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 May 2015 Erin Holston
Worlds shaking
Hearts breaking
Iniquity razing
our reality

The castle with
lonely halls
desperate calls
for holy hands

Frustration breaks
your stained glass
pieces of beauty
forever despised

As worlds shake
and hearts break
forgiveness rebuilds
the castle stands still
Isn't odd how,
Someone can break your heart,
But only lose your trust?
As if,
If you search long and hard enough,
You might find your trust,
Which a careless person misplaced,
But never fix your heart,
Which a careless person dropped.
 May 2015 Erin Holston
You told me never to fall for a poet.
That their metaphor coated tongues
would inevitably cloud my judgement,
Yet every time you compared my smile
to a fresh bag of wind
My sun would creep out from between
the overcast and warm my bones.

You told me never to fall for an athlete.
That their cunning games were played
both on and off the field,
Yet the way you looked at me
contradicted your actions so
thoroughly you left me feeling
meticulously played.

You told me never to fall for a scholar.
That their strict lives were led by their
reason and not by their heart,
Yet every time you confided in me I felt
as though your calculated mind held
all the answers to the universe
overshadowed by your desires and

You told me never to fall.
Yet you pushed me.
Fall into
The blender
Become now
My liquid
Consume me
My sweetness
Keep licking
My feet, miss
Then stop now.
Fall into
My blender
I spin you
Make you a
Your fight now
My fight now
I win, it's
Alright now
You'd rather
Start fighting
And try to
Touch lightning
Then sit in
The bleachers
Not losing
Not winning
The spinning
And wasting
The season
 May 2015 Erin Holston

On a lonely pier
of weathered wood
and salt water etchings,
beneath a moonlit mosaic
on a cloudless sky

Stained glass brush strokes
cling to a northern horizon
as I cast my heart afloat,
wishing on promised tides
*that it reaches you
Good night Beautiful. God I miss you.
H  e  l  p**
I can't breathe
Short intakes of hot air
Begging, pleading for someone to save me,
But only he is there
why am i protecting someone with my silence, when they took my heart and crushed it into a billion pieces?
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