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 Oct 2014 farahD
Amitav Radiance
Strong emotions take over
Unable to express the heart
Words fall silent
Growing agony is paralyzing
Faint whispers and sighs
Are the only refuge
The blank paper absorbs
All the unexpressed feelings
Inner turmoil
In black and white
Etched forever in poetry
Can you hear the echo
 Oct 2014 farahD
Confessions #B
 Oct 2014 farahD
You could give me
A million reasons to hate you,
It wouldn't matter
Because you've given me
A million more to love you
 Oct 2014 farahD
SG Holter
I know they all talk about me,*
He mutters.
Whenever I'm home sick, they
Say that I'm never at work.
That I'm always late.
That I do a bad job.

I look down into my coffee.
We talk about him, all right.
As soon as he takes a sick day,
We know he'll be back the next.
Pale with lingering fever.
Wet with sweat.

We speak of how he's always
At work. Hardly ever comes in
Less than an hour
Before us others.
How he pours his whole self into
Any job he's given. Always.

He would never choose to
Believe me, so I change the subject.
Each man his own attitude.
Funny how the brain keeps
Blaming the heart for
Its feelings.
 Oct 2014 farahD
ally m
 Oct 2014 farahD
ally m
we both know
what’s going to happen,
yet we still hold onto each other
as if the world could end
right in the moment.
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