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 Nov 2017 Fernando Castro
A friend.
by definition:
one whom has a bond of mutual affection.
By personal finding:
one whom is trusted in all confiding.

What if...
the trust is shattered and broken,
or the affection is no longer mutual?
the friendship is no longer perpetual.

Did I do something wrong?
Will you forgive me?
Did I make you feel strong?

I am a terrible friend...
I am annoying,
I am loud,
I am frustrating,
I am rude,
I am inconsiderate,
I am a bad friend.

But that doesn't mean that I am lying when I say "I am here for you."

I am not angry at you for saying that I don't care about you,
I am not angry that you told me to get out of your life,
I am not angry that you think I'm not there for you.
I am sad that you didn't share your strife.

Sorry is not the right word for what I want to say,
but I have never been good at english okay?
I am not a literary genius so in my dismay,
accept my sorry is all that I pray.
Dedicated to Georgia.

— The End —