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Jul 2015 · 661
cynthia Jul 2015
light fades to darkness
creeps in and over shadows
is it just me?
does the world seem to be growing
ever so darker?
ever so colder?

The Almighty Beacon
lights up the darkness
the ways of the world slow you down

picture: sunshine on your face
the warm touch of millions of sunny fingertips
caress me
caress you

picture: fields of open air
the aroma of lavender and lemongrass
serenity amiss distress

your troubles are overwhelming
your thoughts are never quieted
the world has you crippled in anxiety

We are not the world we live in
so many fail to realize
I have submitted by submission
my supplication

To serve but One
To love none short of All
I'm amidst an explosion
as is all of Being
we are exploding

Sep 2014 · 449
lack of expectations
cynthia Sep 2014
Melancholic in emotion
What is your notion?
Chasing dreams,
Torn at the seams,
Maybe I'm just sensitive
But we're missing initiative.

A lack of expectations got me here, floating along is only hurting me on an internal level.

Are we or aren't we? Why am I
In between?
A hopeless romantic breaking down on scene.
Holding it together with understanding eyes
Hiding what's below these soft brown eyes

A lack of expectations got us here
Floating in space
Dancing in each others embrace

But that's all it seems to be

I'm only hurting me
Apr 2014 · 676
Things Disappear
cynthia Apr 2014
manic depressive
or slightly regressive?
Whichever it is
I am not sure

Always looking back
For a treasure that's passed
me by

Perhaps I just didn't realize
All of the beauty that your eyes

Stored away in the depths
of an unknown place
The memories stay locked away

Access denied to even myself

I've built a wall around me
I want to protect the Trojan horse
you bestowed upon me

I fear that you will take it back
Or that an arsen will burn it black
But my indecisive nature
Wishes the worse for your trojan horse

the loss of what was once a gift
will bring peace of mind
when actually
I just wanted you to be eternally mine
cynthia Nov 2013
Sweet and serene,
alone but complete.
Deep thinking, sinking
into the music of my soul.

My love stays away
it's sad, but i'm okay.
We do what we must
for a cause, so trust.

We do what we must
for a cause..
I pause.

Could it be that we
live in reverse?
As an effect in search
for a cause.

Should it not be
that we live to effect
the lives around us
the earth and all of nature

Perhaps this is what is wrong
with our Western society,
our obscure perception
of this corrupt projection.

This Western culture,
our political vultures.
The awakening of their deadened prey
is nothing short of forthcoming.

We'll become *Illuminated
educated, Enlightened.
This shell which imprisons us is bound
to break.

So pay attention, Your life, Their lives,
This World
are all at stake.
Jul 2013 · 1.3k
Mucky Yucky Day, a poem
cynthia Jul 2013
dark clouds fill the sweet summer sky while i continue
to wonder why the grounds have been pummeled
with water for days now
my mind yearns to sit out on the warm grassy ground; i
want to feel the earth below me spin deep deep down
where the rocks are born

i decide to bore something of my own
out of boredom out of desire
because ive been awake for less than an hour
the weather is discouraging and i want sleep
alas! a day would go wasted and around these parts
within my heart
i cannot let that happen!

excited as i am also impatient my liquid like child
takes a minute
in the minute, maybe two realization sets in
where is everybody?
alone as i am also cold my loneliness surely soon
will also grow old. as did my minute
it passed and my excitement grows into

the ground up and watered down soul
of the coffee bean
oh what a wonderful thing! it fills me up greatly
and causes me to empty, unfortunately, more than occasionally
but my spirits are high! my energy, higher
and i can't find anything to do

my veins scream for heightened blood pressure,
a faster heart beat
the jitters have taken over, my feet remain cold
alas still, time just grows older and older
yearning to be filled with actions and words
sunshine and warmth
but i have been robbed

the dark clouds in the sky are threatening.
i can hear the army of H two OH gathering for attack
upon the earth below
do you think they're laughing? surely they know
what sadness they cause on a day that should be beautiful
on a day where our father sun wants to show us his love
right? surely, they know.

*ode to coffee
on a mucky yucky day
an entrapment of a sort. Lovely, to say the least
Jul 2013 · 1.1k
Related by Friendship
cynthia Jul 2013
Where your real friends at?
With their fuzzy perspectives
and doubts on how to live
They turn to you for guidance but in turn
Follow their own misguidance
Criticism (self inflicted and onto others) is
only beautiful when it constructs
Dreams of life, liberty and happiness
Destruction leads to ends that are abrubt
Confusion floats in the air as does debris
from this falling tree
Or has it fallen'd?
Let the dust clear and we'll see

Open eyes
Open mind
Open heart
In pursuit of self discovery
Auras collide to construct beauty in us
Taking advantage of love was placed in us
You are welcome if your mind is free
Fullness will only constitute stress
And anxi-ety
Aug 2012 · 536
brain slur
cynthia Aug 2012
The universe can't handle it. I'm not sure I can either for I am tied to said universe by the dark matter. Dark matters consume me and I consume the matter. Deeply so that it becomes nothing but a swirl of parting water. A jumble that is. In the jumble is where the rest comes in. You see its like a knot that was tied at the beginning. As the rest comes and goes the beginning is but a memory. A reflection of what was to come. The mirror is foggy with steam that resulted from the passion among my thoughts. If reaction could catch its reflection. It wouldn't be so uncontrolled. The reflection of the mind is merely a heap of energy reacted by a spark of nothing among dark matters. This all came from nothing. Literally speaking. Watch your step
Aug 2012 · 486
cynthia Aug 2012
The wake lies before me and I'm stuck paddling like a dog.
Panting and out of breath and my breath does not cease to be taken.
If I could be taken, if I could be taken and have my choice of where to go.
Believe me you don't want to know. The fields would get me high just from the sight. The night sky ever so beautifully explodes and I just begin my life.
These words these dreams am I dreaming?
Dreaming again perhaps but I don't want to wake up this time.
Touch my face again, it's almost real. But not quite enough.
These dreams these thoughts they are perpetual in their circular paths.
Almost predictable.
This was unprecedented. I didn't think I had this in me. And i don't think I have it in me for me to even consider me.
Can't place any blame. Period. human nature is far from natural

— The End —