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Diksha Dhiman Mar 2021
Let my moon keep my worries
Let my stars move with flurries.
Diksha Dhiman Mar 2021
No matter what,we all are going to mess up.
Diksha Dhiman Mar 2021
I am at peace because I know universe is taking care.
Diksha Dhiman Feb 2021
It’s just that your mind is yet to be trained to see positive things happening.
Diksha Dhiman Feb 2021
Flowers in my heart bloomed for you....
Diksha Dhiman Jan 2021
Sometimes don't give someone talks about struggles of life, that how much their life is messy now and they have to clean it. Sometimes just be a place where they can hide and be safe until they gain strength and conquer all the chaos.
                                 -diksha dhiman
Diksha Dhiman Jan 2021
Only communication is the real healer...
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