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  Oct 2014 Emma
A deaf boy once wrote
"Mama, the silence is too loud."
Hello there lovely!
I haven't written in quite a bit, exams and study really leeches out time and moments to write.
Hope you, you and you are doing well!
  Oct 2014 Emma
Dear World

I'm no *Aphrodite

I have not the powers
of Zeus
I might be closer
to Hades
but I'm not so
I can't handle separation
just like Persephone
or handle rejection
like Narcissus
I'm not built like that
you see?
I don't dance like Callisto
nor frolic like Nereid
I would like think
I'm not so frivolous
as *that

I'm not one to look upon
a perfectly formed vista
and pronounce myself
Queen of all
but in a small voice
in the dark of night
I whisper

I'm not  Atlas  *either
I'm so tired of having to hold up my world :(
Emma Oct 2014
Everybody complains about how
      when drunk
                        their past lovers call them
and confess their undying love
  But I find it such a tender act
that at the moment when they have
    lost all control of their bodies
that they think of you

  and I wish with all my heart
that he would do that
  Oct 2014 Emma
Pradip Chattopadhyay

    began                                        back

     i                                                            agai­n

where                                              at

    from ­                                  the

Emma Oct 2014
I want to be with someone
who cherishes my writing
who treats my poems as
pieces of a puzzle
that make up my soul
someone who
views every sentence I scribble
as a map clue
leading to the final treasure:
my heart.
Because no one I've met seems to genuinely like it.
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