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 May 2019 Elle
You are an angel
yet mortal wounds stain your skin.
You reach out to me like
I am heaven,
when all I know is sin.
 May 2019 Elle
I feel like a body in a sea of people.
No one to know
No one knows.
 May 2019 Elle
Lexi Cairns
Perched in front of a fireplace
One could be thinking of anything,
Distant castles and battles to be fought-
Dragons and demons and lovers lost
But as I curl up on the brick and place myself only inches from the flames
I think about how I wish the fireplace were real
And that it was in a much smaller house
So the warmth could chase away the cold and darkness from the farthest corners of the room.
Suddenly I remember my aunt and her fireplace
Situated in a house even bigger than this
As I watch she sits down on the cold marble hearth and reaches for a pack of cigarettes hidden in plain sight, puts one to her lips, and lights it
Exhaling the smoke into the flume
In my imagination I see myself taking one from her
Lighting it
And I inhale
And I exhale
Finding myself once again alone in front of the fireplace that isn't real,
the house still cold and dark as ever.
 May 2019 Elle
Kaiden A Ward
Retrieve the daggers
Embedded in your spine,
Not to retaliate, but
To create a fearsome display
To serve as both
Warning and reminder
That you have survived
The cruelty
Of this world.
The closer the person, the  more jagged the knife and the deeper we are torn.
 May 2019 Elle
Kaiden A Ward
The stars have abandoned the sky,
leaving only gravestones of darkness
to mark their passing.
 May 2019 Elle
Tuffy Mutombo
 May 2019 Elle
Tuffy Mutombo
We love to sleep
But hate to sleep forever
Death is an everlasting reality
In which we pray doesn’t take over
we fear overdosing on sleep
Because we know not where we wake
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