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  Sep 2018 S
Just Alex
can not be found in the flesh
For as warm it may be
As soft to your fingers it is
It will lay soft and cold eventually

can not be found in gold
Yes, it never loses its luster
But many coins you need to muster
And no number will fill the gap in your soul

can not be found in others
For the laughs may distract
The facade will crack
And still you will be empty inside

ilusive as it may be
It follows you around
It never left
For within you she rest
Waiting to be awoken
And while the rest might feel great
They serve as nothing but crutches
On your own you must stand
If you are to revel
On the pleasures life offers...

To improve one self
To look on path troded
It´s essence

To know there is more
With hunger jump forth
It´s rushes

To balance the mind
With the desire of the heart
It´s key

And once held in hand
You will understand
That happiness flies like a bird
But behind she left
And the knowledge
That you can get it again...
S Sep 2018
i've decided i want the new me
i don't have to forget about the old me just to create a new person
i can just make the old me even better
it'll take some work
but i know it will be so worth it
S Sep 2018
it's getting closer
it's almost time for me to finish another chapter in my life
i lost myself and found her all over again
but i'm not allowed to hold onto her forever
it's almost time to let her go and become a new me all over again
she's supposed to be better...shinier
i don't have much to complain about i guess so i'll say bye to her in a couple of weeks
S Sep 2018
i love it when i can't breathe
those moments spent trying to breathe are electrifying
they make me feel alive when i forget that i already am
S Sep 2018
where are you now?.....what are you doing?
S Sep 2018
long lost lover and soulmate
we never got close enough to touch
but you marked me forever
i still think of you
it fills me with guilt
and just when i think of reaching out
to taste you once more
i feel apprehensive
i sigh with longing
i wish we could live how we always said we would
but all i can do
is wait for someone purer
S Sep 2018
We always betray ourselves
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