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I come to you Broken, but starting to see the Light before me.
There are even more things that should be holding me Prisoner.
But , Because of you these things has no such effect upon me.
I see your Truth in so many different thing that I been through.
Like my Life been hard, but then again I am still standing here.
But i today age , everyone Life seem harder than a decade ago.
Because we are in a different world today , then in the past.
So many of us have become so isolated and struggles too.
But there are so many reasons that I should been dead now.
'Yet it's because the Good Lord, Strengthen me deep inside.
I seen people fallen along side of this here road of Life.
Yet even though I made mistakes, and bad decisions here.
His Flavor, Love, and Mercies has keep me Protected.
So through all of this, I have seen his Blessings in my Life.
I know that things should had been different in my Life here.
For without Christ , my Life would had ended different here.
655 · Jul 2015
Shout It Out
When your day been in turmoil, yet you made it through it.
When everyone around  you fell, but you were protected.
Shout it Out, yes my Friend Shout it Out thanking God.
For you without him , your life would have expire long ago.
When it appears everyone else is falling down around you.
For he whom created the stars in the sky is still protecting you.
Shout it Out, yes my Friend Shout it Out  thanking God.
For Christ is Faithful God whom is the only way to life.
So sing a Joyous song in Praising him for his Faithfulness.
655 · Oct 2015
Silence Of Early Morning
In the silence of the early morning with crisp fresh air.
I wait on him whom spoke this here day into existence.
To reveal to me the events that he has spoken into reality.
Prayer, bible reading starts in the wee hours of the morning.
Waiting for him to speak to me, on his plans for my day here.
For the words to the poems, he brings into my mind to write.
A gift from him to me to everyone whom reads these poems.
For he shall bless whom he bless and he Loves everyone.
For he lives to Love us and to bless us , for he is the God of Love.
654 · Aug 2019
You Are Life Changers
I am so thankful for each of You Brothers and Sisters in God.

For each of you have a great deal of Love for other People too.

I know that through Your Beautiful Words , You are Life changers.

For You are always Busy changing other People lives right here.

Through all of Your Hearts and Beautiful Words others read here.

I just want you all to know as well , You change my Life as well.

I also want You to know that it is always for the Good as well too.

So I am just letting You know up front how inspiring that You are.

