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fasi Jul 2017
the heart
she is imprudent, irrational

to her keeper, a fickle friend
beguiled - forever -
by the executioner's charm

on the cold block
she lays her head

her own folly
the heart sees not
until "we" - she and i -
lay bloodied,
where hope is laid to rest

fasi Apr 2017
beautiful eyes
smiling faces
behind masks;
oceans, storms,
and ruins
fasi Apr 2017
we the helpless,
in our greed
for company
we sold our souls

when darkness
set in
in  our desolation
we the invisible
we sold shadows

for survival,
at every turn,
on each road
we sold shame

unloved, and bent
in a merciless world
we sold hearts
fasi Dec 2016
i do not hate you
for in hating you
i will keep you
and love you
i cannot
for your love
is my ruin

i need to let go
to separate you
from me
for i need to live
fasi Dec 2016
this december, this rain
is full of fire
- fire and smoke.
it's raining
- ashes, ghosts,
of dreams and days
long gone
fasi Nov 2016
one day
whey you're gone
in that void
out of you
i will write
laments, and
my dreams;
they'll sing you
like requiems
he never looked back. i never called out his name. we both knew, we were not meant to be ... except in dreams and thoughts.
fasi Oct 2016
time heals no wounds
it's you sweetheart ...
you do the fixing
or remain bruised

yours is the choice
take the load off your back
or live bent ...
by its harrowing weight

time helps no one

unhinged, forced down
by circumstance
you pick your "broken"
and rearrange
your pieces

you do the fixing
time changes nothing
it's all you!
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