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Nov 2020 · 586
dumb bitch chronicles
Farah Hizoune Nov 2020
In your eyes I saw the power to sow my own destruction
So I looked away trying not to memorize the exact placements of your tattoos
Or all the freckles that you’re made of
But I wasn’t quick enough and now your entire body is etched permanently into my mind
In that space that doesn’t allow love
To be held
And as I remind myself that great *** does not equal great love,
But that great love always equals great pain,
I know that great wars were started under the guise that it does
i did it again like the dumb ***** we all are
Jan 2018 · 1.4k
Child's Play
Farah Hizoune Jan 2018
Do you remember
When we were young
And hopeless
And we thought
We were invincible?
Until the rotten world
Gnawed on us
Like infinity waves
Crashing over and over
On summer sun-blanched bones
And whittled us down
To nothing but forgotten sand
i guess this is growing up
May 2016 · 798
may 29, 2016
Farah Hizoune May 2016
My slumber is restless and tortured by endless rivers of flowing words that pour from my mind and run down my cheeks. I have visions shattered with red eyes - succubus' dreams and deep despairs of forgotten lovers. I have all the normal layers of womanhood but my widened, blank eyes stare on into darkness. My mind is plagued by dreams of ghoulish figures and dansing devils. I feel enigmatic and cursed, like a banshee roaring through the mind of a mad man. I have only sexuality and insanity to feed my starving soul. There is a stellar gift bestowed upon me as I glance up to the heavens, as I am deep in the throws of my insomnia. I find comfort in this cosmic god that I swear only I can see. Everything around it becomes black at the sight of this glorious red gleam in the sky. Perfectly aligned and positioned in my window, a glimpse of my true home. The Rocky planet stares indifferently at me but with a faint vengeance in it's glare. The god of war scolds me for being weak and brings me visions of blood soaked angels come for my soul. I am unsure if this brutality will bring contentedness but at least it has rested the other bitter thoughts battling for a piece of my mind.
Apr 2016 · 727
Farah Hizoune Apr 2016
Life is so funny, like a book, where you've read the last page, first. We all truly know the ending to our stories, as the only surety, death.
Dec 2015 · 1.3k
The Ides of October
Farah Hizoune Dec 2015
I'd rather be the moon
For she can be gazed upon
without the blinding pain of the suns' corona
She is noxious in the darkness
cold and grievous
Hanging there heavily,
lush and languorous
Like the womb of the world,
she guides the ebb and flow of life
Selenic and motherly,
She is fertile and ever changing
Her surface is cratered with millennia of wear,
but she still glows beautifully, unaffected,
like a goddess of the night
I'd rather be the moon
Jul 2014 · 798
my first night in Paris
Farah Hizoune Jul 2014
he's still breathing and drooling all over me
the book i borrowed lies back at me with your eyes
and i can't even read it through for fear of reading my own demise
the songs we've sung all just say your name now
i'm in a white room and it's full of you to the brim
i hate it
i'm in paris and we have never been and yet you haunt me and yet you're here
i am insane and i am alone and still you are behind me whispering
things you've said over and over
things ive only imagined but i know you've thought
in mauregard by night you float across the ceiling
the emptiness of obsession is all im feeling
Farah Hizoune May 2014
You're like ripples of heat cutting through the atmosphere
My desperate depression inducing guilty pleasure
The words make it sound so heavy but it really is as effortless as breath
In and out
You're the feeling of bad tires on a slippery road
The exhalation of a close encounter
A statuesque vision of false hope and love and a queasy stomach
I want to devour your mouth with my mouth
You make my eyes hazy with lustful thoughts
It's an addiction to temptation
You're perfection at 4AM forever on my mind
We are just two beautiful terrible creatures
Aching for freedom and each other and that's all that will ever matter
May 2014 · 695
a tiny poem
Farah Hizoune May 2014
Her heart is violent and true
Her teeth are always showing
A grimace or a smile
Three cheers to never knowing
Her soul is violet and blue
Her dependency is growing
Another word is penned from bile
The palest moon is glowing
Her body is strung out over you