So never give up on Your Great Gift that God has bless you with.
654 · Aug 2015
Nothing Else Matters
I am letting go of all of the things not of him.
I am letting go of all of this here worldly things.
Leaving my hands free to hang on to the Lord.
Nothing else matters, except following Jesus.
Nothing else is important except Jesus Christ.
For only his ways lead to eternal life in heaven.
Only his ways shall bring true life to us here.
For only through him can we come to the Father.
For how can you hate Jesus , yet confess to be a Christian.
651 · Jun 2017
I Believe
I Believe that Christ has died for each of us, everywhere.
That he wants us all, to Find him and accept him  where we are at.
I believe that it is up to us to find him and then accept him.
I believe that it does not mean how evil we might be here.
That he can still save us, if we accept him as the true Way.
To live and to accept him as our Savior and true Love here.
For he is the Bridegroom and us the Church is his Bride.
Yes I believe that anyone can be saved by him no matter what...
We have or have not done in this here live we can still be saved.
650 · Jan 2018
Only You
I have no idea, what will happen next in my Life.
I do not know how my Life shall play out in the end.
There is nothing guarantee in any of our Life here.
For in reality , it is you not us that decides our Future.
For we can only Pray and Trust that you shall be there.
To Lead us down the Right Path, that we are meant to take.
Trusting that in the very end, you shall lead us Home .
All that we can really do is Trust that everything here.
Shall end up okay for us, as well as our Families too.
Because only you can Lead us, and restore to us too.
All of the Things, that this here Life has cost us here too.
For only you can see what the Future here holds for us.
647 · Mar 2015
I Miss You
I miss you dad, the things that I fail to tell you still weighs me down.
I miss you Lynn, the things that I should have told you are left unsaid.
I miss you Andy and Damian my two nephews , wish things were different.
The people both family and friends that we take for granite here.
Then before we can relay to them that we love them and are blessed by them.
But then it is too late for they are gone before we get the chance to tell them.
So whatever you do let those that means so very much to you.
Let them know that they are special and that you love them.
Let them know that you are better person because of them.
642 · Feb 2015
O Blessed Savior, you are always renewing my strength.
You are always renewing my Faith as well and Blessings.
Who am I , that you love me this much that you never give up on me.
That you accept me with all of my faults, all of my baggage as well.
You whom saw the earth at the very beginning of time and said this is good.
You whom loved king David after he let you down with Bathsheba.
You whom turn your enemy  Saul into your warrior Paul the apostle.
For even through all of our wickedness , you use it to encourage others.
Whom struggle with obedience and disobedience before you here.
642 · Jan 2015
I Am Not Perfect
I am far from perfect, but I still strive to be perfect in him.
When we follow Christ, our lives do not belong to us any longer.
Since he died, while he was dying for us he took our sins upon himself.
This way we can live for him since he died and rose back to life for us.
We do not worship an dead Savior, for Christ has always live in heaven.
Christ says that he took all of our sins and thrown it into the sea of forgetfulness.
So now we live sinless life, it no longer us that sin but our flesh that sins.
For though we strive to be sinless our bodies struggle to sin again.
It is a spiritual thing versus the sinful flesh which holds us captive.
But one day soon we shall have brand new sinless bodies to wear.
640 · Nov 2015
I think that we all suffer from  some kind of Loss here on the earth.
But what really define someone is how they get through it, after its done.
After suffering some kind of loss whether its a person or something else.
Do we move on even while our heart is breaking into many pieces here.
Or do we give up, wanting to end our life here because we hurt really bad.
Really all that we can do is to accept this loss, praying for strength here.
To overcome this hurt that is so painful deep inside each of us that's hurt.
For only Christ can rescue us , then heal us of this suffering of ours.
Thus revealing himself in each of us that obediently listen to him.
640 · Oct 2018
Live Free Live For
Live free , from hate and resentment.
Live free, from anger and bitterness.
Live free, from sadness and loneliness.
Live free, from selfishness and sorrow.
Live free, from rejection and spitefulness.
Live free, from pride, controlling, and overbearing.
Live for, Hope, Joyfulness, and Peace.
Live for, Love, selflessness, and Goodness.
Live for , Giving, Sharing, Enjoying, Hope.
Live for, Humbleness, Happy, self-control.
639 · Aug 2015
Use Me O God
Use me O God to shout out about the evil forces.
That pretend to be your people but belong to satan.
The politians pretending to be Christians here in usa.
As well as the bands, and the actors as well as others.
Whom in your Precious name destroy other people.
I want to be your voice here letting others know you are coming.
I want you to reveal to me things so that I can warn others.
As the tv programs that turn you into a person with rage.
Or the ones that make you live in a make believe world.
I am laying it down so that you may use me O God.
To warn people about the new world order and the illuminati.
638 · Mar 2016
Remember, Grace is best when you share it with others.
Remember , Love does conquer all when its unconditional.
Remember Friends always make you richer than money.
