it's 4th period
the warning bell rings
and I'm still in my locker
not knowing which books I need
or where I need to be in 1 minute
but I wouldn't dare ask anyone
a figure approaches
it's black,
and it floats down the hall
towards me
a vague sense of impending doom
floods my senses
and I'm unable to move
as the figure floats up to me
and my eyes catch the glint of steel
I'm bleeding out, now
holding my guts in my chest
as I call out for help
to the hundreds of other students
but I can't make a sound
my lips move,
but there's nothing coming out
and the color is fading
from my surroundings
the light, too is slowly fading
and I collapse to the floor
as the hundreds of students walk past me
completely oblivious
..and then I wake
Based on a disturbing dream I had all through high school, and then a few years later