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I'm coming back, even though light
finds this different horizon.
I am here, although life
sold me at a bargain price.

I see no signes of tears,
I do not know where their shadows
have gone.

I sway on this black wave
of existence, I seek solace
in the scent of hope.

I do not want to look for flaws
of future. There's a wind
blowing inside me
that can't be satisfied with
one maudlin sigh, one lost look.

In love with your past, I am trying
to wake you up from
this long sleep.
I flee from my own loneliness.
I dedicate this farewell to you,
so that you may understand
how much silence is needed to
soothe the sky,
to placate the earth.

The sentence here is unfortunate -
reflections of love
no longer bring remorse.
I slam the door to heaven again.
I open the window to hell.
 Nov 2024 n
Varsha K
To every poet
 Nov 2024 n
Varsha K
From here to you I say
Writing is your healing,
Never let it get away.
The community of lovers, hurts, addicts, wonderers & wanderers.
 Nov 2024 n
The invisible man
 Nov 2024 n
You are everywhere but beside me
I perceive you in my head
You stalk my dreams
embedded in my soul
Refuse to release
Your grasp binds my spirt
Have persuasion over my mind
Yet you are nowhere
Impossible to find
 Nov 2024 n
Renukha Selvaraja
 Nov 2024 n
Renukha Selvaraja
She looked at her mother.
Her mother’s dead body to be more specific.
She wanted to cry and scream.
But all she could do was stare at what is in the coffin.
A body. It belonged to someone she once knew.
Her mother.
People were rushing past her.
It is a funeral after all.
Too many things to be done.
And no one really could ask her to do anything.
She was stiff as a stone.
Pretty useless anyway.
Always have been.
Never knew what the right things to do socially were.
That used to be one of the problems her mother had with her.
Her poor mother.
She gave birth to an alien.
Someone who wasn’t normal.
She looked human outside but inside her daughter could not be more different to her.
Not only to her but pretty much an alien to the whole planet.
She didn’t know how to behave or dress up in social events.
How much her mother wanted a daughter who was pretty so she can flaunt her daughter everywhere?
How much she wanted a daughter who did not always argue with her? How much she wanted a daughter who loved house chores and enjoyed shopping?
How much she wanted a child who was just like everyone else?
There were countless days her mother scolded the God.
All her mother ever wanted was a normal child.
She didn’t have the strength to handle this abnormal child who is nothing but a burden.
Fortunately, her mother does not have to worry about that anymore.
She has left this ‘burden’ to fend for herself now.
If only ‘this burden’ knew how.
Not that her mother was much of help when she was alive.
Her mother was pretty useless too.
And maybe that’s why Natalie doesn’t really feel much difference emotionally now that her mother has gone.
The only thing that bothers her is that she needs to cook and clean herself from now on.
 Nov 2024 n
I draw flowers,
Flowers are my comfort.
but, eventually Flowers wilt.
If they wilt, they die.
So does my comfort.
Oh but what's this?
a new comfort?
but its a girl,
does she like flowers?
but she is a flower,
a flower that will never wilt
a flower that will forever be my comfort.
Decided to re-write the first poem, the first one was kinda bland
 Nov 2024 n
S R Mats
Pain Enough
 Nov 2024 n
S R Mats
Pain sits with a held hand.
It is enough.

Pain rises, carries on,
It was enough.

Because it doesn't want
To perpetuate the pain

Of others.
There is always enough.

When the glass is filled
One stops.
 Nov 2024 n
 Nov 2024 n
The things you’ve said
The things that happened
Burned in my memories
I close my eyes
It all plays on repeat
Like a broken record
 Nov 2024 n
 Nov 2024 n
The continually growing life cycle is glowing
Enemies glance at me, they think i despise their lives
I just wanna make the line pull the wire
it's all mental when it comes to the life of a young soul
thats the game a little too greasy

my behaviour keeps blazing lets not waste the time
cause thats the only gift we can grasp
i'm not gonna lose this war, can't back down
as i see the empty sheet i jump around with the words
my true calling is having a blast
i love to put out raw material, hope i can share my vision with every one of you
 Nov 2024 n
Sarah Kruger
 Nov 2024 n
Sarah Kruger
My notes are filled with little snippets of thought a scribble of letters, genuine but unrefined it seems that when I feel passion I lack the motivation yet when I sit down with a glass of lemonade laptop in hand and cool breeze running through my hair my mind suddenly seems to lack a single coherent thought discouragement turns the pink sugar water to mud I question how I can declare poetry my love when I have not showered it with affection in months maybe I try too hard to turn pretty what's meant to be misshapen maybe each word doesn't have to flow like a steady stream divulging the meaning of this world or the secrets in my heart maybe it's alright if a poem feels more like treading over rocks than drifting to sleep on a giant fluffy cloud maybe this is enough
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