For you can not take money with you when you die.
But you can always lead friends to Christ, then meet them there.
Living Life pure is by far by far better then living an hateful life.
Running around with an purpose , fulfills your Life always.
For living an life without any purpose leave you drain always.
For Lonelness is a person worst nightmare , for it drains you.
For we are meant to be in fellowship with other believers.
638 · Feb 2016
Your Goodness
Your Faithfulness is Perfect and renown.
There is none other that I rather trust here.
For you give only good things to us God.
I am so blessed by all of the people here.
That you have place in my life through the internet.
So I want to just keep Praising you O Lord.
For all of the Goodness, that you give to me.
I do not deserve them but you give them to me still.
634 · Dec 2015
Positive Thinking
I think that when we start to think positive thoughts.
That sometime the negative thoughts slip into our minds.
To work to suffocate the positive thought we are having.
Thus is the time to stand firm pushing those thoughts out.
Keeping the positive thoughts in our minds always.
For tis a battlefield , for we need to stand fast and not give up.
But keep throwing those negative thoughts out of our minds.
Keeping only positive ones that help others in our minds.
For people not material things matter at least to God and I.
For each of you all are important to me always my Friend.
634 · Dec 2016
I Want You To Know
I want you to know why I rarely write or like poems here anymore.
One of my arms the left, I believe hurts much through arthritis pain.
But it does not mean that you all are not in my prayers or thoughts.
For you all are still very important and special to me sorry though.
About the absent , but keep me in your daily prayers , who knows.
What our Creator has in store for our relationships my friends.
There may yet be sharing of poetry, only time shall tell love you all.
More then you shall tell with the unconditional love from Christ our God.
Persevering though this, but shall see you and your Light on the other side.
For it through your poems and your Light within you that gives me hope.
To persevere , continuing to walk the path that Christ has set before me.
631 · Mar 2015
Suffering Heals
As Apostle Paul stated, in the Christian bible a lot.
To suffer is good, when you are doing it for God.
For it is good, it builds character as well as humble you.
I would rather suffer here on earth, then the next life.
Yes Christ did die on the cross for our sins here on the earth.
But still he uses our suffering in many different ways here.
One to show the lost his strength in all of our sufferings.
In another way he uses it to draw other people to him,
By them seeing his strength in our sufferings and pains.
As well as his healing us , in our times of suffering here.
630 · Jan 2015
Force Of Love
Allow Christ of transform you into a force to love.
A force to help those that are hurting right now.
To use you as a revelation, to reveal Christ to others.
To use you as a force of love, revealing his love.
For when we become impact to others life here.
Because we do love others the same way Christ does.
Then Christ Holy Spirit can empower us to make a difference.
In others lives, thus revealing Christ within us while doing it.
For it is not us but the true Sprit of God that is enabling us.
630 · Nov 2018
God Use You To Give Me Hope
There are so many that has left that will be really missed on here.
Like Kim Johanna Baker, I have not seen Bradon Nagley in a while'
God has used them and their poetry to show hope on here to others.
There are more that have Left , I miss Vicki as well she is another.
So many Gifted Poets whom worked hard at showing others Hope here.
Through their keep on pushing through in their Life and Poetry.
Still there are others that are still here sharing their poetry and caring.
I just want you all like Kristy, Pradip, Ryn,Tapiwa,H-B,Rose, Walter, Alyssa.
Valsa,Kikodinho,Jen,Logasn, Ben,Cisco,Timur,Kasidee, J Kleins, Traveler.
Wendy,Wordvango, Timothy, Marian,and many more Powerful Poets.
629 · Jun 2017
I Still Know
I still know just how wicked depression can be to people
I still know just how great regrets can be here on the earth.
I understand just how great Hopelessness can be too.
I still know just how bad sorrow and pain can be too.
But even through all of these things I still stand firm.
Even though I might have my struggles here on the earth.
I still know that you are still in control of everything here.
I still know even though all of this nasty things here.
That you still Love me, that I am still Blessed by you.
I still know that you are my strength and Shield Lord Jesus.
I still know that your Joy within in me , shall get me through.
Because my situation does not dictate what you can do with me.
629 · Aug 2015
Life is lived, Love is shared, God is Faithful.
Life is full of sacrifice, Love is full of rejection.
Not everyone that you love shall return the Love.
But since everyone that we meet here on the earth.
Been ordain by Christ that we met them in our lives.
So we are called to pray for all of those that we met.
Especially for those that despises us, pray for their very soul.
Love upon them like there is no tomorrow here.
For this is the greatest gift that we can give anyone.
628 · Aug 2015
King Sacrifice
Life is a paradox, you can not live till after death.
Only after the fall, shall you will rise up here.
Just as the King was born in a Manger here.
Living as a homeless man, healing everyone.
While knowing his outcome here on the cross.
Dying a death of sinners, this here sinless man.
To the cross he went, beaten and abuse he was.
Freely he went knowing that he was the open door.
