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Warriors can be dragged through the dirt, but still come out pure - they become one with the earth.

Warriors can have their roots pulled out from under them, but still stand strong and tall - they know their worth.

Warriors can be beat down to the ground, and be walked upon,
but while they're down there, they'll look up to the stars and continue to dream on...

Because warriors can handle their business - their inner light shines brightly, through any darkness; they've seen it all, they're prepared to take anything on!

They're not looking for sympathy, they've given up on the idea of believing that outside forces will come forth and bring any kind of soul healing salvation,

They've learned that they can only depend on themselves - they've had no choice but to become a soldier for justification.

They're armed with resilience, empathy, kindness, compassion, and experience - but they won't stand for hypocritical thinkers,

They've met and battled with the worst - they won't tolerate degradation from rotten, evil, ***** stinkers!

Warriors will be your very best friend until the very last second of the end...

Take my advice... don't mistake their kindness for weakness - because warriors are always ready to bring on a revolutionary war - they're always ready to defend!

By Lady R.F ©2016
  Nov 2016 Isabelle
If you love someone tell them;

If you love yourself, say that as well.
Isabelle Nov 2016
In Hebrew, her name means devoted to God
She was consecrated,
An oath to God
But she never fulfilled her purpose, for she went astray
Endless and countless sins, undeniably a sinner
Living not according to the Almighty's will, but
Living according to her choice, so
Expect her to be, both good and bad

Imperfect she is, but it is what makes her human
Special, she may not be, but still out of the ordinary

Many times she was lost
Yet, still managed to be found

Not wanting to be astray, again she trusted the invisible hand
Afraid of what might she become, again she started to pray
Miserably she asked for His guidance,
E*nlightened, her faith restored, and now trying to serve her purpose
This is an old piece of mine. And yes Isabelle is my name. To all my friends here, I am officially dropping my pen name - Fallen One. Fallen One is very important and meaningful to me, and I will always be the "fallen one". But then, it will be freeing to let go of something that was holding you back for a long time.
  Nov 2016 Isabelle
Terry Jordan
The first thinkers were poets
Naming Mother Earth
Beginning symbolic thinking
Of nature, death and birth

Though themes are often repeated
Love, Beauty and God
Poetry in the guise of Religion
A prophet or a fraud

The poet resurrects the Primitive
Through allegory and similes
Disarming the unknown like explorers
Sublime Prophets and Visionaries

They must lay bare those treasured images
That must be expressed
Unraveling and revealing the sounds
At each soul’s behest

Encompassing the entire Cosmos
So lyrical the beat
The poet’s excitement flows outward
Laid at the Reader’s feet

So original, individual
She won’t examine or explain
Letting go the festering feelings
Disturbances in her brain

He exposes his dark, wounded psyche
Just to release and express
Such capacity to see and compare
Hyperbole at its best

I love, I hate, I suffer
A special dance in rhythm and rhyme
The poet as a buffer
Lessening the pain and sting of time

Laden with symbol and feelings
She gives you sweet relief
From something urgent, revealing
Confusion to belief

Through a cinematic kind of seeing
The poet purges to transform
By leaping through Alice’s looking glass
She never was one to conform

Quite intolerant of convention
Just like The Mad Hatter
His passions immune to all logic
In syncopated patter

Jamming up the poet’s mind
Struggling for expression
Seeking order out of chaos
An infantile regression

Cleaving to his imaginary world
The poet breaks out into words
Creating sound paintings to be unfurled
So his own agony is blurred

She succumbs to storms of passion
With instinctive techniques
Rhymes and rhythm still in fashion
Out of hand flows mystique

The poet mines from his unconscious
The Reader is not blind
For every single line and symbol
Means something to the mind

Causing an inner liberation
Enlightenment or flight
It is a matter of life and death
When darkness turns to light.
Been working on this piece for a while; my thoughts on the inner mind of poets.
Isabelle Nov 2016
Winning makes you slack
     while it is in losing
          that you become strong and stronger
Never be afraid of failure.
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