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  Oct 2017 The Dedpoet
Mike Hauser
You never know the curves life throws
Until the day you have a child
Soon to realize in the quickest of time
Beyond a shadow of a doubt

That you have found your purpose
While they've yet to find theirs out
So right there and then you begin to pray for them
All that heaven will allow

Carrying them through childhood to youth
A praying father on his knees
Teaching them right to love God, country, and life
And all things in-between

Preparing them for the struggles
Not knowing God was preparing you
For the battle soon to begin in Afghanistan
That you and your son would be going through

As he was destined to join the Army
Born a faithful servant through and through
With a love for the joy of freedom
And a beacon for that truth

Shipped off at a tender young age
Relying on the strength of God's love
Once a child in your hands now a young man
Proud of the solider he has become

You tell him to write his mother
As you wipe a tear and give him a hug
There is no love any stronger
Than that between a father and son

Back home you prepare for the battle
You wish you did not have to fight
As you pray without ceasing, prayers ever reaching
From daylight to night back to dawn's early light

You know God hears the prayers of his people
Still you have no earthly idea
The legions of angels God sends to protect your son and his friends
Where under His wings they're safely kept

To be soon brought back home beat down and worn
But thank you Lord still in one piece
All for God, country, and freedom
All for a world that's in need

You never do know the curves life throws
So it's best that you're always prepared
And how you do that is lay it all in God's lap
Giving it all up to him in prayer
This is the first poem I wrote for my friend whose son was recently shipped off to Afghanistan the second one being "Father and Son" just posted them backwards.
  Oct 2017 The Dedpoet
we go now
to the place
of  solemnity
all three
of us

we go
to place
wrapped in
flower petals
on the doorstep
of your afterhouse

we talk
in hushed tones
to the motes
of dust that
sparkle in
the sunlight
hoping they
will carry
our news
to you

we water
the grass
that covers
your afterhouse
with salted tears
hoping they will
carry our love to
your landlocked bones

we hold hands
believing that
you see our
and take solace
in it...

we go back
to the everyday
leaving you behind
with these little
particles of ourseleves
called sorrow

they are your substance
until next we come
  Oct 2017 The Dedpoet
Ignatius Hosiana
The more I get over you,
the less poetry I write
so you
either were a great inspiration
*Or I was never a poet, but
just a man hopelessly in love.
  Oct 2017 The Dedpoet
Thanks for putting up with
my mood swings and blues.

I learned how to love
by imitating you.
Anything or everything is the same thing we always do.

That first time was the best time like the last time was too
and the thing we always want to do,

and everything is time for anytime when the right time comes along.

Cagney was a man a long time before he met Lacey, it all changed then, but that's America for you and everything they do we generally follow.

I followed the Yellow Brick Road kissed a frog and turned into a toad which was not in the script but Dorothy loved me anyway and called me her Buddy,

The tin man who used to be Buddy before he got sick wished us well.

I believe it's okay to dream away during the day because during the night I'm far too busy.

This has been a random communication
most of my communications are
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