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Oct 2017 · 574
The Right Choice
Kass Oct 2017
Telling me I have no other choices.
That this is the only choice I have.
That this choice must be done immediately.
You tell me I can die if I don’t choose the “right” choice.
You are only looking out for me.
As if what I have inside does not matter.
But I have an expiration date.
I will die, but there’s something good still.
There’s something good to see.
When I picture it your way.
Everything goes black.
There is nothing.
Only death.
One to a doctor.
Aug 2017 · 393
Little Faith
Kass Aug 2017
Oh you of little faith, why do you doubt?
I never thought it was possible to get it
I did not want to risk it, so I went after the safer road
I thought I was being prepared
I thought I was thinking ahead
But no, I have such little faith

I should have never doubted You
I should have never worry
I should have trusted You
But my pride took over the roots of my body
And formed a knot to lash out on You
I was afraid

You make things possible when it is meant to be beyond the bounds
It was closed, but You opened it
Opened for me to get
I drowned in the storm, but You reached me
I am Peter with little faith
Aug 2017 · 695
Seek Him
Kass Aug 2017
Do you hear that?
The hollow.
The emptiness.
The isolation.
The sound of void.
You look for other things to fill the void.
You search and search, but what are you searching for?
Everything else awakens desire, temptation, anything to fill in that void and it is still not enough.
You were too busy looking for something else that you didn’t see what is right in front of you.
He has been there the entire time.
He can fill that void.
He can bring you happiness, joy, love, and peace.
Look for Him, turn to Him.
Seek Him and you will find exactly what you’ve been needing.

— The End —