For you and me, for he rose up again saving us.
From the death that we deserve by his sacrifice.
Now he sits at the right hand of the Father above.
Giving true life to all that believes in his gift to us.
626 · Jan 2017
I  Feel so Blessed, by each of you here.
For you write poems that make me feel.
Poems of Joy, and some Poems of Pain.
So many Poems that has Touched my heart.
I want to thank you all, for letting me get to know you.
Your Pains, Struggles, Sorrows, Joys, and Love.
I am so thankful for you allowing me into your World.
Through all of those Poems that you keep on writing.
624 · Jun 2017
I Need A Savior
I get lost many times, yes I need a Savior to lead me.
Yes I hurt, yes I feel much pain yes I need a Savior.
Yes , I done things that I am not proud of  as well.
Yes, I need a Savior , to lead me on this here path.
Yes come rescue me, from all that I need saved from.
Yes I am Lonely as heck, I need a Savior and Friend.
To rescue me from all of this here sufferings and pain.
I truly need you in my here life Lord, I need a Savior.
To lead me Home, to lead me down the Finish Line.
622 · Apr 2016
I Love You Unconditional
I love you all with Christ , unconditional Love.
For every one is a beautiful Creation of God.
So please do not be discourage here my friends.
For Christ has a beautiful purpose for each of you.
He  wants to bring you from darkness unto his Light.
Thus using the transformation of your poetry here.
To draw others unto him, for each of you here.
Are an example unto his to show this world his Light.
So fear not, be strong unto the Lord for he is good.
622 · May 2017
You Are
You are appreciated, and Loved.
You are important, and very Loved.
You are needed, by God and I.
You are Righteous in Christ eyes.
There are no one that can do what you do.
For Christ gave you talents and gifts.
For the purpose that you were created for.
He uses you to bless others through your gifts.
618 · Jul 2015
Perfect Love
Perfect Love, fills you with complete Joy.
Perfect Love , lifts others when you use it.
Perfect Love, heals the broken-hearted .
For Perfect Love is the greatest gift here.
God use Perfect Love when he went to the cross.
His Perfect Love  has saved us from death.
His Perfect Love for us has rescue us from hades.
So we too should use his Perfect Love on others.
Drawing them unto him , our Savior God.
618 · Mar 2019
They Need You Please
You Might not Realize this but Someone really needs  You.
Someone seen everything that You have went through here.
They see all that You have overcome here and really need You.
For if You end it, what about them , they shall soon follow.
I know that Life can destroy You, but for them stay strong please.
That One Person that to them , You are like a giant oak tree.
They need You staying Strong , it might even be a family member.
A brother, a sister, mother, child, Father that needs you.
To be strong, so that They see Hope through You for themselves.
610 · Aug 2015
Though It All
Even through had some valleys as well as some peaks.
Though it all my life has been rescue more than once.
Even through the rough times here on the planet earth.
The Lord has walk along side of me , leading me here.
Protecting me with his Spirit, as well as the Angels also.
His Spirit has given me super-natural strength here.
For anyone near me to see when they had a open-mind.
To see that it was not me whom overcame  but Christ.
That overcame the battles as well as the wicked one scheme.
For these feats of super-natural pupations could only be from God.
For I am no superman but only an mortal with the Spirit of God within me.
609 · Nov 2015
Allow No Fear In
Stars shine brightest when they are falling to the earth below.
While People shine their brightest after winning their battles.
Yet do not take your eyes off of the victory handed to you by God.
Thus like Elisha after he was use to reveal God in the defeat.
Of the five hundred baal profits that were put to death in Israel.
How he forgot so quickly the victory and allow fear to consume him.
We must stand firm and remember that Christ is always protecting us.
So that we allow no seed of fear to penetrate our minds after victories.
But instead continue to trust in the Creator of us and everything else.
608 · Dec 2015
The Good Lord
The Good Lord is my Savior, whom covers me in his Protection.
The Good Lord is my Savior, whom walks besides me always.
The Good Lord is my Savior, whom goes before me guarding me.
The Good Lord is my Savior, whom needs no reason to bless me.
The Good Lord is my Savior, whom is always there for me.
The Good Lord, is my Savior, whom saves me from the evil one.
The Good Lord is my Savior, as well as my very best Friend.
The Good Lord is my Savior, whom created me from nothing.
608 · Feb 2017
We All Hurt
Each of you have a Great Purpose, here on the earth.
Each of you use your writing, to help out others too.
Some happy, others sad, yet both inspiring others.
While encouraging others through both types of poems.
Sometimes Christ shall use the sad poems to help others.
By letting one know where the writer has been in life.
Of the pain or sorrow that they are in at the moment.
While the happy ones reveal Hope to everyone here.
For we all need true Hope, and Christ is that Hope.
For that writer , has been deliver into Christ Hope .
So he is working one way through this Full Hope.
I am no way different then the rest, I hurtled it just I see true Hope too.
I still hurt and suffer, it just I want to bless others with my Hope
Sometimes each past sneaks up on each of us in our lifes.
Sometimes even though we hurt and write sad poems here.
Christ sees a different us in the Spiritual realm.
Sometimes it takes our desperation in something.
To finally see change from Christ our Savior.
