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 Feb 23 divi
 Feb 23 divi
I didn't whisper your name,  
but they heard it in my silence.  
I didn't paint your face,  
but they saw it in my dreams.  
Love, like the moonlight,  
cannot be hidden in the dark.  

- faiza
 Feb 19 divi
They will tell you there is a right way.
They will hand you a torch and call it the sun.
They will roll their words in raw linen and whisper:
"This is what poetry is meant to be."

And you will nod.
Because they have made it so that not nodding feels like blasphemy.

But listen—
the ink does not check your credentials.
The meter does not ask if your suffering is organic.
A line does not collapse because it was crafted instead of bled.

They will tell you a poem must be naked, barefoot, aching—
as if there is no beauty in a well-cut suit.
They will decry the temple and build a pulpit in its ruins,
preaching freedom in a voice that allows no dissent.

Good poets are cult leaders,
and the first rule of the cult
is that they are not one.

So write the sonnet, carve the sestina,
sculpt the page in iambic steel.
Or break it, shatter it, scatter its bones—
but let no one call your wreckage untrue.

And if they do,
Because poetry does not kneel to priests.
A counter-point mirrored in style to:

The morale of the story is:

try not to dictate creation and by extension freedoms.
 Feb 19 divi
Death, whose guise is end to sorrow,
sells salvation 'til tomorrow.
September 17, 2022
 Mar 2024 divi
Goddess Rue
Heaven rained on me,
I breathed in the petrichor,
Bathed in the downpour.
I have sinned,
So destroy me,
With your rain.
 Mar 2024 divi
kaleidoscope of jagged shards
create this face, forever changed
against all possibility
imperfect pieces rearranged

where light is twofold magnified
and shadows waltz within the light
and waves of light, of liquid gold
now break behind unseeing eyes

then fleets of doves assail the skies
in graceful waves, untethered flight
toward my vacant heart they glide
my thoughts unowned, now occupied

one string of fate, two counterparts
diminished light, a distant star
your presence, through the fog, is felt:
a lighthouse in the dark
a poem!!! a poem!!! the drought! is! over!    R E J O I C E !!!
 Nov 2023 divi
i believe,
even the stars
get tired.

when the night sky
had folded them away
back into the darkness

and the moon,
that lonesome thing,
has doused itself in shadows.

so will you too, my friend
shy away from the light
as if it would burn
if it reached you.

maybe you feel,
you just are not strong enough
to face the day.

that the midnight hour
is a broken thing

and oh, the silence
is deafening.

and you and i know, even the stars
are tired.

you mourn for them
as their light expires.
 Jan 2022 divi
 Jan 2022 divi
She keeps songs
locked away in boxes
like secrets.
She will take them out
like postcards
to help her remember
the feeling of
a different time,
a different person
by her side.
She likes the one
that makes her
eyes close
to see the lights.
She smiles at
the one that  
makes her stand
up on tiptoes,
the one that
helps her forget
she doesn’t know
what to do
with her hands.

The tune
will carry her.

Like it did
the times when
voices broke
like a heart.
When instruments’ strings
would snap
and hurt.
 Jun 2020 divi
you inhale tragedies
and exhale poetry
From where do you get your perseverance?
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