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Eliana Vieira Mar 2018
As the sad little yellow bird sings his song, all of life goes on.
None of the other little birds like to talk to him.
They think he's strange.

Strange is a word that his Momma dislikes and doesn't want her young one to use. She's afraid of the negativity he might get out of the world.

One spring morning, the little yellow bird decided to go on an adventure beyond the nest. He was so bright and full of energy.
He was truly living life to the fullest.

It wasn't until the third week of spring that the little bird's life began to take a turn for the worst...

© 2018 Omni Winters
February 24th, 2018
Eliana Vieira Mar 2018
Why can't you just let go of all fear and thoughts
holding you back from what you crave and seek the most?
The very thing that you've been longing for that has entered your life a little while back and still loves everything that is YOU?
She only wants the best for you..
Even if it means your happiness
doesn't include her.

You're such a prize to behold.
You're her favorite word, her favorite thought and memory, and the dream she goes back to every night.

When she thinks all is lost, the thought of you and the many remarkable things about you remind her why she should keep going.
She would fight for you and unconditionally love you day through night.

Your absence is never easy for her.
Every second away from you continuously causes her heart to break and bury itself into the ground.
The longer you two keep distant, the more it will hurt.
The memory of you starts to fade after a while.
All there is to remember you by
is the happiness she feels when she thinks about you,
the love she has.

No matter how fearful you are,
take that bold move and show her your
appreciation for everything she's done.
She deserves so much for everything she sacrifices.
And it's all for you.

She is protective of you as a mother is protective of her children.
She imagines you in horrible tragedies and always imagines herself fighting to see if you're alright in the end.

That's all she wants.

She wants you to be alright.. more than alright.

Knowing you are happy and well
will make loving you worth while.

She is the brave, empathetic and creative person
you only wish you could be.

You are MORE than enough.
For her and the world.

© 2018 Omni Winters
March 13th, 2018

That last line I either cut out or keep when I share it with people (depending on who I show it to). I do that with a lot of the things I write because you never know how someone is going to react.
Eliana Vieira Jan 2018
How must one feel about love?
Content, thrilled, worried, terrified, confused, or unsure?
Love is a simple smile or a hug goodbye.
Love is risking everything you have and what you are for someone who has nothing.
Love is sharing half of your heart with the person you care so deeply about.
It can teach us the many things we should love about one another.
It is taking the blame for something we didn't do.
It is complicated, but wonderful.

      © 2017 Omni Winters
July 28th, 2017
Eliana Vieira Jan 2018
Many thoughts that were once in your mind come back in
    a second when looking at the right person.

She's my trigger.

I was happy with myself:

Body type, ****** features, hair, and weight didn't matter to me.

The moment my eyes lock onto hers, everything I thought was okay disappears.

I am alone with the monster once again.

"I wish I was... I should be/have... Why am I [not]...

Why can't I be... I'll never be... I am not..."

© 2017 Omni Winters
October 23rd, 2017
Eliana Vieira Jan 2018
Ever look at someone and think "wow how are they so perfect?".
They are actual supernatural human beings both physically and mentally.
Everything from their eye shape and color:
Their eyes have a whole other universe inside of them and are full of wonder and adventure.
Deep blue oceans across the world that you want to discover.
Unique features on their face that you can't stop admiring.
Every single detail makes you want to cry tears of joy.
They're the most beautiful people you've ever known, inside and out.
Makes you want to know everything there is to know about who they are and their different points of views on the world.
Incredible people.
Everything you want in life is found in their life and you want it badly and cry.. but also crying when comparing them to yourself.
If you  were to chose between one of these following things, which would you choose?

One million dollars or half a penny?
100 roses or one dead rose petal?
A diamond or a pebble?

In a world filled with half pennies, dead rose petals and pebbles, they are the one million dollars, 100 roses and diamonds.

Know that feeling you get when you read a poem that gets you into your feelings?

It's like that with people too.

One glance at them and it's like God hit you with a lightening bolt filled with tears of either love, sadness, happiness...
   © 2017 Omni Winters
July 31st, 2017
Eliana Vieira Jan 2018
How do I reach out to someone whose personality is trapped behind closed doors?

How do I ask questions that will give me all the right answers?

[He's] a wolf behind the sheep.

A slightly sensitive being behind the introverted, intelligent twins, and the independent, strong archer.

© 2017 Omni Winters
October 10th, 2017
Eliana Vieira Jan 2018
Thousands of emotions can come from one person.
That person may be thinking of a certain situation or other person that first triggered all of these random emotions.
For me, it's another person I care about so much.
I'm the type to hold in emotions and look forward into my life.
These emotions are often negative.
No worries, right?
Takes a lot for me to show my true emotions, but when I do, it comes out rapidly.
Showers running down my face that can't be clearly explained.
Emotions vs. Negative Thoughts; Heart vs. Brain.
My heart feels like it's being crushed, squeezed, stabbed with swords at my darkest moments.
Love is a curious thing.
It is filled with both positive and negative outcomes.

© 2017 Omni Winters
August 15th, 2017

— The End —