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Star G
It isn't that Life is unfair, it is those who are privileged with it who are unjust. And sometimes you just gotta pick yourself up …
Mark Steigerwald
Virginia    Poetry is my escape.
Washington, U.S.A    Just a Wandering Poet looking for a new hiding place... Some of my work is Fiction... Others not so much... Copyright©2015 All Rights Reserved
Somewhere In Neverland   
A new day means distance is not a boundary but a disturbance in the balance of happiness.
Marshie The Mellow
along the cosmos~♡    a. k. a. Mikaela Sapalo My poetry is my most vulnerable self.
Plaridel Marquez
Seattle    Take a moment to read
- Aquamarine
22/F/Paradise On Earth    when you find love I guess it's really beautiful or at least that what I read in magazines and I don't know as much as …
Peter Davies
Edmonds Washington    I'm a trans guy and I like words and coffee. Put them together and bam here you go
A girl who is learning that only changes that never change..
CO    feelings and also jokes
27/M/Cairo, Egypt    5th grade teacher in Cairo, Egypt. Originally from Washington State. On an endless search to find the things life is about like sour patch kids …
The voice
Wisconsin    'I command you to love one another' So love one another, not just the ones that are like you Love one another Don't exclude the …
Elizabeth Squires
All poems original Copyright of Elizabeth Squires.
WendyStarry Eyes
Life to me is a never ending change! "Whose walking down the streets of the city, everyone knows it's Wendy!" —-██—— Put this on …
Makenzie Marie
23/F/Pocatello, Idaho    Hope is a flame that cannot be quenched. So am I.
PA    em
34/M/Gòràkhpùr - Bháràŧ    A poet donning the hat of a Gazetted Assistant Audit Officer. Ex-SBI Probationary Officer '22. I self-publish on KDP. Published 10 different books and sequels …
Beebz The Queen
losing myself in your love again, as if it wasn't enough before.
18/F/India    I am a falling stone in a world of glass.
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