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15.2k · Nov 2012
Daniel Magner Nov 2012
Sun drawing out sweat
causing clothes to fall off
Deep breaths and quiet grins
Eyes of strangers met

Shirtless against the wall
but only in the head
Standing like a scarecrow
so nothing stands out at all, oh god

Chitter chatter to cover up
But the sweat is growing thick
Better act natural
to keep from becoming the stereotypical
male ****
Keep cool, self, be slick
© Daniel Magner 2012
15.1k · Jun 2013
Respiratory System
Daniel Magner Jun 2013
Hands shake after intake
of brown and green.
Catch the breath
keep it till it leaves.
Pretend, through the muddle,
that this hasten heart beat
isn't bumping blood cells
filled with defeat,
that the O2 isn't poisoning
the alveoli that absorb it,
sending this brain, and all
it entails, straight to
© Daniel Magner 2013
I refer to hell with a lowercase because I doubt its existence. In this poem I use it as a metaphor.
10.7k · Nov 2012
Daniel Magner Nov 2012
The first
time I smoked
was with a
© Daniel Magner 2012
10.2k · Nov 2012
Memory Loss
Daniel Magner Nov 2012
There's nothing quite like
having your memory erased
the best thing that'll ever happen
the best thing you'll ever taste
are the drugs sliding down
your throat to splash
in the stomach acid
pumping chemicals through your veins

The synapses in my brain
are full of dopamine
and my serotonin levels
are off the charts
On the outside I stand tall
like a steel soldier
but on the inside I'm crumpled up
with a paper heart

How do I tell my mom
I'm on, walk in while
she makes her art, day before her birthday
What words would I even spit
how could I say I just downed
a bottle of codine, she'd disown me
So I stumble up stairs to my
old bed, pictures of my graduation
burn my head, but it's imagination
the room swirls but I'm station...ary

Started off with a bet, kids dared me
When your fifteen you don't
see the bad side, the glazed eyes
rolled back drifting, all you feel
is the lifting and the bass
pumping, through your chest blasting
off real life stress, you can't tell you're a mess
Rolling, feeling like the best

But now I can't sleep unless I'm on
and then I don't dream.
It's time to start taking steps
instead of X, I'll do reps at the gym
I'm done giving in, I done living in
fog, done being gone.

Yesterday me and Tony were on the go
driving slow, on the hunt for blow
picked up, lined up, he handed me the dollar bill
rolled up and I could feel my brain
screaming, yes, my veins aching, yes,
my hands reaching for the dollar but then...

I said no.
© Daniel Magner 2012
9.0k · Nov 2012
Stoner Poem
Daniel Magner Nov 2012
Two ticks click
through my ears
fuego leapt from
steel grasp to burn
destroying as it
flares across the valley
Smoke billowed into
the clutches of
hard, purple plastic
pressing in from all sides
funneled into sacks
of tendrils. They cringe
grey swirls choking
off pipes and
blood lines
Veins bursting with
new chemicals
Spewed out over
the burnt plains
But the valley
is just a small
groove on a
burnt out, tired
© Daniel Magner 2012
7.9k · Sep 2013
Daniel Magner Sep 2013
I've learned
that time alone
away from stimulation to
all my senses
7.8k · Nov 2012
Honey Voice
Daniel Magner Nov 2012
Strangers known
by shared room
Honey voiced , high cheek *****
no less, no more

Licorice words pounding
on a chest
scrambling to wrap fingers
around a single perfumed breath
Two days dragging on
pulled through mud
stuck in fog
seconds are hours too long

Then ringing came
answered by drops of syrup
pouring out a reply, yes!
drinking it in with big gulps.

Mirror reflects practiced hellos
swishing hair put in place
teeth and lips splitting
breaking through stone face

Pacing back and forth
frantic footsteps pounding
crushing carpet in a line
south, north, south, north

No ring, no change
red blushes fad grey
phone silent, gaze up
stare blank

Is the swooshing hair the wrong way?
Is the grin too toothy?
Is the face not constructed right?

