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 Oct 2015 shelly
Sofia Rose
 Oct 2015 shelly
Sofia Rose
I have so many words
crammed inside my head
words on words
no pattern
just words
a disjointed jumble.
As I shove them out
of my head
onto paper
more appear
faster than I can write.
My words
borrowed words
words of geniuses
words of drunks.
Someone once told me
words are powerful
if you know how to use them
but I don't
so I have no power
just a crowded head
filled with disjointed
 Oct 2015 shelly
Sure of it
 Oct 2015 shelly
Sometimes when I stop to think about who I am
I immediately call it quits
Because I'm not one to make assumptions
When I'm not completely sure
what am I doing here again?
 Oct 2015 shelly
Omeshan Naidoo
i'm just typing this poem verbatim from thoughts in my brain.
i don't know why, but they say persist everyday.
i'm persisting.
this is my poem for the day.
I was afraid of love
It's just heartaches and sufferings
I forbid myself from falling
Because I know
No one would catch me but the ground
Then there was you

You said you were falling
I was ready to fall in love with you
But when I was falling really fast
That's when I realized
You were not with me
You had a parachute on

I fell
But no one was there to catch me
I loved
And I don't think I could ever love again
Cause Im broken
You've broke me beyond repair
 Jun 2015 shelly
 Jun 2015 shelly
Solitude is peaceful,
I must be an island.
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