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 May 2016 Damian Murphy
Even an ordinary day has the potential to become a great adventure, if you approach it with childlike wonder and fascination.
 May 2016 Damian Murphy
Between sunset,
And the fall of night
That's where my thoughts of you are kept
Buried deep within the twilight
Too bright for dark
Too dark for day
They're in the gloaming
That's where they'll stay
I think of you
When the sun hides its face
Before the moon
Finds its place
The sense of days end
Lingers in the colours
Memories of you
More vivid than any other
You were the moons glow
The sun, shining bright
So I hid you in the gloaming
Now, you're only twilight
We didn't see that one coming,
a curved ball out of nowhere

'there but for the grace...'

let's face it
we knew they were titanic tossers
off the bottom of the deck
low down
double crossers,

doling out
reeling more in
they're getting fat

we're at the thin end
of the wedge
hedging bets

let's face it
we run out of words to describe
the lie they use
to justify

just why they abuse.

The greed of them is becoming legendary,
human decency goes by the board while
the board in the boardroom are *******
with my life as if
it is I
the bride and
the longest suffering wife.

they can do what they like,
but I don't have to like what they do
and if they're ******' with me they're
sure as hell
******' with you.
Children aren't cruel
Because of their learning at school.
From earliest times,
They're fed on Nursury Rhymes
From Mother Goose,
Of children being fatted for the oven,
Jack breaking his crown,
Humpty got cracked,
The Duke got sacked,
And as fast as he could run,
The Gingerbread Boy
Never got home.
There are so many of those rhymes that refer to disease, cruelty, death, abuse, etc. etc. etc.
There's nothing like a house full
when you're a single parent
and you'd think the mess you find you're in
would be a good deterrent

But there's nothing to compare
despite the tears and all the struggles
to everyday the love you have
and the kisses and the cuddles

And i'll say this from the start
there's no one else i'd rather be
and raise my kids alone
it's a job made just for me

And despite the sleepless nights
and the sticky fingerprints
and the ***** piles of washing
and the room that always stinks

There's a bundle of four children
who are as happy as can be
they really are a rabble
but I know that they love me

We've all been though some heartache
and quite traumatic things
but everyday is worth it
no matter what it brings

And even if the washing
is piled to the sky
and the dog wants to move out
though I can't imagine why

And the plugholes always blocked
and there's arguing afoot
and everyone got taller
from the last time that I looked

And they play on the same server
all laughing with each other
all in different bedrooms
two sisters and two brothers

You'd never know that last night
there was almost World War 3
and a hostage negotiation
over playing DayZ

But rules here must apply
there are chores and a curfew
a sense of order must be kept
even if you're 6 foot 2

I count my blessings as I go
and for each other we are glad
when you raise your kids alone
being both their Mum and Dad.
Being a single parent is, without doubt, the most challenging and yet the most rewarding thing I will ever do.

At times I will fail but I will try to do my best my whole life
to be what they need.

And one day, I hope they will to go into the world happy,
well rounded, open minded, open hearted adults.

That is my mission
Ew it's you...
What are you doing back?
Coming around again out of the blue.
You tried to hurt me but I wouldn't crack
You think you're special, I thought so too.
But you're just a ******* narcissist
Try and play games with me but it won't work. Try and control my feelings if you insist, you won't get by in life just being a ****. Seeing me go on in life must be hard, can't seem to get the concept that you're not clever, only an idiot can fall for the sorry card. We will never happen again ever! You don't need me you're just bored, go back to that ugly attention seeking little **** with no originality, you two were perfect that's why she was your *****. Now she's trying to copy my appearance and personality! You see clearly that I am done, I'm striving for change, have fun
Mr. Mentally Deranged.
For all the girls out there who's ****** up by some guy!
There are two voices
Behind my shoulders
Giving conflicting advice.
One says, Reach;
The other, Draw back.
It's a crisis of decision
For the left or right.
These voices meet
Between my ears,
For a synthesis.
So I listen to the third I hear,
One that avers,
*Live life right.
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