Stood up and let down
sailor on a ship
already sunk and drifting
off the starboard bow
Stood up and let drown

by the honey voice
the high cheek bones
Failure in hindsight sighing
“I should have known
I should have known…”
© Daniel Magner 2012
7.4k · Jul 2013
Daniel Magner Jul 2013
The spots I'm seeing connect,
forming an image through my cold sweats.
I feel like a jest but nobody's laughing,
it's silent like the inside of a coffin
at the graveyard, only sounds are
the footsteps of the drunken night guard
playing cards with the dead.
Daniel Magner 2013
6.8k · Feb 2013
Tomato Friday
Daniel Magner Feb 2013
Another tomato
             splats to the
but I'm getting paid.
© Daniel Magner 2013
5.5k · Jul 2014
Hopeless Romantic
Daniel Magner Jul 2014
As much as I can
I repress the one part
of myself that I can't stand
the hopeless romantic
that sits in my brain
trying to change the things
I think
drown them down
the kitchen sink
Daniel Magner 2014
5.0k · Dec 2012
Daniel Magner Dec 2012
Now I know why
tortoises move so
© Daniel Magner 2012
4.3k · May 2013
Daniel Magner May 2013
Margaritas and wet feet,
honey toned pleas
giving me reasons to stay
and not leave
but you leave me speechless,
and I put on those sunglasses
so you wouldn't see my
It runs deep.
© Daniel Magner 2013
4.2k · Apr 2014
Daniel Magner Apr 2014
I miss having
a home
not a
Daniel Magner 2014

how do I
get back
4.2k · Nov 2013
Daniel Magner Nov 2013
drifting about the room
as she did her hair
I could only stare
soundless, formless
the blanket I made
still laid
on her mattress
three stuffed animals
won for her
call it a hat trick
each one  a slight
on my
Daniel Magner 2013

another dream
4.1k · Mar 2013
Pineapple Confessions
Daniel Magner Mar 2013
"I thought hurricane season was over."
hovers like the rotors
dicing air that we breath
out smoke into
"Will you fly me?"
"Of course."

(I'm yours)
© Daniel Magner 2013
4.1k · Dec 2013
Daniel Magner Dec 2013
a *** on the wheel
spun by some
unkown power.
Let this
galactic energy
shape me into
Daniel Magner 2013
4.1k · Nov 2012
"Made Me Dance"
Daniel Magner Nov 2012
She made me dance
till I sweat my soul out
on the crowd, the girl
in the tight dress with legs
up to heaven and back
put her hands on my tired shoulders
She made me laugh out my
heart, across the lights and bass
thumps that rattled my rib cage
while the music played
and the friends on my arms
held me up to heaven and back
with their helping grins
She made me happy as
I sang my lungs out with
a fox lady whose nails
scratched sweet life all over my
back and I fell in love
I fell in love with the way
She made me dance
© Daniel Magner 2012
4.0k · Jul 2013
Fish Tacos
Daniel Magner Jul 2013
I feel like Bobby Fischer
except when I disappear
no one goes searching
© Daniel Magner 2013
4.0k · Nov 2012
Karma's a Bitch
Daniel Magner Nov 2012
I ran my life around karma
karma ran around me
throwing sucker punches
right in my kidneys
right in my ribs
right in my heart

I still run my life around karma
karma still runs around me
throwing left hooks
right in my eyes
right in my gut
right in my face
© Daniel Magner 2012
Daniel Magner Nov 2012
I found me heart in the sea
surrounded by corral that's rust red
locked in a chest with shiny cents
So heavy it never rose
not even when given a good laugh
pearls and black diamond tears

The fish cry saltless tears
and no one I know can see
They only know my joyous laugh
and the things they wrote, I read
blooming like a rose
I was this made more sense

But alas, I waste my two cents
soaking in salty tears
I wish that chest had rose
from the sand beneath the sea
****** heart beating red
god I need a laugh

The octopi around me laugh
for they have a humorous sense
and don't know the things I read
standing in the theater tiers
Their big, old eyes can see
the locked chest that never rose

They gather in pews and rows
eager for another laugh
They don't understand, they belong in the sea
but my heart down here makes no sense
so I still have salty tears
mixing with each pump of red

The octopi never read
sorting coral into rows
They never had to cry tears
They only know how to laugh
because to them this all makes sense
Their hearts belong in the sea

