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You wonder when you will stop bleeding.**
On the night of the accident, there was so much blood loss that they didn't think you'd make it.
You still wonder how you made it.
You haven't bled like that since and the wounds have scarred over but
whenever you drive past where it happened,
whenever you see an icy patch, or a blue Honda,
the scar tears a bit.
You've tried to avoid those things, but you can't forever.
And so you wonder when the scar will fully heal.
You wonder when you will stop bleeding.
maybe one day.
Love is not the way your father slams doors,
or the way your mother stays locked behind them at night.
Love is not the way your brother loses his temper,
or the alcohol disintegrating your grandfather's brain.
Despite what you have been raised to believe,
love is not waking up alone on Christmas morning,
or the hand that hit you wiping away your tears.
Love is not the screams of rage on Saturday night
and the singing of hymns on Sunday morning.
Love is not leaving a light on for someone who’s never coming home,
and love is not the empty trust fund with your name written on it.
Love is not the pain you grew up in.
Love is not the pain you grew up in.
Comment and fill in the blank: "Love is not..."
Forever is a punishment
That even I once loved.
The thought of being with you
The thought of living with you.

Everything is not as it seems.
I fell in love with a rose,
And didn't realise
The thorns would ***** me.

The path we chose wasn't easy.
We vowed to fight.
Till death do us part,
Till the very end.

Everything seemed right,
Through the rose tinted glasses.
The romance,
The love.

But when reality hits,
And things really change.
The glasses are off
And I see your true face.

You changed,
Like a chameleon
On a branch or a leaf
You changed so much,
That I don't recognise your face

Iv fallen for a monster,
That ***** the life from me.
Yet still I love him so,
How can this be?

If forever is a punishment,
With him I'll tolerate it.
Live through the days of pain,
What will ending it gain?

Forever is a punishment,
That sounds so sweet
The truth behind it all,
I am yet to see.
Inspired by a conversation with my best friend. Makes u realise that a leopard never changes it's spots..
I see lovers
holding hands and giving each other the look that can only be described as
"the look"
because only those who are out of love are bitterly aware of the sickeningly admiring gaze that one partner gives to the other when they speak  
and only those who are in love are oblivious to the fact that they are giving the look

And I see friends,
friends in love with friendship
friends in love with being with each other
in love with the adventure and the memories
and the comfort and familiarity that comes with knowing each other like the back of your hand

I see individuals
completely, and utterly in love with themselves
the kind of arrogance that is almost admirable
in love with their passion,  their ambition
with their goals and their futures
in love with the potential they know they have and in love with the hope that maybe one day,
they'll be an All-Star
or a politician
or a beautiful poet
or a parent

I see all of these people who are in love and I wonder, are these people really as in love as they claim to be?

And if so, when is it my turn to be in love?
What You Get Instead

Sometimes what you ask for
Is not exactly what you get
And the thing that you need the most
Is what you get instead

You may think that you're not lucky
Nothing ever goes your way
But if you see a different side
Your life begins to change

When you see a different side
Have a different point of view
Thats when it seems to all work out
And life is good to you

There comes a time in your life
When you reach a certain  age
And all the things that you want
They all begin to change

Sometimes what you ask for
Is not exactly what you get
And the thing that you need the most
Is what you get instead

Carl Joseph Roberts
He tapped me on the shoulder
Before he had to go
Said I'll be your Guardian Angel
I just wanted you to know

He said he knows no one who went
That came back and then complained
So he guessed the place was pretty nice
And was sure he'd want to stay

He knew he'd see my grandma
Who had went three years before
She'd been waiting for him patiently
To walk him through God's door

Then he asked us not to worry
Said he knows what is in store
He was pleased with the life he lived
And knew God would show him more

Spent his last three weeks with family
Where he said his sweet goodbyes
My final memory of this man
Was the brave ending to his life

He would give to me this passion
But to the world he gave much more
The life he lived was one of love
He was the gift I most adored

In Memory
Sgt. Harold Addison Yates
My Grandfather

*Carl Joseph Roberts
A true story written with tears.  I miss this man who fought in two wars, was a prisoner in World War 2 then came home and served as a Sergeant with the Columbus Police Dept.  My Grandfather gave to me my Love for poetry. He passed several years ago but is missed every day.
A Bottle Full Of Whiskey

He used a bottle full of whiskey
To dull the memories of his past
Knowing that the pain he felt
Would not fit into a glass

As he set there on his barstool
In his eyes I saw regret
He talked about the life he lived
How he wished he had it back

Would drink straight from the bottle
Just to make the numbness last
The story of his lonely life
He would tell to all who ask

He talked about lifes lessons
The mistakes that he had made
Said he lived with regrets
For things he cannot change

Thought the view from the bottle
Would help to make his life more clear
But the bottle got the best of him
And wasted all his years

He used a bottle full of whiskey
To dull the memories of his past
Knowing that the pain he felt
Would not fit into a glass

Carl Joseph Roberts
each man must realize
that it can all disappear very
the cat, the woman, the job,
the front tire,
the bed, the walls, the
room; all our necessities
including love,
rest on foundations of sand -
and any given cause,
no matter how unrelated:
the death of a boy in Hong Kong
or a blizzard in Omaha ...
can serve as your undoing.
all your chinaware crashing to the
kitchen floor, your girl will enter
and you'll be standing, drunk,
in the center of it and she'll ask:
my god, what's the matter?
and you'll answer: I don't know,
I don't know ...
i hate

this feeling

of         my head

pounding                      against my skull

        i hate

        looking at
          deformed figure

      and thinking
                       i am not good enough

                                        my bones
                                        my smile
                                        my fingers
                                        my skin
                                        my shape
                                        my self
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