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Feb 2016 · 625
Hymn Alone
Emma Jenny Feb 2016
It is first the arrival,
that awkward hello
knowing tears will bring you close.

Then it’s the revival,
even though
you've already had the proper dose
and now all you  need is growth.

It is Never survival.
Why is the Bible
only used for revival?

We're all simply waiting
for the next uplifting,
communal routine.

We're all just
the feel-good.

But there is challenge in the less extreme
and destiny in a humble spirit,
one who is yearning
deeper learning
and discerning the hidden
the show.
Feb 2016 · 270
Casting Calls
Emma Jenny Feb 2016
Pain smells like rotten,
tastes like bitter
and walks like its storming.

It clings to your neck like a
snake spitting venom,
its tears like lightning
eyes pleading like the thunder,
terrorized by its own voice.

It only dreams up nightmares,
its beating heart speaks louder than
a bass skin drum,
kicking an bouncing,
fighting, announcing:

Save me,
Hold me,
Mother Help.

And sometimes she does.

Other times not.
So the pain escalates,
and lies there confused,
soaked in a fountain of tears
and a mountain of more troubles
yet to climb.
Feb 2016 · 343
Emma Jenny Feb 2016
I used to think I understood
the way things were meant to be
going off of what I have learned
rhyming off what I have heard
I sang confidently a simple song
because I thought I knew the right
while others followed along
with beliefs and ideas considered that of sin
so I told my stories again and again.

But I forgot to ask questions.
and I forgot about the grey.
Jan 2016 · 366
Emma Jenny Jan 2016
It’s like a song, sometimes.
One that is loud, clear spoken
and can’t escape the head
despite tricks and tries of other phrases,
other verses,
tunes or talents.
It plays over and over
consuming the will to ponder all else.

And then it fades,
no one really knows.
It simply stops
like a consecutive set of hiccups that was once churning the insides of a suffering gut.
It drifts somewhere,
with the thin idea that it may appear some other day.

Without a word of depart,
the song finds its way into a tunnel of another mind.
Consuming and repeating,
loud and clear spoken,
unable to escape the head.

And suddenly
I long for it to return.
The gumption,
the sentimental sincerity,
and I wish I had simply let my song sing itself.
Aug 2015 · 400
Nomad Man
Emma Jenny Aug 2015
no mad man
would loose
everything to follow
something that he could not touch
hear or see
taste or even swallow

no mad man
would ever choose
to let a good life slip away

one that had meaning.
one that was leading

to a path that
would not lead him far astray

a nomad.
would loose
everything to follow
someone that has touched him
saw him in his deepest sorrow

But no mad man
could be that mad.

to give up his life,
surrender himself,
and call his journey

Jul 2015 · 460
Emma Jenny Jul 2015
Growing up,
she was always there,
keeping a watchful eye as I ran the shores of the creek.
She was my escort and witness each time I proudly snatched up a bullfrog
and the perfect playmate on rare snow-days when we would bury ourselves deep in the pile of snowflakes that were littering our driveway.

In her caring nature, she would lay beside me on the days when I was sick. 
She would rest her head upon my lap, reassure and comfort me all the while.
When I would stupidly stumble and scrape myself bleeding, she'd kiss the wound better until the blood dried and my heart caught up to my tears.

She and I would play together: dress-up and other make-believes.
We sometimes adorned ourselves in fancy clothes and danced around the kitchen, making up routines or plays to preform in front of whoever I ordered to watch the product of our silly games.

Some nights, she would lay down beside me before I feel asleep.
I would listen to her breathing; heavy and peacefully slow.
Somehow the beat of our breath would begin to fuse and we'd drift off in synchronized silence.
Then, she would sheepishly wake open her eyes just to kiss my face or the front side of my hand, assuring my half awake heart that she loved me.

But as time went on, we both grew up.
I made the choice to move far away.
Upon some odd occasion, I would visit her again.
During each reunion, she would never cease to stay close to my side, trying to pick up the days we had lost together, cherishing my now foreign presence,
wishing we had more time.