They cannot see, for they have not read
They have no cents, they don't know the rose
all they do is laugh, ignoring human tears
© Daniel Magner 2012
3.7k · Mar 2014
Red Beard
Daniel Magner Mar 2014
upper lip now hidden
behind a display
of maturity
chin ridden with
a blanket
of adulthood
grown out
just in time
to separate me
but a child
still resides
in these

Daniel Magner 2014
3.6k · Nov 2012
Daniel Magner Nov 2012
She is sleek , a little battered
scar across her back
but in her silver dress
whoa, never had a girl like that
long legs propel her fast
in any direction I turn her head
She lets me press her buttons
she lets me turn her on
just one flick and she'll be roaring
or one twist and she sits

When she breaks down
I pick her up, fix her up
god bless
She's hot in summer
frigid in winter and
always in that dress
She soothes me when I'm stressed
blares out my worries when
I've got them on my chest

She yells out songs at
the top of her gravelly voice
or she whispers lullabies
it's my choice
loud, quite, she doesn't care
I could be rich, or broke
she'd still take me anywhere

I've cried in her arms
I've loved in her lap
I even let her wear
my favorite baseball cap
and see my feet
Once she kept me warm
during my sleep
watched my eyes shifting
underneath my lids
If she lasts long enough
someday she could hold my,
my kids
© Daniel Magner 2012
3.4k · Nov 2012
Fall in Love in Winter
Daniel Magner Nov 2012
Deft fingers trace lines
connecting neck to spine
all the way to toes
then toes and back
Summertime started with her laugh
Sun erased the world
bit by bit
till there was only wonder

Love stands tall in the summer
bright skies and steamy nights
Hands on thighs, nails, skin
dopamine pumped up by giving in
and waking up kisses
warm on my cheek

Never fall in love during summer
It will be grand, it will be a trip ,
the best time you'll ever have
But then winter hits
The love doesn't stand as tall
rain bends its back
Dopamine low in the brain
lets it fall

So fall in love in winter
if it seems magical during the storms
just wait till summer
© Daniel Magner 2012
3.4k · Oct 2013
Self Conscious
Daniel Magner Oct 2013
I would
ask her on
a date
if acne
demolish my
Daniel Magner 2013
3.2k · Sep 2013
Daniel Magner Sep 2013
red, octagonal glass
dangling from black twine
a gift from you,
long gone,
that is mine
and I cherish it
more than
my dwindling stack
of cash,
more than my beat up car,
more than my only
more than my
favorite scars,
because it was
crafted by your hands,
since turned to ash
and spread out over the rocks
and valleys,
I love you still
Daniel Magner 2013
3.2k · Nov 2012
Dead, Beat Shoes
Daniel Magner Nov 2012
Mouth open wide, ripped, stitched up the side
Telling me to stop running, their tired
Tired of dirt, mud, ****, things that transpired
from a ground level view
Screaming at me

"Imagine if it were you!
Imagine you saw yourself running
and each step smashed your brain in!
We are tired!
Just let us die, get some new
cronies, pick on some new guys."

Beat to death, then beaten again
SLO, Santa Cruz, beaches, streets,
parties, fight circles, thrown on the roof
Hoping they'll die soon and be reborn
as some brand new shoes
3.0k · Aug 2013
Hippie Flip
Daniel Magner Aug 2013
There is nothing
than smoking a stoge alone
knowing the white paper wrapped
around leaves is a Hearse.
Dying slowly with a friend
feels almost alright
but when the smoke
billows out at night
a locomotive with no incentive
you get pensive
and wish that cancer would develope
dropping you in an early grave.
The stench of burning bodies
isn't a story
with a life lived next to a crematory
the sizzle of the cigarette
akin to the sound of
bacon cooking in the morning.
No warning signs
from a petered out mind
cracked spine causing
an acid flash back
fluorescent butterflies
peek over the guitar strings
stinging like beautiful bees
while the trees take deep breaths
"Breathe child...breathe"
3.0k · Aug 2018
Dark Elf
Daniel Magner Aug 2018
She’s a dark elf supermodel,
kills werewolves for fun
with daggers, arrows, kicks to the throat.

She’s a dark elf supermodel!
She makes monsters run,
Strikes, poised to run down a foe.

