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I realized love existed
when I tried to find it
and failed.
i scroll through names to count numbers

but then you're there again
here again
can't forget you.
I once knew a angel
how can i forget

In times of anger
she fluttered her wings

In times of happiness
she would carry me to the sky's

In time of sadness
she would wrap her wings around me

In time of love
she would hold them high with beauty

In times of my lies
she would shed her feathers

As this angel always followed
she lost all of her feathers

having hope and promise in me
never giving up on me

she is now cold
and can no longer comfort me
 Mar 2015 Deadwood Haiku
May it always feel like this
May it be electricity that streams
through everything with
blood-rocking sweetness
May it never stop filling me
with what I cannot for the life of me
put into words…
that clear and soft thing,
that gasping blooming thing,
that glow in the deep deep core of me,
where you live
Alright now, right brain,
you're being insane.
                                                                  No, left brain! I'm just being alive.
                                                               You should try it---you might like it.

I worked hard to give him everything he cared about.
You were worried about the things that he was scared about.
I'm calm and collected when you act wild.
I am the adult, you are the child.

                                                     You think you're the right one every time!
                 You think you know everything, but you don't know anything
                                                                                                                     at all.
                                               Half of his problems were s'posed to be mine!
                                                                              But you wanted everything.
                                            I hope that you're happy--- 'cause he's sure not.
full performance here:
 Mar 2015 Deadwood Haiku
 Mar 2015 Deadwood Haiku
Like ribbons of smoke dancing in the air
You were beautiful
You were the Northern lights
Important enough to be watched in the freezing cold
You were fleeting and sweet
Cream swirling in coffee
Ripples in a pond
I loved you
But like all ephemeral things
Eventually you left too.
 Mar 2015 Deadwood Haiku
 Mar 2015 Deadwood Haiku
I knew we weren't meant to be when it hurt more to tell you that I loved you than to think about what it would be like if I lost you.*

Striked kite
-lightning bolt-
key: string
rod electricity
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