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Jul 2015 · 782
Another Year
Courtney Jul 2015
I set an empty plate on the other side of the table
I’ve been expecting her all day, the least she could do is show up for dinner
I pour her some wine, I know she hates red
I write a card and lay out some flowers in case it’s something I said

It’s growing late so I lay out all of the dishes
I eat alone and my hopes diminish as I play our song with no one there to hear it
I even made mashed potatoes, her all-time favorite
I put the wrapped box with her name on it where I know she’ll see it

I end up drinking both glasses
Hell why not the bottle
Another year has passed and I can’t bury the sorrow
Of the choice she made not to wake up on the ‘morrow

Is it my fault she left?
She said I just wasn’t enough this time
But I tried my best
I’ve never been able to get the guilt off of my chest
Feb 2015 · 3.8k
Courtney Feb 2015
Please excuse me if I’m loyal to you in every aspect
And think that your mind is what deserves my respect
If I hold you in high esteem because of the opinions you hold
Instead of the sight my eyes behold

Please excuse me if my self-esteem takes a hit
Every time you call another girl fit
If my heart breaks and I can’t help but condemn
All the comment you make about them

Am I not beautiful to you?
Jan 2015 · 3.2k
Courtney Jan 2015
I used to think addiction
Was something that you brought upon yourself,
Something you chose.
I thought a drink here and a puff there
Then you were hooked

I thought addiction
Was something to numb the pain
Not something that caused an ach in your chest
That made you feel like your lungs had collapsed
And broke you a little more everyday

I didn’t think Addiction
Would come with a heartbeat
And a voice telling me they loved me
Everynight before I went to sleep
With soft skin and a crooked smile

But it turns out Addiction
Can make your heart soar
But it always leaves you wanting more
Obsessed with the next time
You can get your fix

I never thought Addiction
Would crash into my life,
Leave me helpless as I was swept up in its wake
But surprisingly okay with letting it take
Everything in my life that belonged to me

I gave into Addiction
With its charming words,
And hot temper that could explode without warning.
It's bright eyes
And cruel words

I’m learning to live with an Addiction
That I can't help but run towards.

— The End —