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  May 2015 Emma
Justin S Wampler
The weight of these words
rolling around in my head
are breaking my neck
one thought at a time.
Emma May 2015
fill my lungs with sweetness, fill my eyes with beauty, fill my head with bees, fill my stomach with butterflies. can we go where the fields are painted gold? can we go where the grass is made of memories that were never said? the whole world is asleep, but my whole world is you. could i write this in a letter? could i see you tonight? come over, and let me be close to you. this is all i need to be happy. let me be close to you in spirit, in mind, in heart. let me be close to you and we can sit and stare. let me be close to you so we can pick peaches off the trees to fill our empty baskets. can i be closer?
Emma May 2015
hello? is anybody there? is anybody listening? its cold man, its cold in here. i don't know why I'm crying but my sleeves are soaked and i can't do this anymore. cover your face and try to find yourself at the bottom of a plastic cup. put a record on. don't cry. don't you dare do it. don't you dare start to feel like this again. but maybe you were meant for this? why is this happening? when are you not okay? tell me emma, WHY ARE YOU NOT OKAY???
  May 2015 Emma
erica court
your soft voice
        trickles over me
        like rain, like alive
        life curtsied before me
                a beauty in ****
                soft dark skin
over the wires leaping--
dizzies me
        I long for you to come to me
        in heels, swift, as poppie
        petals in the wind--
you are my rain, impertinently covering me
        and I don't mind, chirp over vibrations
        whirl me in your soft voice
and it's late at night but I like it, you know
                how sweet,
                        your voice is
for Sarah that keeps bugging me to use this ugly site
Emma May 2015
say i love you, kid. say it. scream it. put your head out the window of her car and scream it. say it often, but do not let it lose its meaning. say it when you need to, not when its only what they want to hear. say it when you mean it, say it when it comes from the pit in your stomach where, if you dug any further, you would be physically pulling your heart right out. say i love you, kid. say it. scream it. tell them, tell her. don't wear it out. say it from the darkest blue in your favorite song. say it from the lightest pink you can see in the sky. say i love you kids, say it not to hear it back, but to remind them. let your love grow, and do not let just anybody into your secret garden. after all, it is our little secret. let the flowers become tall and let them drape over your walls for everybody to see and when somebody comes and tries to pick those flowers for themselves, do not let them. do not let them make you any less beautiful than you already are. because saying i love you, kids, is what we all need. say i love you, kid. tell them, tell her. say it. scream it.  because when you know that nobody said i love you, you can see their flowers. their flowers are not for themselves anymore, they are for all to see. they are the ones that pour out of your veins and on to the bathroom floor. so kid, say it. say i love you.
  May 2015 Emma
Mitch Prax
You may be unreachable
Like an island across sea
But I’d make myself miserable
Just to make you happy
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