I am wishing for more time with you.
I am longing for a blissful afternoon walk around the pond with you.
I am reminiscing in the feeling of running through the fields
and along the shore with you.
I am searching for another day to to lie basking in the sunshine with you.
Oh, to have just one more summer popsicle on the deck you,
or one more leaf-pile jumping Autumn eve with you.

But far mostly,
I am praying that you are not mad at what we had to do to you,
and simply just wishing that you had more than 90
dog years
to be my loving, loyal puppy, Lu.
Apr 2015 · 616
Cross on Division Street
Emma Jenny Apr 2015
In the winter, this street seems hidden.
All that one might see is white snow turned black.
It is the snow that hides the broken sidewalks,
covers the graffiti like a closed journal of old gangs and slang and talks.
The winter wisps away the birds that live on stale fast food,
and makes the kids who joyride their rusty bikes stay inside,
hidden away from all their summer crime and games and
love and drugs.

Winter pushes out the life that paints the division in this town.
Each soul that roams this route can hear
the voice of summer when it comes around.

Summer sounds like heavy music that lasts a second driving by.
It sounds like men that holler to their best friend's sister,
and mothers scolding their daughters
as they wine and yell and cry.
Summer smells like chicken, garbage, ****...
and it tastes like too much freedom.
The daylight grows stronger and the nights get louder,
so fathers stay out longer, drinking far past early hours.

But summer shows a smile from an older brother to his sister.
He takes her hand and slowly,
and walks her across this busy, lonely parade of feet.
They head towards their worn down home - a mile and a half too close,
to this broken and divided street.
And the road to heaven takes weeks to walk.
Jan 2015 · 540
Personality Test
Emma Jenny Jan 2015
If I were to be a flower
I would be a sun,
she said.
I'd shine out among the rest
my pedals all glitz and glimmer

And me, said another
If I was a flower
I would be wild
carefree, lighthearted
basking in those who
call themselves the sun

yet I, another chimed in
I would be like the May
I'd carry the wanderers to a place of new
and when they get there, give them comfort,
provide them with hope

Don't forget me,
said one more.
If I was a flower,
I would be wheat,
I would be the one to feed the nations
and hunger would cease by my name.

And I, whispered the last
If I were a flower,
I would be a wall.
Dec 2014 · 793
Two Faced One
Emma Jenny Dec 2014
Hesitation was my last mistake
Believing was my first,
a salty lake made clear
I can see,
every twisted path you take

It is selfish ambition,
the path you walk,
flavored with the wicked cursed
that leads only to frustration

and you suppose
none of which you do today
effects the road you walk tomorrow,
that each bridge you count burned
leaves ash afloat to future skies
and where it settles brings no sorrow.
Dec 2014 · 470
Upstream of Consciousness
Emma Jenny Dec 2014
My river flows uphill
there are lilies along each side
a guide for the stream
they shout to the water
keep climbing
push forward

My river flows uphill
Because I am always looking up
Nov 2014 · 316
The Ordinary
Emma Jenny Nov 2014
And it all seems strange
that it is not strange at all
that here I am living
what I wanted
for years
and yet
it is not like I have morphed
into something new
I am simply living
how I have lived
asking my heart
what to do
Oct 2014 · 590
Charity Talks
Emma Jenny Oct 2014
I am a good person
because I lead who is less
I am better
and they,
they will all learn
from my ways.

My perfect red haired child
will not play
with the lesser
I do not want
him to be like

“They are not less fortunate”
although I won't admit
I grew up better
and they grow up less
Life is a race
and I am at the front
I'm so anti-racist
I’m cleaning their mess.
Oct 2014 · 865
The Little Big Man
Emma Jenny Oct 2014
I am the little big man

Shoulders broad
Hands strong
Thunder thighs
Head in in the sky

Chin pointed down
Face to the ground
Heart in throat
Hands in coat
Fists clenched
Knees bent

