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Plain and brown
Seen yet never seen
Like street workers
Or bellhops
Or busboys
Or homeless.

Scrappy little scavengers
Scraping out a small lifespan
In cracks of concrete
In city streets smelling
Of asphalt and skidmarks.

They hop along
Like  yesterday's newspaper
Or a 5X81/2 inch flier
For last night's bar-band.
Dandelion's fluff.

Outside of McDonald's
They congregate competing
With each other for
Hamburger buns which
Cling to cold
Half eaten cheeseburgers.
Greasy french fries
Which cause congestion
In their legs so severe
That they shrivel up
And fall off.

Yet God sees every one
Of them. Loves them.
His eye is always on them.
They do not fall
From the branch
Without being

A freedom we
Will never know
Is their portion.

They are unencumbered
By the ground
While we are
It's slaves.

Their 🎶🎶🎶
Tells us we will
Always be thus.
We will  always envy
The soul of sparrows.

Write of Passage aka
They tell me one day
I would know what it feels like
They tell me one day
I will finally get it right

They tell me one day
I would find my own happiness
They tell me one day
I will get out of this phase

But one day seems far away
As the seasons keep changing
But one day seems far away
Because I still feel very lonely

But one day seems far away
As my mind taunts and belittles me
But one day seems far away
As a reason for me to live
 Feb 2022 Anderson M
Mitch Prax
The only thing we
should depend on is ourselves.
Everyone else is just an illusion-
do not fall for it.
So live life your way-
there is no other way.
 Feb 2022 Anderson M
Mitch Prax
I let myself go like water
flowing through the Earth.
I want to fill every corner
of this world.
Not seeing
Like the wind
From afar or nearby
Restlessness in the heart
When you hear it whispering.

One finger in the live socket
another in my pants pocket
don't judge
it's Monday and I have to get
my thrills
 Oct 2021 Anderson M
David R
tongue sharpened
deadly instrument
****** into the heart,

world is darkened
soul laments
the world it falls apart.

but 'neath the hardened
heart of insolence
there's a secret smart,

silent sobbing
a soul that's throbbing
longing for new start

look beyond
the painful jibe
the knifing diatribe

look into
his hurting heart
G-d's true work of art

we're no better
or no worse
at core we're all the same

a holy letter
or hallowed verse
of G-d's unspoken Name.
 Oct 2021 Anderson M
David R
In the beginning was disarray,
from chaos, Unnamed produced Array,
and then created another day
and Man and Woman came out to play

"My world I entrust unto your charge,
take care to not disturb the order,
Respect all life, little and large,
Aspire upwards, My son and daughter."

"prove your mettle, improve things further,
build my earth with good and virtue,
desist from any type of murther,
then none will have the power to hurt you."

"For I've made a hierarchy with you at the top,
it's up to you to keep the shop,
I trust in you, show Me I'm right,
Fill the world with love and light."

But he and her decide to experiment
in that which lies beyond their ken
and thus they cause a serious impediment
and make swift exit from eternal zen.

This tale I tell is repeated again
and again and again by all women and men,
it's repeated each year from cycle anew,
but it's end can be different: it's up to you.
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
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