She’s slaying it nightly,                                
She’s badass, she’s art,
My mind is seduced.
She is the only                                          
dark elf of my heart.
Daniel Magner 2018
3.0k · Jun 2014
Daniel Magner Jun 2014
I am an
2.9k · May 2013
The Great Dictator
Daniel Magner May 2013
Black and white
projections fill
the room with gallentry,
a worded battle
against hypocrisy
and cold, hearted machines.
But the picture fades,
like its impact, over the seventy
odd years since it once blared.
People have forgotten
or maybe they forgot
how to care.
© Daniel Magner 2013
2.9k · Jan 2014
Daniel Magner Jan 2014
"Hey man, like your hair."
Hours later I'm bare
and in bed
wine up in my
I have so much
love to share
but it's wasted
on birds
sitting alone
atop an electrical wire
my eyes that see
the beauty in everything
slowly expire
till the mirror
tells me
"You're nothing"
naked in my bed
wishing for
Daniel Magner 2014
2.6k · Nov 2012
Modern Day Love Story
Daniel Magner Nov 2012
No sense for the senseless
Brains for the brain eaters
schools, business, multi media
Mosquitoes with cyber eyes
spreading dull life and exciting lies

Broken records misdefined,
CD’s, USB, mp3
all wasted on nothing real

Color splash, purposeful mismatch
Pop a quad stack down the hatch
quick ***, quick cash
no point to living
live life fast

© Daniel Magner 2012
2.6k · Dec 2012
Daniel Magner Dec 2012
An          empty
© Daniel Magner 2012
2.6k · Oct 2013
Daniel Magner Oct 2013
A lightning bolt
struck me
electrified my
and demolished
my beliefs
Daniel Magner 2013
2.6k · Oct 2014
Daniel Magner Oct 2014
I didn't mean to
take a piece of you
much less such an important
component of your circulatory system
how does your blood pump
from head to toe?
why did you let it go?
My hands are soaked in its
staining my pillows so
I'll mail it to you
by plane,
I can say
I gave you one last flight
Daniel Magner Nov 2012
Black ship
Red sea
coasting through folds
with elegant ease
Black ship with white teeth
spent all night sleeping next to me

White ship
Blue sea
playing in folds
being such a tease
White ship with soft speech
no longer here sleeping next to me
© Daniel Magner 2012
2.6k · Jun 2013
Mustache Lights
Daniel Magner Jun 2013
I've slowly fallen, like Satan, from the graces
swapped paces and places, to capture different faces
but the wanderlust on my breath is strong, taste this
It's hard to bond when half the time I'm gone
black hair, curves, four leafed clover thong,
afternoons snoozing and browsing Netflix
flashes of my life till I'm on to the next bit
I can't get no respite, I just might break my next flight
for this chick, hopeless romantic, can't stand it
but lately I've been ghost on this whole scene
mind stolen like my future is a bandit
who's mind set is all about the greed
a fiend for the green presidents that sink further into my dreams
calling my name, telling me it's worth the pain to gain
have pockets on swoll with no shame to get a foothold in the game
thousands would be pocket change but the man in the mirror
doesn't look so set, half ******, dressed for bed
wishing he could disappear for a bit, maybe never come back
the king of disappearing, yeah he likes the sound of that.
© Daniel Magner 2013
2.5k · Mar 2013
Steak Rub
Daniel Magner Mar 2013
The only thing out of place
about this dinner of steak
is the fact that the table
is set for
© Daniel Magner 2013
2.5k · Nov 2012
Road Trip
Daniel Magner Nov 2012
Whiffs of spliffs
Hand rolled, prime
Cliffs and dime
bags, fuego
green to black
and more green, beach
mouth full of peanut butter
super blunt
Whales and rolling
papers make fun
daze, I'm gone.
© Daniel Magner 2012
2.5k · Mar 2013
Sea Urchin
Daniel Magner Mar 2013
Bottoned to the jaw
stone cold face to thaw
roughed and raw under
the black cloud dress shirt,
loud like thunder
as a I skirt the jungle
that is the tangle of bangles
and bands, hanging from wrists
followed by hands, twisting
to grab clear courage
with a flourish
Gulp, gulp, gulp
another plunge, more lurching
spiked up exterior like a sea urchin
lurking in the deep, dark ocean
Slowly getting dull
I'm emptier the more I am full
fire slowly flitting out,
I'm a dying coal
a half burned ember
put out by the snow of December
just pretending to be fire
I'm happy (I'm a liar)
but I never tire
of drowning
lurching, lurching
prickly again, I'm a sea urchin
© Daniel Magner 2013
2.5k · Mar 2014
Daniel Magner Mar 2014
My heart has always
been shook by
double bass
and the chug of
palm muted furry
My lids are the crash
of cymabls
My bones rattle with
the solo
Daniel Magner 2014
2.5k · May 2014
Bow and Arrow
Daniel Magner May 2014
This one time, Eddie and I were in his house, their neighbor fed the squirrels and they had over run Eddie's backyard. He saw one on the fence and asked me to grab his bow. Standing at the back door he drew back an arrow, took a deep breath in, let it out slow, and let the arrow fly. It struck the squirrel right through the eye and flung it from the fence top. Eddie's pops saw and congratulated him on the shot, but said we were not to waste the squirrel so Eddie cooked it up on the BBQ and we ate it. It tasted terrible, but I'm ****** if that wasn't the best shot I've ever seen. And I'm ****** if we didn't eat every last bit. And I'm ****** if Eddie ever dies for a second time, when no one remembers him.
Daniel Magner 2014
2.5k · Jan 2013
Daniel Magner Jan 2013
More and more
you call me out at night
with bundled up happiness
and canned delights
Begging to be bathed
in the pressing rays
of sunsets and moon rise

