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 Mar 2014 dreadfulmind
A Poem
 Mar 2014 dreadfulmind
I read a poem today
It wasn't particularly new
It wasn't written a long time ago
By someone long dead
But it was real
It was written in truth
And experience

I read a poem today
It wasn't short and simple
It didn't lose my interest
As though it were long and boring
But it was nice
It was deep and engaging
Relative to this young heart

I read a poem today
It wasn't that of rebellion
It wasn't so typical
To which I have become accustomed
But it was honesty
It was entirely genuine and
Was a bit of a tearjerker

I read a poem today
It wasn't expected
It didn't give you thrills
As many of us seek
But it was perfect
It changed this heart of mine
And opened realization of the future
The clock ticks away
as another sleepless night
breaks way for another
wasted day.

The ***** ran out hours ago.
I was left to wait out the clock
during that empty part of
the night when the
liquor stores close and
the street walking girls
walk their
final walk of the night.

Too wired to sleep,
mind too full of
memories to do
anything else but try
to **** them all away.
Sat on the toilet and
fixed myself a shot.
***** for breakfast,
two beers I'll call my lunch.
Dinner I'll spend 
with her
in a restaurant,
picking at my
plate while
tossing back the
Again disappointing
that girl who
still remembers
that guy I used to be.

This day I'll spend like
all the rest,
battling to be me.
The past recedes and
my need to stay numb
grows more with every
deed remembered.

These days don't change,
but most of the faces do.
There aren't too many who will
stick around and watch you
wait on death.

There are those who
remember you
and try there best to
guide you back.
If they could
only hear
the symphony
of screams
within my head.
Or the faces that
flash,dead enemy's
and dead friends.

If just a few of them
could experience
the empty in which I
live in.
Then maybe
they'd bring me a
Christen my
voyage like a ******
ship to sea.

Wish me
well  then leave me be
and hold true to those
memories of  
the Who
I used to be..
Be the symbol of your own might
Nothing can ****** your any right

Be the strongest voice against the wrong
Justice itself will come to you for long

But don't miss tenderness, your jewel
Hatred will dry though so deep a well

Crown will be on your head till death
You will be yourself, your true wealth
 Mar 2014 dreadfulmind
She found peace
In the dark
With her **demons
 Mar 2014 dreadfulmind
Erin Lewis
A silent shadow
Across a midnight sky
Beauty and danger
Within him, he flies
Moonlight hints
At peace and wonder
Through a snowy scene
This hunter wanders
Freezing winds
Lift high his cry
Piercing fear
Where comfort would lie
 Mar 2014 dreadfulmind
J C Lynch
I found quiet reflection
in the city tonight,
quieter than any dirt road
we have back home.

Bus brakes squealed
over bar patrons carousing.
Life in a snapshot vacuum,
solitude in the sound.

I found myself on a
stone wall tonight,
I could see through
the years to the end.

Footsteps w/ghosts
mingled w/ those present.
Life in self-discovery,
comfort in realization.
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