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The Dedpoet Sep 2017
There are no words
Yet a poem is birthing itself
Out of the kiss of your lips
That burned
The moon's faded light,

Yes my pen is on fire,

It burns after the touch
Of the prophets words
And the fruitions of our bodies;
We bring about the end times
As we long for the next encounter.

Yes, tonight the poem is born,

Born in the eye of the storm
A thunderous peace that
Falls as I seed you eternal
Flame and cool the desires
That dissolves the liquid drops,
Rain down on me!!

Yes, tonight my pen is on fire,

And it burns,
The hole in my existence
When I am not naked
Next to you and the day
Is born into us
As first light ignites your silhouette into the scape of
The bedroom, and the fire begins
Again, again,

My pen is on fire,
Too hot to hold,
So I drop it here at the
End of this poem
And burn alive in the
Passionate touch
Of our bodies engulfed,
We burn the liquid flames!
The Dedpoet Sep 2017
......the paradox was not a mysterious precious singular reason,
     As he breathed life into
His own lungs,
For daily he seemed to live like this,
The wound he wore on his chest
Like a reaper of life,
    A blood wound so thirsty
Its vampiric torture on those
Closest was not life but an
Embellished form of whimpers
Not some courageous
Yell to justified glory,
    It frustration was at
A poem or some form of
A form that gave it's bitter
   Deliverance grace
So that all might hear
Such a didsain with
Fanciful words more for word's
Sake, the ears silken flattery,
    The mundane use of glorified
  He wrote the weak
And a theasurus well thought
Made it strong,
    As it was read,
The mundane echoed
From an empty seat,
An empty word
From a cup once full.....
Write something with meaning. The world goes to crap and such talent is wasted on waste.
  Sep 2017 The Dedpoet
Samm Marie
And spray-painted "Black Lives DON'T Matter"
In the parking lots
The week before they changed the wifi name
To "School Shooting at 1"

But it doesn't matter!

Of course it matters, but it doesn't

But listen
Because what I have to say might be important

The truth of the matter is this:
Hate is so cruel
It's mean
That's its nature!
But we don't have to accept it
Those incidents?
They were a couple different things
Caused by a few ******* teens.
But it doesn't matter
Because we are all here to just be
That's all.
We are meant to hurt
To cry
To bleed
To be pained
But it is not the end state
I do not care what your personal beliefs are
But I do
Because you are an individual soul
Fragile and beautiful
But you are just one
The same for myself
Now think
Together we can be powerful
We can be strong and wonderful
We are unstoppable

Have you ever seen a revolution led by only one person?
No supporters?
No agreeance?
More than likely not.
But it always starts with one.
One person
One idea
One value
One soul
One perspective

I am ready to take up arms
Against cruelty
Against hate
Let's start a revolution
Let's love
I stripped my soul
                  my heart
opened myself for you to see,
    to feel what’s inside of me.

I closed my eye’s
   as you caressed my soul
                                 my heart
letting you paint such beautiful art.

It’s deep
            it’s beautiful
                               it’s peaceful
                                                it’s love.

To have another understand and feel
     hopes, wants, needs, dreams
to want the same as you, need the same
and dream the same as you…
                      Beautiful, it is…
                      yes, beautiful!!!

I close my eyes, no need to speak a word,
No voice needed, my heart has been heard….
                      Beautiful, it is…
                      Yes, Beautiful!!!

How close do you want me to be?
you want me to see the whites of your eyes
smell the perfumes that rise from your body?

This could feel like being in Red Square
if I'd have ever been there
but I never went East and
always looked to the West.

It could feel like this if
I knew what this was

These badges we put upon men
the eagle as an emblem
I hate them.
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