I am the little big man.
Jul 2014 · 1.3k
The Centipede
Emma Jenny Jul 2014
I am small
but I stand on many legs
I know that they can squash me
in a single moment
I am dead.
Not even one thousand
is enough.
Emma Jenny Jul 2014
This is me merging from one to another,
my body still stuck in the life that I wondered.
My legs running fast, so my heart wants to follow,
searching for the volume to fill an empty hollow.
This is me merging.
Intentions unclear,
unable to distinguish my excitement from fear.
Long live the dreamer, abide with me forever.
Don't let simple pleasures pull away my endeavors.
Expectations seems flawless, like a taste of rich meringue,
but I'll try not forget the old songs I once sang.
And even if my legs do beat out my body,
and run straight towards something so folly,
I'll always take heart to the things I once knew,
and every once in a while I'll come straight back to you.
This is me merging.
One step closer.
One look back.
Jun 2014 · 333
For the The Baby on My Back
Emma Jenny Jun 2014
The last song of Love to form on my lips
was a whisper into your perfect little ear

Your momma loves you, darling
your momma loves you

Then, I watched them take my sweet Ephraim away
your father, little one
he was your daddy
they dragged him along
across that ****** bridge
with a sword stuck into his spine
like a fork in his body

Oh, the bodies!
the stench if the carcasses
like rotting, decomposing swine
an aroma of death
roosting like ***** in the heat

then as I crouch screaming
God, No!
Who will protect my son?
my love, he was the only one
who could keep you safe from the dangers
of this perverted country

You, darling.
are my child I carried for nine months inside,
then that day you held tight 
to my back
clutching my spine


and screaming.
I could have tried to protect you too, child
I should have ran
and I would have kept on running

with you in my arms, darling
I should have held you close and taunt
clutched under my *****
I should have fought

Oh, my beautiful treasured son
my little baby boy
you stole my heart from the
moment I saw your almond eyes
from the first time I touched your coffee-toned skin

I want you back!
I want to hear you laugh again
you cry again
I want you back
I need you still, child

still child

Oh, that is how I saw you
as they ripped you off my back
and smashed your head upon the ground
You lied there
mouth open
still breathing
I knelt over you, darling
praying for you, child

Please, stay
Please don't let them take you away

lying still
too still
oh, my baby
my only son!

I cannot get over the pain that I feel
I cannot forgive
Its been years
Its been trails
and arguments of crime
My world is surreal because
over and over
I dream of
you, darling

And I want you to come back to me
So I can whisper in your ear

Your momma loves you, my sweet, sweet, child
your momma loves you
a realistic account of the horrors of the Rwandan Genocide
May 2014 · 1.4k
Operation Jubilee
Emma Jenny May 2014
Between the crosses
Row on row
John McRae

For the greater good
That's what they say

One day
For another
To succeed

One man
For another
To proceed

Oh the sorrow  
the devastation
Shots like hailstones
no tomorrow

Jubilee screams

But the men they cry
in Depredation

Long Live Our Nation.
Apr 2014 · 402
Darkened Blood
Emma Jenny Apr 2014
From a place I have never been
lies one lonley stranger
who creeps
waiting for dusk to find darkness again
He feeds on helpless souls
whos blood
shed for nothing
now runs through the veins
of the wicked
stripping them of their innocence
down the throats of the fringed
altering their leisurely mindset
that now settles amongst the forfeit
Apr 2014 · 352
Emma Jenny Apr 2014
Some days I dance with the river
reminiscing with the nostalgic nuances
of my youthful days.

My life
like a frozen cascade.
The ice building
Shaping a more complex creation with every deeper
and deeper layer of alluring complication.

Each harmonious memory
fabricating my essence
like a branch of a weeping willow
I am Strong
yet sinking down
softly kissing the soil
causing me to remember why I weep.

My mind each time I ponder
like a tottering feather
I drift
Pretending I can prophecy
my own story
yet each moment etching a small
excerpt of broken history
onto my heart.

And its all strangely serene.
Remarkably comforting
to solemnly
confront yourself
with the intricacy

Of what used to be.

Of what is now.

