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Aug 2014 · 357
To live or to die.
Croft Cooper Aug 2014
I believe
no matter who you are
how or where you live you live your life
there will come a day
maybe very day
where you must make a choice.

A choice between
whether you live,
or die.

You either decide to make your madness work,
in a way that you can continue on
Or you decide
to give up.
That there is simply no way you can go on.

I believe
That we all have to make this choice,
One day.
Aug 2014 · 730
Croft Cooper Aug 2014
Take these, they say;
They will help, they say.

How ‘bout some venlafaxine?
That will stop you wanting to die.

Bit anxious?
Some lorazepam will fix that!

Oh, how’s your sleeping?
Temazepam, zopiclone!
That’ll do the trick.

Your mood is unstable?
We have something to cure that!
We’ll add on some lithium and quetiapine,
How does that sound?

You’ll be all better in no time.

You take the pills,
Two in the morning (with a large glass of water)
During the day (as needed)
Three more in the evening (after food)
And three at night (an hour before bed)

Am I all better yet?

Well, I guess I don’t feel anxious..
And my mood isn’t all over the place…

In fact; I don’t have a mood at all.


Aug 2014 · 2.4k
An open reply.
Croft Cooper Aug 2014
All you have proved is how much you still think of me.
After all this time.
Posting anonymous hate on the internet?
Talking about me,
Spreading rumours.
How grown up.
How big of you.
You must have really moved on.

“I see her with ‘so-and-so all the time”
“She talks to this person”
She’s sleeping with them.
A liar.
Looking for attention.

I’m sorry that just because you cannot have a platonic relationship with a member of the opposite *** you believe nobody else is capable of doing so.
That really is sad.

I’m sorry that you cannot exist without the drama that you believe that is what everyone is also seeking.
That too, is sad.

But mostly, I am sorry that you cannot get over it, move on with your own life.
That is that saddest part.

I have moved on with mine.
I am happy.
I am me.
I am a thousand times better off without you.

Ps. I know you tried to visit but got lost.
(Always were a bit **** with things like that weren’t you)

— The End —