More and more
I feel the wear of the straps
that could put the world
up on my back
Wishing to be carried
by weary shoulders
of a travelling man
© Daniel Magner 2013
2.4k · Feb 2013
Past Tense
Daniel Magner Feb 2013
I still haven't
cared about someone
as much as I cared
about you.
© Daniel Magner 2013
2.4k · May 2013
Daniel Magner May 2013
My worst fears have come true,
I'm just a face in the crowd that
means nothing to you.
I've got a ****** apartment with two dudes
dropped out of school to fly
but cash shot me down
And I swear someone taught my demons to swim
because I can't seem to get them to drown.
It's like I'm stuck in immaturity
I'm a twenty-something nobody,
twenty-something nobody at all.
© Daniel Magner 2013
2.3k · May 2013
Daniel Magner May 2013
I fell in love
with the way you picked yourself back up.
You didn't ask for help, you've got yourself and no one else, and that's o.k.
But it scares me to hell to think that
you don't need me.
What's to keep you from leaving?

'Cause you say you have big dreams
different countries
Changing lives, and switching personalities.
Big dreams, big dreams

There's this feeling I get at night
when I can't sleep it's like I'll never have to leave,
Can I be part of your

Big dreams, different countries
Changing lives, and switching personalities.
Big dreams, big dreams
© Daniel Magner 2013
New song with a modified second chorus.
2.2k · Dec 2012
Neck Tie
Daniel Magner Dec 2012
It would tighten its grip
every single day
But it would be great to rip
it off on the weekends
© Daniel Magner 2012
2.1k · Nov 2013
Daniel Magner Nov 2013
A cold wind
blows at my back
shouting its frigid
yells into my sails
making the anchor drag
sweeping the deck
in salty brine
I've come to know
these elements
with a one man crew
setting sail
toward something
Daniel Magner 2013
2.1k · Mar 2013
Elevator Ghost
Daniel Magner Mar 2013
I can hear the ghost
playing down the hall
with the elevator doors
elevator doors
Open, close, open, close
just like my eyes
I've never felt so close
to the elevator ghost

People pass him every day
on their way to school
on their way to school
They press his buttons
and stand on his floors
open, close, open, close
just like my eyes
just like my eyes
© Daniel Magner 2013

A trimmed version of a new song
2.0k · Nov 2012
Daniel Magner Nov 2012
White, shining
stone I want to lick
Picking out what’s left of me
grinding bones, grinding hearts
during a restless night’s sleep
Clacking together while
they eat my every dream
I want to **** the saliva
off those pearly, white
© Daniel Magner 2012
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