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 May 2016 Damian Murphy
gray rain
It's like an addiction
that keeps on recurring
once you've left
you just keep on returning
 May 2016 Damian Murphy
Just Me R
Don't let your light
Be dimmed under someone's shadow
 May 2016 Damian Murphy
Heart of pure gold and strongest steel
Embodiment of love made real

Both powerful and gentle are her hands
Much like the feet on which her ground she always stands

Tenderness she does possess
Along with the fierceness of a lioness

And you will never know the extent of her worth
All the days you walk the Earth
Rancorous Ole Bullfrog , snoring on a paddy , clear your pipes and carry that voice across the quiet marshland , low country valley .. Start the dandy evening opus with low bass tones , croak a silly song with that golden throat trombone , find a whippoorwill and lay down a duet you 'Old Hambone'*!
Copyright May 7 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
 May 2016 Damian Murphy
Let go
 May 2016 Damian Murphy
Let go
what does that truly mean?
are we to fall to our deaths
or go on with our lives

how does one truly,
let go
are you to forget everything
or simple pretend you no longer care

let go
two words
so simple
but the action is so hard
What's better to let go with the chance of losing everything, or to hold on even when it hurts you more?
Words are a gift we must beware how we use,
We can use them to love, or to hate and abuse,
To be uttered in hope, or to hurl them as curse,
We can place them together as a rhyme or a verse.

Words are a weapon we can use in discord,
As it’s claimed that the pen, is more mighty than sword,
Words can be empty, their meaning be hollow,
Or we can say them in strength, so that others may follow.

Words and their meanings, can so often confuse,
Or their meanings dramatic, with their use on the news,
Their meaning may change with the way we infer,
Do they mean we are hated?  Do they mean that we care?

To me there’s no doubt, that our words are a gift,
We must use them for good, to give others a lift,
If you use them to harm, or to give fear and dread,
Then I think that it’s far better left as unsaid.

We must use them to love, and for comfort in grief,
We must use them for those that are short on belief,
We must use them to settle any quarrel or rift,
And it’s why that I know that their use is a gift!*

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