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 Apr 2015
Johnny heard a symphony
In his head
He repeated every word he read
He could hear every harmony
Saw the notes on the line
Johnny saw the world filled with music
He lived it
So you labeled him autistic
Because if your brain works different
You take pills to make it the same
Different is bad
But when he takes the pills the music goes away
The symphony turned into a piano
That's not quite on key
Instead of beauty
It's an almost perfect note he can't see
"The doctors said it wouldn't disappear completely"
He's conducting to an empty orchestra
The instruments have been put away
The flutes are in the corner
With dust and decay
His fingers can no longer grace the piano keys
He had to think what does that mean
But he can't think
He feels woozy
And dizzy
The pills took away his ability to be free
They said his disorder made him weak
That he could be amazing
If only he was the same
He could be perfect
If we pick at his brain
That are playing a game
With his sanity
He was insane
But they still call crazy
Nothing has changed
But the pulls added a haze
And took his ability
To make music
That's not the same
 Feb 2015
as anger radiates off you
like the heat of the ground
I freeze
your face is full of hatred
and pain
you come home from work
just to scream at me again
"CHLOE!" you scream
I just nod my head
wont speak
I'm to scared I will scream instead
I look around and realize it wastn me
I could be free
but i just nod again
I wont let my sister die inside like i already did
you move so slow to me
but your so fast and strong
you grip my under my arms
throw me up to the wall
scream at me for so long
dont cry stay strong
when your done you let me fall
the carpet catches me
bruises on my arm
I stand up before he can see the harm
but hes already gone
going downstairs to work
ignoring my mom
I wish i could save him
but hes to far gone
 Feb 2015
Mike lowe
There were galaxies in her eyes.

I was never afraid of heights but the "goodbyes".

Every night was a different lie.

I watched as black holes swirled into her eyes

The love went into the stars

The galaxies were no longer ours

I explored them so carefully

When you left, you took the oxygen with you

Someday i want to look at the stars the same

But all i can think of is your name...
 Feb 2015
Your like fire
Everytime I think of you it sends a spark through me
But not enough to restore my pulse
And give me body heat
I'll sing of all the ways I miss you
and how this sorrow came to be
the verses, lies I should have whispered
the chorus, truths in harmony.

The melody will break the silence
and call your broken heart to me
to be repaired by love unyielding
to broken hymns in minor key.
Depression lies and makes us push those we love most away, sometimes so far away that they can never return.
 Jan 2015
She was pretty
and by pretty i don't mean like the anorexic models on magazines
or the copy cat girls we see in the New York city streets
just waiting to find a guy to sell there body
she was beautiful
and her inside light grew brighter than the outside one
her personality brighter than the sun
so just by instinct
i tried to put it out
make her like everyone else
I'm the villain in this story
yet all she did was try and get me help
so I lied
so she wouldn't help the real me
now the real me
i don't know who that is
no one has ever met her
I've seen it a few times
I cant tell whats actually me
and which personality trait I made up for people to see
lies are all that is left of me
and I want to explain this to the girl with the shining light
but all she would do is scream
because i tried to torch her light
but just like a candle
it wont stop flickering
Yesterday a phrase popped into my head
while I was working.
It was, "the illusion of plenty."
I work in a grocery store
and everyday I am shocked
at the number of people
I see on foodstamps.

The US should stop worrying
about foreign wars because people
in our own country
are losing the war
against poverty.

— The End —