Her blood is overflowing
short words that rhyme or something similar
May 2014 · 737
what i am
Farah Hizoune May 2014
I am worth more than the power of a thousand gleaming suns that it takes to get your attention
I am worth loving wholly and deeply, poetically and passionately
I am worth giving the beautiful things in life, gold and intricacies
I am worth more than average **** and quick slamming into
I am deserving of rose petals and soft red lighting, slow motion tracing of my frame and delicate looks of consuming affection
I am deserving of all the words and sonnets and letters and limericks,
Of cherry trees planted in my honor and stars bearing my namesake
I am not the crumbling Berlin Wall or the heartbreak of war
I am not loneliness embodied or vagrants on the ***
I am royalty and compassion and organic kindness
I am the sweet and salty breeze blowing from the east and the golden blood of a sunset in the west
I am a galaxy and you are just a star
I am everything that you don't ******* deserve
Apr 2014 · 921
a poem
Farah Hizoune Apr 2014
I've been a bad girl
And I've kept pieces of you
Parts that I've taken
And bits that you've given
I hide under my pillow your eyes, well, what's left
The strings of your coarse hairs in a weft
Your palms are at the bottom of my shower drain
The teeth in a box I can barely contain
There are flecks of your heart still stuck in my hair
And no matter how I much I brush they stay there
I keep your initials
At the back of my mind
And your chest leaves a permanent pressure against mine
Your words made of gold I can hardly define
These are the pieces I hope you don't mind
You haven't noticed them yet you haven't bothered the find
The chunks of your soul
that I kept for the hole
You made when you
Left me behind
Apr 2014 · 778
my final peace
Farah Hizoune Apr 2014
you asked me long ago why every time we ******
it was 'so passionate'
today it hit me,
as i was reading tropic of cancer for the fourth time
it's because i am passion,
i am passion embodied
your other women,
they may give you something else individually,
but they are not the look in my golden eyes
as we both stand on our knees
and devour each other hungrily
they may be beauty or intelligence or a simply good ****,
but they are not passion
i realized that it is not the **** that you crave,
but the characteristics that you lack, you take from us
you need my passion to stay sane and whole
i gave it freely because it is all of me
i have an endless, abundance of passion
a depthless well of fieriness
you pay me in faux love and deep friendship for the dedicated doses
of passion that i put into your soul
your words stick to me because they are my words
i gave them to you with each passionate ****
and you spit them back in just the way i loved
the more i ponder our coup the more i realize
the ******* was for me to unload the heavy burden passion brings
you needed it to fill you and i have a surplus
as each day ends i find more clarity
you are a hollow vessel and your women give you your character
they are all loved and unloved by you
they all give you what you need to feel human
but i must start rationing my passion
i need it for my writings
i need it for my living
i need it for my sanity
perhaps to hone it so that at a simple touch i can ignite sparks
in every beggar, aristocrat, country-man
rather than to fill up your empty chest where love is not welcome
this is not about you. that is sarcasm.
Feb 2014 · 759
Love you -
Farah Hizoune Feb 2014
A galaxy of beauty mind spirit body tongues lips teeth
The way our teeth clink together due to our ever eager mouths
The way I meld into the rhythm of your body's every move
I'd take your heart if I could and encase the perfect beast in a million glass shards I glued together myself
Seems selfish I know but I was only hoping that you'd stay long enough to hand it over freely
The blood from my mangled fingertips leaves stains across your body as I delicately trace your flesh
What a fragile place to be
Brittle and bitter
I want to crawl into your lungs and hide away from everyone we've ever known
Yes, you, my love
You're the only one who isn't terrified of my honesty, with your soul of glistening gold
I am the waves breaking over & over your blanched bones
There is nothing as simply fulfilling as lying on raw earth with you ear to ear
Trying to hear the blood moving through our veins
Your magnificence and indifference mean everything to me
Please love me how you need and leave me where you found me when you're through

