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  Feb 2019 october rose
i told myself i would
not wait for love

but what am i to do
if he is standing
right here
october rose Feb 2019
I see the world in your eyes
I can look and see a life worth living

A love worth fighting

But we hide the feelings
Maybe because we are afraid of losing

But what is there to lose
If we don’t start a beginning
Let’s start a story
With many chapters
Of a life, laughter, and love
  Jan 2019 october rose
Artists are often
broken people
using the fragments of themselves
to create something new
and although
being healed
feels so complete
sometimes i want to be broken again
sometimes i want open wounds
so i can use the blood
to paint sunsets
so i can use the torn off pieces of skin as a canvas
so i can carve
masterpieces with the jagged bones left behind
but I can't bring myself to break my own heart in the name of Art
  Jan 2019 october rose
The smooth slide of his hand
Against the smooth curve of her side.
The rush of every pent-up emotion
Let loose in the fiery thrill of their skin.
Gentle, yet raging, this want spread quickly
Through the once torn scars of their minds.
october rose Jan 2019
interesting, isn’t it
this whole life thing
we come here to live
just to die
october rose Nov 2018
I know it’s wrong
But you just feel so right
Please don’t leave me
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