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Hamed M Dehongi Apr 2019
I was mountaineering with some friends
We found an old hut built on heights
That was where we sheltered for a night
It was enough to keep us warm that night
People said it was built by an old man
Who lived in a nearby village for a while
He brought all materials a little at a time
By his donkey to the summit for a while
As he was working to finish this shelter
The Soviets were building the Mir station
Pretty the same way as did the old man
Sending parts of it in modules to space
Modules after module by rockets to space
They both contributed to human history
One is registered as the first step in the history
The other is never discussed in any debate
These tiny men and women are numerous
During the first day till the resurrection

Which is a more important contribution to human history?
If I had to choose I opted the old man's work
Because it helps many stay warm and dry
Hamed M Dehongi Apr 2019
My firstborn child is dear to me
She is the wise one among the girls
She cares a lot about her sisters
Always she is worried and cautious
She loves reading and writes prose
I think she will be a writer and proud

The day she was born I was so happy
I felt the sweet feeling of being a dad
But tomorrow morning my joy come to end
When the pediatrician told me a painful fact
One of her nerves had damaged in her neck
During the time when she was given birth
So it caused that she couldn't move
One of her arms, the right one

I went to a corner and cried in silence
This was the most painful moment in life
I called for God, she is a little girl
Take my arm instead, let her have a healthy one

We went to another specialist, a neurologist
She tested and said nerve is damaged but
There are some pulses that make me hope
But we need to wait for three months

I was at work when she called
My wife was, she was behind the line
She shouted with an excited voice
That our baby girl had just moved her arm

Written: Monday, April 8, 2019, 14:07
I have two other younger daughters that I'll tell you about them later
Hamed M Dehongi Apr 2019
He was wild in bed tonight
As if he had gained his lost youth
He used to be energetic long ago
But his vigorous moves was gone
So many long, long years ago
His wife was surprised by the change
And was happy at the same time
She felt young and pretty again
And contributed more than usual
In the act of making love tonight
She was not sure about the cause
But she welcomed and didn't care
For now, she had the chance to
Enjoy a perfect *** tonight with
A man who gained his lust again

She never knew that the real reason
Was just only that she had put on
A perfume that was once a favorite
Of her husband's lost ex-girlfriend

Written: Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Hamed M Dehongi Apr 2019
There is another life
         That the rules of this one
                 Do not apply
                          So I can have your love

If it was not forbidden and sinful
I would forget about all the rules
I would come to you straight
And would kiss you in front of all

Your love is forbidden for me
With all rules on man's and god's
That fact never decreases in my heart
The flame of love that comes from you

It hurts even more when I know
You are unreachable in this life
Since the rules are set strictly
No one dares to try to change them

My only hope is that there is
Another life right after this one
That rules do not apply anymore
I wish I could quit this life very soon

I would go to that new life
And wait there for you to come
But I'm really scared of that
You may make me wait for a long time

Written: Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Hamed M Dehongi Apr 2019
There is no unconditional love

At least
One considers one condition

His love be accepted
From whom he has loved.
Hamed M Dehongi Apr 2019
A man's heart
Is full of concerns
Hamed M Dehongi Apr 2019
Scar to the body
Heals but never goes unseen

Scar to the soul
Never heals but never is in sight
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