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 Jul 2014 Dhirana
 Jul 2014 Dhirana
I want to like someone so much,

That I could draw them from memory.

I want to adore someone so much,
I want to love someone so much,

*That I could pinpoint their profile in the stars.
 Jun 2014 Dhirana
 Jun 2014 Dhirana
Caroline loves the ocean.  
Her soul sails on a Carolina breeze.
But her music's in the mountains,
and her heart's back home
where it needs to be.

I'm stuck here
in a Carolina wind,
wading in the ocean
with my heart in Tennessee,
and my mind on Caroline.

Carolina's got everything
a man could want.
Everything he needs.
It's got the mountains and the ocean.
It has a Carolina breeze.

He has everything but Caroline;
everything but Tennessee.

r ~ 6/22/14
  |     Carolina ocean breeze
/ \
 Jun 2014 Dhirana
nichole r
he drew constellations on her skin in the finest, darkest wisps of his soul.
heartbreak is the most common illness.

love is insane.  or maybe, love has just made me insane.

cancer kills. diseases ****. plagues ****.
    heartbreak kills.

maybe not literally, maybe not pure true death,

     heartbreak kills.

sunsets fade, stars lose interest, flowers are pale and lifeless, and everything you see, smell, feel, hear

  reminds you of the culprit of the illness.

heartbreak may not cause pure, true death,

          but it induces the closest thing possible while still breathing.
I remember you well
at the halfway hotel
dusty corduroy ragged
shambling shoes smiling
toothless and untethered.

You, shop door keeper
sidewalk sleeper
a torrent of tall tales
and misery sweet
You, invisible to those
who see beauty 
in possessions alone
while all you possess
hangs in blue plastic noose
from your weathered hand.

Me, the bearer of bread
hot soup for the soul
and soft blanket warmth.
We settle together
to watch the world wane
You tell me your story
hushed tones as sun sets
homeowner to street roamer
family man to castaway
as an eye blinked
and winter frosts left their bloom.

We shared our love of Cohen
as the stars forged the sky
you sang a little
with tobacco rough lungs
the sweetest sound
mixed with bitter tears
picking through all that remains
in the ashes of your life.

You thanked me for kindness
grateful for a chance at visibility
your gratitude reciprocated
by the impression left upon my heart
your face forever summoned
by Leonards finest song
I remember you well
at the halfway hotel...
I've met some wonderful people that live their lives on our streets, this particular guy has always stayed with me and I give thanks with this verse for all that he taught me. Oh and thanks and big love to Leonard Cohen, for the title, first two lines (slightly altered) and for supplying the soundtrack to my rainy afternoons.
 Jun 2014 Dhirana
hearts hung up on branches
no more songs no more singing
The war lost
 Jun 2014 Dhirana
the wind blows from the south west
she blows strong in steady gusts
All the garden bends and bows
to her whim and welcome breeze
reminds winter waits under her skirts
but we are in love just the same
 Jun 2014 Dhirana
 Jun 2014 Dhirana
Get ready to fly with bleeding wings.
 Jun 2014 Dhirana
Joshua Haines
Drinking summer skin,
I hear the voices in the night sky
I'm a slave to the darkness around the stars,
and I can't remember why

One, two, twenty-three percocet in my soul.
Ambulance lights breathing throughout the mist.
Pump my stomach like the sawed-off shotgun
that I was too afraid to use,
because what if I 'miss'?
What spectrum of desolation to be traced with lips;
to kiss away the desire to exist.

Mirrored reflection injection causes the resurrection of my imperfection.
I see me for who I am, who I was, and who I won't be.
It's the collection of
my eyes dilating and my knees speculating their arrival
to the blue and white tiling disguised as neo-survival.
My mind is evaporating. My body begins to convulse.
I am a ghost in a machine. I am without a pulse
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