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 Jul 2014 devare
Holly Nicole
 Jul 2014 devare
Holly Nicole
A word once filled with love
Now turned sour
This tapestry
Once a work of art-
Painted with streaks of fury,
Blots of distaste,
A perfect image once presented
Now soiled with hatred
Slid in to my life
Absolutely not unwanted
How could I be so foolish to think
The smile you had
Safe, warm, welcoming
How was I to know?
Mirrors and smoke screens to hide
What you really were.
I didn't LOVE you
You were merely a stepping stone
A portion of my own painting,
Now blackened and smeared
I didn't love you.
I couldn't love you.
Your tapestry rolled,
But not forgotten.
For how could I forget
This hole that is
It's nice to get out old memories sometimes.
 Jul 2014 devare
Looking at the picture of your house made me daydream about the day when I finally stood in front of your door and you waited for me to knock. My hands hovered with hesitation, trembled in vain, held by the bind of doubts and what ifs. I did not knock yet you knew that I was there, just like that you felt my presence; I could barely remember when did you start became so intuitive. Door slammed open, two pairs of eyes met for a fleet second and hands intertwined that instant. Our souls entangled and we swore in that moment we were infinite. Your very self broke down and I myself ruptured when we decided to lock the door and got ourselves enraptured by the feelings of regret, with cheeks wet and hairs messed. We caught each other’s clothing damp with god knows how much tears, yet we did not seem thirsty. I would not dare to say that we were sober, as we perpetually drank shots of our life essence—shaken, not stirred—and got a little intoxicated. I could taste our consciousness altered, surging like a mind-numbing deluge within our insides; I was afraid that we might get hangovers by the time the sun rose. Your fingers traced down my veins, yearned for unceasing strong pulses and tried to elucidate that it was not a dream, that it was not a pure delusional fantasy resonated by a mere cerebral cortex. Hearts beaten by the way we caress every single affliction that bonded the two of us, broke free from the misery we deliberately lived. Pieces by pieces you filled the cavity that used to draw close my heart and it was long gone after you. Now that we literally got each other’s back in our grasp, I could imagine how fragile yet how sturdy these very chassis that held two living beings could get. The boundaries fell into oblivion as we slowly melt ourselves together; like ice cream in the sun, like iron in the welding pit, like wolves beneath the moon, like thunder on the shore shut silent by thick clouds of entity. Fingers crossed that there would be no more 3.444 miles and two vexing timezones away between us. Like tempered glass on a car crash, I crumbled and I gave myself to you as whole. Our breath so fervent, fire could not seem to burn us. Knees weaken thus bodies slid down the wall, creaked the wooden floor and just like that shoes scattered and so did our heads, thoughts messed just the way we liked it. One year, two years, five years, ten years, one divine eternity and I still would not let this moment lapse.
 Jul 2014 devare
You Killed Me
 Jul 2014 devare
I held a gun against my head
and pulled the trigger
but I'm not dead
I laid in a bath of tepid water
slit my wrists
bled like slaughter
I poured petrol from a can
lit a match
a flaming stand
I fell down upon a track
then came the train
I didn't stand back
I strung a rope inside the carport
kicked the chair from my feet
without a thought
I woke up screaming from a nightmare
clawing furrows in my chest
that lay bared
I took some pills and alcohol
and drifted in a void
but still I don't fall
I woke upon each wretched lie
Alive, but dead
Until your *Goodbye
 Jul 2014 devare
Love is the cure,
for your pain will keep giving birth to more pain
until your eyes constantly exhale love
as effortlessly as your body yields its scent.”
 Jul 2014 devare
Hero Worship
 Jul 2014 devare
There's a meanie on the monkey bars
He's swinging to and fro
He's kicking at the other kids
and telling them to go,
He will not let them play here
it makes the others sad
that was until my brother
came a'crying to my Dad.

My Dad he is a Viking
eyes like oceans, hair of gold,
his shoulders are like boulders
and his glare could turn hell cold
Across the park he walked with Ephraim,
and the monkey bars did mount,
then hurtled straight toward this lad
with his loudest war-cry shout.

The meanie dropped and bolted,
didn't want to wait for more
from this crazy guy, with fury's eye,
feet an inch above the floor.
He made sure every kid was hung
like washing on the line
and then he hung there with them
that crazy Dad of mine.
My Dad is completely nuts, he says it's his Scandinavian blood....apparently it was poured into him by dragons! :-)
 Jul 2014 devare
SG Holter
 Jul 2014 devare
SG Holter
Hands to my face.
Only momentum separates
A slap from caress; the  

So often the
 Jul 2014 devare
Pride Ed
swallowed all
the lilies in my
garden. then
upon my
and delighted
in the fact
that they
pain, vampires, innocence, death,
 Jul 2014 devare
Harold r Hunt Sr
The night
Deep into the night I do walk.
Just to hear the animals talk.
The barking of dogs and crying of cats.
Into the night I walk.
Over hills and pass  a church
Hear the wind blow, the bell so softly.
As i walk deep in to the woods i hear a owl
Hoot to see if I can hear.
The night grows darker as i walk
But now no one to talk  
The animals become quite
 Jul 2014 devare
Harold r Hunt Sr
There's no ghost.
The house sat on a hill
Old and raged it was.
Some say a ****** took place there.
I open the doors just so I could hear.
But no sounds were here for me.
The windows were divided and the blinds were gone.
The old ***** sat in the corner blood on its keys.
Then a loud noise I did hear, I jumped and turn and I thought I saw a ghost.
I ran for the stairs to look for. Nonetheless, it was behind me.
I saw a light in its eye than I knew it was not a ghost.
I looked to view and it was my dad. Time for bed there's no ghost.
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