Desperation, being broken, and a broken heart.
Are three things that God can and will work with.
To reveal himself to those that are hurting .
Another one is when you hit rock bottom here.
Because then you realize that this world is not about you.
Christ will take your life turn you around and do mighty things.
Once you become humble and start knowing that he is God.
606 · Apr 2016
Through His Salvation
Even though I may be weak , and struggling here.
But he whom dwells within me, gives me Hope.
For it is not about me nor what I can do alone.
But it is about allowing my Savior and God.
Reveal to others what they can do through him.
For I shall always whither away when he is not in me.
But with Christ my Lord, I can do all things through him.
The same thing can be said about anyone abiding in him.
For if he can do these things through me whom struggles.
Just imagine the mighty feats that he can do through others.
Whom never lose their way , because they are always hanging on.
604 · Jul 2015
When I Hurt
When I hurt here, on the planet earth.
I know that this hurting shall not last long.
For I am destine to live a new life elsewhere.
So I realize that same with these trials here.
For the time spent here is fleecing compare.
To the next life in either heaven or the new earth.
The most important thing that I need to do.
Is to trust the Creator with my entire being.
To follow him on this road no matter where it leads.
For when my life ends here I shall be in a far better place.
601 · Dec 2015
Remember This
Christ does not save us because he is desperate or lonely.
For he does not need the human race for praise or anything.
But because he loves us each with an unconditional Love.
For he has thousand of Angels that Praise him always in heaven.
If he wanted an faithful group , he could raise the Rocks.
To worship him, to Praise him as well, he never did need us.
So realize before this before you pass onto the other side.
It is not Christ that needs us, but it is us that needs Christ.
For even though we are an evil lot, he still wants to be our God.
600 · Oct 2015
I Miss My Chance Back Then
Sometimes my heart aches, thinking about those that I got close to.
But they went away, without me reaching out to them about God.
I fail to minster to them , and now I feel ashamed that I fail them.
When I think about all those people whom made a difference in my life.
But I fail to make a difference in their lives while they were here.
So many people that needed Jesus but I fail back then to minster.
So now here I am missing being able to have been their true friend.
For now I try to Love with Agape Love, but I fail back then to.
I just am feeling so blue because I miss being able to minster to them.
The way that I should had, so tonight I pray one more time for others.
600 · Jan 2015
Overcoming Suffering
In this day my heart is breaking, so many are suffering.
The middle class is dwindling, people are hurting emotionally.
So many marriages are failing , the rich sending all the good jobs oversea.
But there is still Hope, take your eyes off of people now.
For there is only one Savior, he died on the cross 2000 years ago.
If you really want to overcome your sufferings you need to focus.
Not on people , they shall let you down most have their own agenda.
But Christ can save you, heal you, love you and deliver you too.
He shall not let you go into this drain ready to collapse on the floor.
For he shall build you up through strengthening you daily.
There are some wealthy that keep good jobs here in the USA.
598 · Aug 2015
Hoping And Believing
Hoping and Believing that each of you are being healed.
Hoping, and Believing that each of you are being Blessed.
Hoping , and Believing that Christ is Saving each of you.
Hoping, and Believing that each of you are feeling Loved.
Hoping, and Believing that each of you are being well Fed.
Hoping, and Believing with Christ Faith that things are getting better.
Hoping, Believing, and Trusting that we shall be celebrating together.
In Heaven with a Great Table that we shall be surrounded.
Hoping, and Believing that you shall become Greatly Blessed tonight.
592 · Apr 2017
I sometimes, get lost inside of my mind.
Sometimes, I think way too much too.
Sometimes, there are too many thoughts.
Sometimes, it can get really Lonely too.
Since you disappear from my hurting Life.
Sometimes, all that I want to do is run.
Sometimes, the depression can be overwhelming.
Sometimes, I constantly pray for healing.
Sometimes , all that I want to do is hide.
Here in my apartment day and night as well.
Sometimes , I hurt worst than other times.
591 · Mar 2018
Kingdom Of God
The Kingdom of God, is the safest place to be today.
Because of all the killing and evil that is afoot today.
Because when you are in the Will of our Savior God.
You know that he shall be keeping you Safe for another day.
Because he is using you to Minster to other people now.
So, even when your time has come   you are going home.
Which is the Greatest place to be at any time in your Life.
As well as your death, for Heaven is so beautiful place to be.
For Heaven is also the Perfect place to Dwell as well .
590 · Jul 2015
Though I Walk In America
Though I walk in America, I shall not fear suffering.
For its though this here suffering that people draw to you.
Though I walk in America, I shall not fear poverty.
For it is through this here poverty that I might live in.
That I shall see your Mighty hand on my provisions.]
Though I walk in America , I shall never fear death.
For it is always in your hands, everything that happens.
For you always have the last say in everything Lord.
So in everything that I do, I place them all in your hands.
590 · Aug 2019
Come Rejoice
Come Rejoice, For each of you are Special to Christ.

