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 Aug 2014 nova
Calvin Baker
Would the world make as much sense
if the sunset was green?
What if forests were silver and the
dirt was purple?
          Would love feel warm?
          Would comfort be found in fear?
Deep seas of sunflower yellow
          and mountain ranges of teal
Long roads of deep maroon
          lead us to ponds of lavender
          and caves of sapphire
Maybe in such a world
I wouldn't have forgotten trust
          Would we have met
          would we only know each other
                       in strange deja vu
 Aug 2014 nova
Sarah Spang
I used sit beneath the shroud
Of stars that swathed the sky,
And gaze at length, with wistfulness
At Moon’s cycloptic eye.

My eyes absorbed familiarly
What were in my own.
Her perfect luminescent face
Despite the scars that shown.

I wondered if she missed the earth
Around whom she did dance
And if she tried, fruitlessly
To catch his lonely glance.

They’d never touch or cross in path
On journey through the sky
She knew this, and so did I
No matter how she tried.

I wonder beneath the moon
All wrapped up in the sky
But now I know just how it feels
To only ever pine.
 Aug 2014 nova
Sarah Spang
He is the tumultuous ocean,
The twisting, rolling sea
That feigns a certain gentleness
Until its rage breaks free

So vast and so unending
And limitless in worth
I took him once for granted
As I wandered through the surf.

Without the tumulus ocean
Without its rolling seas
Without the tide that tosses me
And never sets me free

The arid, fallow earth would crack
Beneath my burning feet
Reminding me of which I lost
And dried up with the heat

But salt leaves me to languish
No sweetness he can quench
Time will only tell from here
If love can fill this trench.
 Jul 2014 nova
17 roses
 Jul 2014 nova
The sound of my bass that I make these days is
for you,
it plays for you.
It waits for you to hear his present
that sounds like me saying
I love you.
It sings about your hair, fresh, as millions of roses;
about your face, like the desert next to the beautiful Nile.

17 roses are the key
and 17 kisses that I'll give are from me.

Even when I sound cheesy and cheap
You look at me like I'm your dream
You forgive, and love you give.
And I am forever grateful
to be next to your red rose hair,
and beautiful face that tells
a story of a brave girl
that just got 17 roses fair and square
from a man that looks at her
like the happiest creature that ever lived.

The bass guitar tries hard to tell you all of this.
Please listen, hear the words from it.
There are mistakes in the sound
Just like there are mistakes in life,
But when the bass finishes his song
the whole story tells a life full of
joy, happiness and freedom.

That is a sound only made for you,
it has no words.
*But notes can tell more
than all of the words in the world.
Dedicated. There is a bass song i made for this, but it is poorly recorded, until i don't record it in better quality i wont share it
 Jun 2014 nova
Meenu Syriac
In the silence of the night,
You and I alone by the fire.
This rift between us, clear as day,
But cold as our hearts.

In tears, we learned love,
In pain, we fought the odds.
But tonight in this silence
We let ourselves undone.

Blow out these candles,
Let me see you in the dark.
All along, we held ourselves back,
Now let our hearts decide.

Blow out the candles,
Let me look into your eyes.
In this darkness, I'll find,
What we lost along the path.

Blow out the candles,
Its just you and me, tonight.
In this silence we'll lie still
And let our souls entwine.
 Jun 2014 nova
 Jun 2014 nova
"Are you afraid?"

Yes I am afraid.
I'm afraid of so much
like the endings to books,
actually loving someone,
having to tell my mother
what I am.

I'm afraid that my family
will hate me,
that my friends already
That everyone who sees me
labels me as
Miss Confused.

I'm afraid of death and life
and everything in between the
Maybe I'm afraid of myself
but I don't truly have
a clue.

I know I'm afraid of who I will
love one day.
What if they hate me now
or what if they think I'm weird?
What if it's the person I broke up
because I didn't love them

I'm afraid of a lot of things
and everyone knows it.
Because a world without
Is like a world without
It's unruly and unjust.
And you do stupid
things that can
get everyone

So I'm afraid of the alternative,
the thing I fear most
in this world.
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