Feb 2014 · 757
i am unafraid
Farah Hizoune Feb 2014
I am failing
I am flailing
Like midair
I am trailing
Leaving a wondrous wake
A shimmering trail of blood
Glistening & mistening
Behind me, hear it whispering
Then comes the flood
Of emotions & of notions
The battered thoughts of you
I am burning
I am darkened
A little bird, a lark and
I am fallen and obscenely splayed
My heart is pumping
I am jumping
At the chance to see
Your pulsing body
So decayed
And I am unafraid
Dec 2013 · 702
5:19 am
Farah Hizoune Dec 2013
I realized early on that the world and its inhabitants are virtually an unfeeling entity as a whole.
I now know that heartbreak comes in many disguises.
I know a feeling of utter loneliness contented only by the mere knowledge of its commonality.
Dec 2013 · 1.0k
two fingers in your throat
Farah Hizoune Dec 2013
If you'd just tell me that
you're happy I could leave you be
But you've revealed to me
your consistent sadness
You've let me see
the dark parts that I love
My lips are sore from
repeating the same words to you
My heart burns as if
I haven't expressed it well enough
I would love all thyn flaws forever
I would let you bury thynself in my soul
You could put your sadness there
and I could keep it cold
So many questions
I am ok without answers
for they may hurt worse
than ignorance
Nov 2013 · 1.5k
the absence of love
Farah Hizoune Nov 2013
I can feel my slimy beet colored heart pulsing
beating at its height through my perfect left ******
My left your right as we are chest against chest
Nothing tastes as good as the leftover heartbreak on my lips
Or as bitter as the bad decisions left upon your own
No one can predict the bottomless mess of human emotions
But we are ever too fluid to care
More like fire than fluid
Mindless flames burn everyone equally without pity; ever-changing and depthless
Beautifully tragic, unpredictable at best and has a violent fluidity all it's own
The beat travels up my shoulder and down my spine unto the very center of my womanhood
I feel a craving for you and it is border-lining madness
I am teetering on a edge of hysteria that I thought I could ne'er again succumb to
I am being driven wild with an unasked-for passion
Alas - it all must remain internal for there are proper politics to be remembered
That of a taken man and secret so deadly that it entitles me to feel a certain power of having a precious life in my hands
I may be a forebearer of evilness - but at least I am the only one BEING HONEST
Nov 2013 · 1.0k
whatever forever
Farah Hizoune Nov 2013
He makes his rounds bounding around town between cobblestones
And I am last I never mind but I am always last
And you'd feign quelle surpris at how long I would wait for this uncourtly gentleman
Although that is a reaching description because he totters between gentle and aggressive
Just the way I like
We have nothing but the way we have everything
It's nothing permeably enviable but oh if you knew I swear you'd just seethe
Neither of us belong to the world and the world does not want us
We are far too content in our miseries to fathom fear of change
I have others and he has his but I know his body aches for mine thousands of thoughts away
I don't know all the triggers that makes his mind wander to me just as he will never know that when I smell new rain on old earth it's he who comes first
But I think just knowing that there are things that bring him back to me warms my ever pumping heart until the worlds sees fit to cease it's beat
And with that said I hope he's there to care and I am not last forever
Farah Hizoune Oct 2013
I had someone ask me once
A stranger befuddled
Why are all your writings
*** grime or death
I replied quite honestly,
For a strangers questioning,
'Because those are the most honest things in the universe
Because I don't believe in unimagination
Id rather read of feeding on entrails beautifully written
Than the wet smell of new love
We'd rather see gods creatures splayed red and pink on the sides of highways
Than to live without cars and roads
I'm not sure if that's relevant or poetic but who really cares anyway
I'm certain that fire raining from the sky incites more passion than a newly born anything
The most fun I've ever had I'm sure I was unclothed
And I don't know about you, consumer, but sweaty ****** vicious *** is more pure than the most heartfelt love I've ever felt
If that means I'm damaged - I don't think I mind it
If that makes you pity me - don't
These are just the darkened folded alleyways of my curly brain
I can't relate to normalcy but I've heard that's nothing to be ashamed of
Your glass words cut my face and guts sharply but I'm certain I can't feel it
And I am not bothered by your gore - I feel contented by your devils
And I'd like to know who's with me in this all too descriptive sickness'
Oct 2013 · 1.1k
Farah Hizoune Oct 2013
I wonder if you've ever noticed.
Little ticks that I know not.
Do you notice the blood
under my jaundice flesh.
My loopy smile.
Am I the prettiest little peach you've ever seen
Because you certainly are.
You're the color of a magnolia to me.
I notice
Your eyelashes - their exact separation
Your body flesh bone and wiry hairs.
Your sadness your consistency.
I notice your evil your sexuality your undying devotion.
I notice you noticing
I look away
I never did I never will
how much
I truly crave you.
How much
I truly care for you.
Sep 2013 · 1.1k
Farah Hizoune Sep 2013
I still remember those
words we spoke
Many years ago in
the middle of the dark
Through the airwaves
and telephone lines
There was scotch
whiskey involved

