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 Oct 2014 Courtney E
Elvis okumu
It feels like just the other day, that we soundlessly lay.
Our bodies intertwined, as we lovingly dined on each others presence.
It seems like just yesterday, that we so easily displayed affection.
That our faces were a mirrored reflection of the love we felt.  
Where pleasure sprung at the mere inflection of our voices.
And there was no sweeter name than that of the other.

It feels so odd to sit here and feel your phantom beside me.  
Like an ice sculpture in a warm room, you seem to dull by the day.
Is it that I am so besotted with greed.
This need to remember your voice or the color of your hair.  
Life continues and I can sometimes forget the regret.  
Or the dread I feel in wishing we hadn't met.  

But it is trying to remember how good it felt.
That reminds me of the cruelty that we were dealt.
Because they said that time to erase the pain.
That it would ease the strain of it all.
But you are still a statue of ice in my hall.
Melting where you once stood tall.

I guess I wish I could see you again.
But if I did what would I say.
Would we unknowingly pass each other on our ways.  
I know I would be aware of you.
Even if I pretended not to notice.

You left in a car, looking behind, at me standing in the road.
As the distance flowed, I dimmed into a dot.
How long did you look for me before you forgot.
Because I thought of you a lot.  
I was left behind, and the baggage weighed on my mind.
Because sometimes I can find my peace of mind.
And I guess that lessens the grind.
i know a man
with fire
In his eyes
with dust in
his pockets
on my thighs
i know a man
sigh in the dark
flick of the wrist
barely a mark
i know a man
bite my lip
for a kiss
don't miss
one second...
silently satisfied
 Oct 2014 Courtney E
I Asked For Only

I asked for a shelter; you gave me your home
I asked for acceptance; you loved me as your own
I asked for love; you gave me your heart
I asked for patience; you were here from the start
I asked for understanding; you have been to the core
I asked for very little; you gave me so much more

I was a stranger; you welcomed me just the same
Outcast and without purpose; you gave me a name
I was in prison; you came and visited me
Troubled and confused; you opened my eyes to see
I was naked and without clothes; you gave me something to wear
Cold and exposed; you took the time to care
I was hungry and thirsty; you gave me water and bread
And in doing so, my soul was also fed
I was sad; you gave me comfort and dried my tears
Scared and alone; you quieted my fears

In all my years I only dreamed that I could be this blessed
Now this dream a reality never adequately expressed
 Oct 2014 Courtney E
 Oct 2014 Courtney E
And someday
I will hear the tides
that crash upon your shore
their distant song
will call to me
but I will remain marooned
stranded on the ocean of your eyes
because for you
I would gladly leave
eternity behind.
Every night when I lay to sleep
I get depressed, because you're not with me.
I know he kisses you on your lips,
I wish it was only me
in this relationship.
We talk most days,
sometimes for hours.
It feels like we are together,
but our time gets soured.
We do many things
with each other each day.
The best of friends
is what most people say.
The most heart breaking thing
is we belong to another.
So I write this letter
with a restless heart,
because each night, we are apart.
Patience, is what she reminds me we need,
because you must not rush true love
at any speed.
So I ask her each night,
in my mind,
please think of us,
when you close your eyes.
There is a restlessness
in my heart tonight.
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