Of what is to come.
Apr 2014 · 503
A Warm Summer Song
Emma Jenny Apr 2014
Whatever happened to warm summer nights?
Crisp moons?
Vacant chairs in a room full of distant memories?
My inspiration comes at dusk.
When only the soft can hear me.
When I sit alone on the rooftop,
Save me from my innovations!
Cherish my recollections!
Ins't there any way?
Any propose?
Any reasoning?
What ever happened to the gatherings?
Where the glasses were filled with drunken, eager souls,
Impatient for a footloose renaissance glee.
Why cant every eve be a clever throng of people
Just waiting to drown their sorrows in a salted lake of jubilee?
Whatever happened to simple summer nights?
Whatever happened to love?
#summer nights
Emma Jenny Apr 2014
Some of them got scared
when the realization set in
That there was
In fact
No explanation
But then that
of what is within
In fact
that is the final
Apr 2014 · 535
Becoming Desuetude
Emma Jenny Apr 2014
You stand there so Becoming
All dolled up
Poised and Fetching
Radiating such Opulent Glamour

You stand there Becoming
Someone your not
Your Disguise
Becoming a Distorted Mutation

Of what was once Becoming You
Apr 2014 · 585
Fatal Evanescence
Emma Jenny Apr 2014
I dread the trek
that takes me down
the whirligig
that spins me round
and round

I’m fastened to my plastic horse
a ripple of fatal
I fall
but float
my body buoyant

a murmurous being
dissembles my mind
and again with the haunting
the horror

rust eats the bones
moss creeps
the once proud souls who
no longer grant me

blissful insanity.

now the image
my mind unravels
as I grip
my existence

no longer stranded
I am aware
I am alive
Apr 2014 · 788
Emma Jenny Apr 2014
You of Grace
a Wretch is me
that has been Saved
by One
I am Lost
but You
are the sweet sound
that makes me see
I see
because You
have taught
have relieved my heart
by my Fears
I am Lost
but You
are the Sweet Sound
that makes me see
I see
Bright Shining
I Sing
for the Sun
In you I've become
#Amazing #Love
Apr 2014 · 1.4k
To Be a Hero
Emma Jenny Apr 2014
This is what I gave
                  My Life
because my first thought was
to be a hero
to stand up
and shut down
the enemy
save my country
the helpless
and I would return

This is what I saw
and hundreds
innocent dead men
my closest comrade
both legs
left hand
blown off
blood gushing from
his mouth
his forehead
his chest

This is what I left
my mother
my father
four sisters
one little brother
            A Legacy
Apr 2014 · 463
Faces of Life
Emma Jenny Apr 2014
To One
you are their dancer
a racing love story of imagination

To Another
you are a beggar
seeking the attention that stands still
between the narrow alleyways of a shallow mind

Yet To Another
You are a listener
A crafty songwriter that hold the hearts of many secrets

To Again Another
you are a hero
a witty crowd-pleaser
A spontaneous jester oozing of natural charm

And Then To Another

you are just a child
lost in your own world of subtle confusions
that makes you wonder if you ever even understand yourself
Apr 2014 · 561
Little Hands
Emma Jenny Apr 2014
These Little Hands have carried too much.
They have waited for life,
but are waited by death.
They have held what is broken,
been dragged along by unfamiliarity.

For these Little Hands are the seeds of a nation;
whose palms will one day grow into towering trees,
to mighty forests.

One Little Hand reaches out,
but grasps
Then two Little Hands fold into each other,
searching for one reflexive comfort.

But finds

but the spaces of confusion between each damp
and ***** finger.
Apr 2014 · 677
Wave Break
Emma Jenny Apr 2014
Isn't it funny how one moment
can be a shock of an ocean wave
rushing away fears
refreshing your mind
forcing you to relax in it's pleasure

and the next moment turns out to be
that same wave
pushing your feet from underneath
your once thought anchored body
drowning you in its misery
engulfing your vulnerability
and spitting you back out to
fend for yourself
between the storms of every new and
even larger wave?

Sometimes it's just best to wave goodbye.
Apr 2014 · 1.2k
Emma Jenny Apr 2014
One could thirst
For something unimaginable

One sip of a starlight dipper
Could quench a parched tongue
For years
One could wait
But never find
A picture so diverse
So nonjudgmental

A canvas.

Split by a single road that roughly
creates a populous throng of glimmer.
Tempting even the savage to shy away
Taming any evil with just one look into it's never-ending depth
and everlasting shimmer.

One sip of light.
One taste of the night.
Could quench a parched tongue

For years.

One could wait
But never find
Something as satisfying
Than a dipper of starlight shine.

— The End —