consistently want to kiss your jaw
and the place between your nose and your cheek
when I see you staring into space
with your eyes soft and your face hard

I've been thinking about the phenomena of us,
All your things and my things, somehow unified
How full we both are, and on the cusp of something fuller
I love looking into your eyes only to see stars that light up
and glisten like an aurora over the northern hemisphere.

I see galaxies form at the palms of your hands that slowly cluster into a fist of love and anger,

red fumes intermixed with purple erode from your fingertips
and onto my orbit.

How beautiful it is to look into a constellation that is inches away from my face and to want to kiss it.

A universe at my sight and only
a touch away,
a look away,
a kiss away.

And I get so lost as I stare into her soul,
but she sits silently as words are carried in meteor showers.

Shooting stars light up in-between our bodies
and the tension is seen.
Fires burn inside our hearts and people gaze at us like we are cosmic,
and we might as well be.

They don’t know what it’s like to look into something beautiful and want to gaze at her for an eternity that we do not have.

And that’s the beauty about humanity,
being mortal.

Because I will never ever have someone come into my life and burn a spectacle of colours that I’ve never seen before.

This is a once and a lifetime thing.

And I’m so so happy.


— The End —