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 Oct 2014 farahD
Majd Al Deen
((This poem is written by Omega and me))

He glanced high and high
At the moon up in the sky
Where only real friends say Hi
Where children never needed to cry
Where dreams only needed a try
Where all hopes lie

With wings they could fly
With hopes they jump up high
With strength they apply
With beauty of a butterfly
With peace everywhere they occupy

Each time they get closer, things amplify
Tangled problems start to simplify
Justice is applied, so no need to justify
Hearts are pure, no need to clarify
All things are perfect,  no need to qualify

People there never live as mystery
And never die as history
They live with a flourishing industry
Where the life has no boundary
That's the world of legendary

Money there has no quantity
People there have one identity
Their flag is humanity
Their emblem is " No to poverty "
Their perception is full of sanity
Their lives are full of charity
Their purpose is creativity
Their hearts are full of sensitivity
They've never beleived in impossibility

With their dreams magnify
They got high and high
But when it is time to say "goodbye"
They continued to fly and fly
Please note that this poem was written by two .. Omega and me... please check him out and his other awsome poems
 Oct 2014 farahD
My Demons
 Oct 2014 farahD
My demons, they are loud
but start out soft in my mind
More and more they grow,
their voices become my crimes
"You want it", they whisper,
"You need it", they scream
But I am just their user, their host in my dream
I sit back and laugh at them,
"You think you have a hold on me?
Old habits die hard, but the effort is worth being free!"

"Silly girl,", they snap, like wolves that show their teeth,
"you treat us like we're an enemy, but only you hold the key."
And so I embrace them, like old friends that sit around a fire,
"I'm listening," I tell them, "what is it you desire?"
"We only wish to be heard, not feared, although it seems,
as if we are evil..but evil exists in everything.
You have temptations, aye, that is our fault.
You lack concentration, you'll be taught
"You see, silly girl," They tell me, "ugly we may be-..but the only way to face us, is to embrace our chaotic company."
 Oct 2014 farahD
 Oct 2014 farahD
I miss the simplicity of reading notes
that would melt me into someone new
I miss our afternoon walks
I miss being next to you
In my mind we are cuddling,
I steal a kiss from your cheek
I run my fingers through your hair,
We nudge at each others' feet
In my mind we are kissing under purple candlelight,
In my mind,we are sighing from content and delight
In my mind there are scenarios,
much different than what there is now
I'm already next to you, you see,
but it's too late to show you how.
 Oct 2014 farahD
I tasted her mind,
after drinking her juices.
Delicious poisons.
 Oct 2014 farahD
 Oct 2014 farahD
they can take you
to unthinkable

never cease to be
so creative
and realistic

hence why
instead of letting
the world know
of my suffering,

i just imagine myself
cutting deep
my flesh

and i would still feel
the exact same pain
when i do
slice my own wrist
 Oct 2014 farahD
Kopter Zero
Rage, and Fight, and
Bare your feelings, and
 Oct 2014 farahD
Kaila George
I sit at your graveside
with tears in my eyes
my heavy heart will be broken
knowing you will not be here
This is for all who have gone before me
I miss you all.....KG
 Oct 2014 farahD
I don't know how
we're going to spend
an entire weekend together
when the past two nights,
you've made me feel like ****.

You should be able to tell me
I don't want to
without hesitation
like I do for me and you.

I don't know how
we're going to spend a weekend
when you keep making
me feel like ****.
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