But I still recall
Your agreeance and mine
A just in case
superstition for our future
And I never thought
That you would ever
whisper delicate things in my ear

Or teach me about
the universe in my palms
I thought for sure
we'd both forget
And carry on

But now there are
a few days out of the year
Where I melt into your body
The biggest secret
I can keep

Tell me that we can't anymore
But we both lack
that particular trait
Will power gone out the door
Faster than my clothes
hit the floor

Tongues lips hands legs laced
It's all very
****** exciting exactly what we need
But so ****** up
So I keep you
off of my mind as best as I can

Despite reminders memories sensory triggers
Luckily none of the smell of you lingers
I'm able, albeit briefly, to forget
Sep 2013 · 2.4k
Farah Hizoune Sep 2013
I believe in humility
I believe in humbling 
Acts of nature
I'd often wonder 
I'd sometimes wander
Alone with no direction
I swear it's not as 
Sad as it sounds
Biting my lip
As the wind carries me on
Through blue lit streets
And artfully drawn upon
Homes as abandoned
As you or I 
As humans we're blessed
With an ability
To throw ones in the air
As casually as fallen leaves
Sep 2013 · 1.1k
Farah Hizoune Sep 2013
it's been years since i've  heard your voice
even longer since i've touched your skin
the reverberating power lines
your heart fading out and in
there's a flow about the silence
an ebb about the screams
the blood-red lighting sky
shatters through my dreams
i seem to have lost the feeling of your heartbeat in my hands
i can almost feel your phantom warmth
from far-off cosmic lands
i'm drowning in the horizon
smother me in gold
relax - into the movement
i've never done what i was told

Jul 2013 · 2.3k
the sorrow moth
Farah Hizoune Jul 2013
A quiet, broken smile graced her lips
And to the everyday it looked quite convincing
But it was deceiving because
At the moment she was
Indeed shattering, putting herself back
And shattering more
If her innards were out
You could see the spidering veins around her piteous heart
Of continual cracking
And if you looked close, without doubt
You could see, the original point of impact
And you'd know
There was nothing we could do for her
She passed on site, and time of death had been called
So had her former lover.
Although his response, 'I'm sorry, who?' was particularly painful.
But in his defense I will say that he was being the most honest of all of us.
I felt that I should've written something significant and profound for this morose little girl
But all that came was unworthy.
Instead I took the dear child to the place where I found most comfort.
There we lain in a decrepit old graveyard trying to relate to the dead.
Marble mausoleums mimicking my nightly resting place.
I happened upon a black witch moth which had gracened us with his company.
I sat there enraptured watching his nonsensical trail.
As he began his decent I had a most unsettling feeling nothing to do with countless bodies under head.
Upon a glistening tomb he made beautiful land.
I suddenly found myself creeping onward, praying reprieve.
The mariposa de la muerte fluttered not but an inch.
As I realized his demise, I gazed back to my bride
Only to find a black hooded shape disappear as I focused with a painfully sharp tone of finality.
May 2013 · 743
how can i
Farah Hizoune May 2013
Up at dawn.
Thinking about you.
And the way.
We used to be.
So full of ourselves.
I would stay the night.
But I can't fathom.
Another fall.
After all.
Isn't love supposed.
To be.
A sort of.
Funny feeling in you.
That leaves you.
Almost like the edge of a cliff.
You'd lie.
I'd lie.
Next to you.
Above you.
Watching the way.
You breathe slowly.
Just for me.
I thought.
I think.
I can't say.
Whether or.
What we had.
Was the real.
But it.
All feel.
n ..
Mar 2013 · 1.2k
how to end a friendship
Farah Hizoune Mar 2013
You saw the blackened roses on my bedside
And you smelled the faint sweetness of a decaying heart locked in the closet
Yet you still yearned my body and its curves
Despite the growing feelings of nausea and inherent vapidity; to come
You showed me temptation on the edge of the bed frame
And your deep rooted moans with your head tossed back
Recklessly; you knew that it would make me love you
In a deeper seeded way than we loved each other before
Tiny screams escape my lungs
Moonbeams grace the arch of your back
The sheets are dampened and we're entwined
Underneath the shame of it all and the way our bodies
Tossed on top of one another after our final throes
There lies something purer than the love you have with her
You felt the slowing drum of my heartbeat
After you caused its rapidity
And it contents me knowing she may have your heart and your body
But you are in fact one of mine.
Farah Hizoune Jan 2013
The insanity that you left with me with

has become all-consuming.

It has eviscerated me and I have no organs left,

only maniacal thoughts and illness.

The lunacy is my epidemic,

the madness is my disease.

The inferno where my heart once was,

supplants the warmth that your wicked love used to fill me with.

My mind has been dethroned by ghoulish memories and succubus visions.

My two lungs no longer breathe air,

but rather intake black roses and expel brimstone.

The deranged delirium is my only comfort.

The hysteria, in lieu of love,

is now what keeps me intoxicated.

