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 Mar 2015 Walker
You said that I've lost the glow in my eyes,
Ever since I began to stay up late at night.
But you don't know how long I've been crying.
How often I would lay in my bed denying,
The tears that devolped so long ago.
I never gave you a chance to though.
You said I had a smile that made you feel nice,
And that it seemed to have disappeared over night.
But you didn't know that it was painted on.
One night I just decided to wash it off.
 Feb 2015 Walker
Nothing Much
I am spectacularly
Ignorant. I cannot understand anything
Complex, not to mention intelligent.
Somehow, I am miserable at
Every new thing I attempt, I
Fail at the same things I watch my peers
Excel at.
Over the past few years,
I have found that I am worth
Absolutely nothing. I hate myself
More than I ever thought was possible.
I really don't think
I'm going to be okay.
Now go back and read every other line.

— The End —