Come Rejoice, sit and when you are Ready Dance.

Come Rejoice, for you mean so much to God and I.

Come Rejoice, for the Good Lord really Loves you.

Come Rejoice, for someday We shall meet there.

Come Rejoice, for soon Christ shall return here again.

Come enjoy , for Our King shall return for Us too.

Come enjoy, for this is nothing compare to Our future.

Come enjoy, for Jesus loves you so much my Friend.
If we could have a perfect life then we would not need God.
But there is no perfect world created until Christ second coming.
But once we get to heaven we shall have a perfect one without sin.
Sin is the disease  that is keeping us from having one now.
For we all need the Christ no matter who we might be or know.
Adam and Eve became disobedient to our Savior in the garden of Eden.
So Christ had to come down to the earth to die a sinners death.
To bring us back into the fold that Adam and Eve separated us from God.
It feels good waking up early morning.
To Bless the Lord, the Lover of my soul.
For there was a time when God deliver me.
From cigarettes , my life was in total chaos.
Back then the evil demons kept attacking me.
Trying to drive me back to smoking again.
So much was coming against me back then.
But one thing I realize is that we rely on God.
Not on us when we become attack non stop.
For only his strength can get us through it.
But he was strengthening me into a overcomer.
583 · Dec 2015
Falling And Raising Up
I am falling more in love with you O God.
I am falling upon my face to worship you.
I am falling in Line with your Word O God.
I am falling , but you shall raise me up Lord.
Because I shall refuse Pride to steal my blessings.
For Christ says the Prideful shall fall but..
The Humble shall be raise up and tis is true.
There is plenty of good reasons to fall.
Those good reasons I shall fall to worship you.
But I shall continue to pray on being protected.
From becoming prideful , I rather stay humbled.
581 · Apr 2017
I Am
I am weak , when you are strong through me Lord.
I am disable , yet you still use me a lot O Lord God.
I am a mess, can only see out of one eye now.
I am really weak at times yet you strengthen me.
For when I rely on your strength I can overcome .
Everything that keeps me held prisoner here.
I can overcome all addiction through your strength.
I can stand tall and firm through your Mighty strength.
I can leap over all obstacles that stand in the way.
579 · Dec 2015
Keep Standing Strong
When you fail something thus falling deep into hopelessness.
Like quick sand pulling you under so hard to breathe in it.
This is when you need to stand firm, praying to the Creator.
Thus crying out for strength and perseverance to hold on.
At least long enough to be strengthen in Christ strength.
Holding on to the Christ whom is the lifebuoy here.
For only by holding on tightly to him shall we survive.
For this world right now is such an dangerous place.
To live in with all of these people killing others for nothing.
577 · Sep 2015
I Have Overcome
Even though my life might have been tough here.
Even if I had more loses then wins in this here life.
I shall not let it drag me down for I have overcome.
My attitude has changed for my eyes has been open.
For I have your Spirit within me helping me to stand firm.
To overcome , even in the most harsh of situations here.
To live also means surrendering myself to you Lord.
For only by surrendering will I be empty out of myself.
Thus allowing your Spirit to reach out to this lost world.
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