The most garish part of all,

is that I've never felt more alive.
Jan 2013 · 1.7k
the fall of a voodoo queen
Farah Hizoune Jan 2013
I was born in a pauper’s grave,
with the metallic taste of a silver spoon still lingering on my palate.
A passed life of exuberance,
lost like the previous days’ sunrise.
Golden beams; symbolic of only a desire for an intangible ecstasy.
I grew with a sharp tongue and a black heart,
the quality of my soul marred by the bitterness of regret.
I craved a euphoria that I could never quite attain,
a deranged obsession to feel at home again.
Though, I knew I would ne'er again experience,
the touch of fine lace on my flesh.
There is now a palpable separation of the wicked and the righteous,
and I have been caste down from my glimmering throne,
to walk among the dead.
I cringe away from their decrepit hands,
and the sickly-sweet, decaying smell of their breath.
These rats eating rats, this cannibalistic life,
I feel its effect moving through my layers of psychosis.
It gives me that déjà vu feeling that the sky and sea, unfeeling as they are,
have heard enumerable cries like mine, all too many times before.
I have a yearning in my bones for the days of Summers' passed,
with the smell of sweet honeysuckles and red roses perfuming the air.
Delicate words whispered through the vines of cherry blossoms,
dressed in soft, white cotton and lying amongst the Juniper trees.
It calls a tender feeling of nostalgia,
but my vision is shattered and beaten by a retched reality.
That of broken moon beams and a devastatingly darkened, burgundy-lined sky.
There is a perpetual insanity that lingers after every passerby,
like a dense trail that is all consuming.
The residents of this apocalyptic dimension are all obscene and ******,
they all ooze a voracious odor of lingering death meat,
and no one seems to mind at all.
Jan 2013 · 1.1k
Farah Hizoune Jan 2013
I am insatiable

I am an insatiable disease

I have an unyielding thirst for the hearts of men

I am voracious

I am yearning

I am desire

I am carnage

I suggest you keep your distance

I will brutalize you

I am transported nightly into the mind of a maniac

be cautious of these creatures that stalk my conscious

beware of these beasts on a quest for my soul

meet me in the land of the midnight sun

caress my withered bones

but take heed of my hunger, dearest

for if you aren’t careful

you will fall victim to my wicked appetite
Farah Hizoune Jan 2013
our love was formed

under the cover of fallen angels’ wings

it was ashes before

it ever hit the ground.

the rain, the rain

comes down and down,

a killer’s heart

is bound and drowned.

and even on the most brilliant of days

there hangs a sullen haze

over the beauty of all the world.

poetic words,

and my red love unfurled.

the euphoria faded long ago,

with the last intake of violent air.

all that’s left of our ancient love,

is emaciated and pallid,

cold, dead and decayed.

and I wish you never would have stayed.
Jan 2013 · 2.2k
the sea of lost lovers
Farah Hizoune Jan 2013
I was once a beautiful, & colorful girl.

I had a lover of my own,

and hair of great bouncing curl.

My dearest and I had the truest of loves,

the kind that sent pangs,

through the hearts of white doves.

Ages ago, we were out on a sail,

t’was a beautiful day,

with a marvelous gale.

‘Till, in seconds, there came,

a downpour of rain,

and a scene that would change,

life of this poor dame.

I discovered my dear,

he was shrouded in fear,

clutching and fleeing and never looking back.

He abandoned our ship,

while we were under attack

I was thrown overboard,

with a most violent shove.

There I felt hands,

not of the usual class,

but thinner and sharper,

like that of broken glass.

It was then I was pulled,

roughly down to the dim.

The endless depths of the sea,

without him.

I looked up to the sky,

but oh, by & by,

the light of the world,

was shrinking rapidly.

The vixens and creatures of the dark,

surround me.

I would float, breathlessly,

among a world, under water.

Where the sea-souls of men,

are taken for slaughter.

It wasn’t the vast sea,

of splendid blue-green,

you know the kind,

that you see in a dream.

It was red and green and horrid, pitch black,

and he never looked back.

Didn’t toss me a float,

or a rope for my throat.

And when I rose to the top,

I swam to the shore.

The tide came and went,

a swift, gentle roar.

I stood there for what,

had seemed like years,

and your back facing me,

couldn’t fathom the tears.

The world spun on,

as she always does,

and my heart broke again

a million ******, pieces it was.

you had left,

you had gone,

but I was still holding on

to a past full of lies

and of tainted goodbyes.

my cries,

should have been,

for all of my wasted time.

— The End —